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How to get SAIF file ?

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Nov 14, 2004
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I am studying primepower of synopsys! Question is how to get saif file ! Anybody maybe give me some specs about saif!

thank you in advance

vcd to saif

dump vcd from netlist simulation convert vcd to saif using synopsys utility "vcd2saif"
how to generate saif file

You can also use simulators supporting Synopsys PLI interface for SAIF generation like NCverilog, VCS, ModelSim.
saif vcd

ur SAIF is prime source of generating dynamic power estimation for ASIC. Test stimulus must be proper for getting a near real power estimation. once simulation is done, dump the VCD file and convert VCD to SAIF using vcd2saif and input this to primepower along with netlist for getting the power estimation.
saif ncverilog

Arik said:
You can also use simulators supporting Synopsys PLI interface for SAIF generation like NCverilog, VCS, ModelSim.

whether I need to configure simulators, Ncverilog or not , how to configure it !
thanks for your replying

Added after 6 minutes:

silencer3 said:
ur SAIF is prime source of generating dynamic power estimation for ASIC. Test stimulus must be proper for getting a near real power estimation. once simulation is done, dump the VCD file and convert VCD to SAIF using vcd2saif and input this to primepower along with netlist for getting the power estimation.

when to estimate static power , how to generate the saif file?

synopsys saif

For static power analysis, SAIF is not a necessary input.

Leakage power report depends on the library(.lib) used,
if the leakage power in the library is not state-dependent,
then no SAIF is needed.

However, if the value of cell leakage power is state-dependent
in the library, then the SAIF used for dynamic power analysis
can be also used for leakage power analysis.
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modelsim saif

AFAIK except VCS all other simulators that support the PLI interface need to be configured in terms of giving them an additional parameter which shows the path to PLI library file. For example for NCverilog on SUN platform you need to add the following command-line parameters when invoking NCverilog:

ncverilog +loadpli1=$SYNOPSYS/auxx/syn/power/vpower/lib-sparc64/

where $SYNOPSYS is an env. variable containing path to your synopsys tools directory.
vcd or saif format

thanks for all reply aboved

anybody can post a script on pp involving static and dynamic analysis , which is a plus for me

Added after 9 minutes:

joe2moon said:
For static power analysis, SAIF is not a necessary input.

Leakage power report depends on the library(.lib) used,
if the leakage power in the library is not state-dependent,
then no SAIF is needed.

However, if the value of cell leakage power is state-dependent
in the library, then the SAIF used for dynamic power analysis
can be also used for leakage power analysis.

For dynamic analysis , whether I only read into vcd or saif files . are sdf or spf files necessary ?

vcs pli saif

Arik said:
AFAIK except VCS all other simulators that support the PLI interface need to be configured in terms of giving them an additional parameter which shows the path to PLI library file. For example for NCverilog on SUN platform you need to add the following command-line parameters when invoking NCverilog:

ncverilog +loadpli1=$SYNOPSYS/auxx/syn/power/vpower/lib-sparc64/

where $SYNOPSYS is an env. variable containing path to your synopsys tools directory.

That's correct for Synopsys PLIs availble for Simulators to produce *.saif.
For details how to do this:

please how can i use vcd2saif !!

help pleaase

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