matlab sigma-delta adc
There are two useful books for delta-sigma modulation:
Oversampling Delta-Simga Data converters (edited by Candy and Temes) also called " the blue book"
Delta-Sigma Data Converters (edited by Norsworthy el), also called "the yellow book".
Try to locate these two books. Blue book is collection of journal and conference papers from IEEE, if you have access to IEEE explore, you can download them as well.
My experience tells the right way to master delta-sigma modulation is:
1. first you need to feel very comfortable with control theory, digital signal processing. They are the fundamentals. Delta-simga is only of their applications.
2. Learn matlab first. System modeling will take you two third of your time. It is worth the time to do systme modelling as thoroughly as you can. I believe all the novelty and contribution is in the systemlevel, not the circuit level. If you are doing single bit quantizer, circuit implement is not that hard.
3. After you done with system model. Try to implement it using Verilog-A for analog part and Verilog for digital part. Compare the simulation result with system level.
4. After you are confident with the result from step 3. you can synthize your verilog code and manually design the analog part of the circuit, do layout ....
5. At last, but not the least, if you really want to be an expert or make a living out of it. Study some non-linear feedback system theory. After all, every loop has A/D convertor is a non-linear feedback loop. Right now, we don't have analytical solutions for most of the delta-sigma modulator. That is why we heavily rely on the simulation.