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how to design a practical bandgap voltage reference ?

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Dec 12, 2005
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bandgap voltage reference

i will design a practical voltage reference for pwm in my project ,i need one that's not sensetive to the process or technology ,thus ,i plan to use some special structure without amplifier to meet the specification .

could you help me ,thanks a lot!

practical bandgap design

attaching a BGR design witout opamp
"A curvature-corrected CMOS bandgap reference"
bandgap reference design practical

where can i get the material ? thank you

liuyonggen_1 said:
where can i get the material ? thank you

what material u want??can u specify??
I have already attached a BGR without opamp ckt

But I think you can still use OpAmp in you design, if the gain of the amplifier is high enough. It is in a feedback loop, so the process variation will not effect too much.

Hi liuyonggen_1,

I am sure you must have designed BGR' before this. It would be good if you go through some standard datasheets from companies like maxim, linear, intersil, TI, National etc.
It would give you some idea on what parameters to look for a practical BGR.
Look for following:
1. Line regulation
2. Load regulation if you intend to source current from BGR
3. Noise from BGR
4. PSRR.
5. Provide options for trimming

The architrcture choice is also critical. Hope it helps

ambreesh said:
Hi liuyonggen_1,

I am sure you must have designed BGR' before this. It would be good if you go through some standard datasheets from companies like maxim, linear, intersil, TI, National etc.
It would give you some idea on what parameters to look for a practical BGR.
Look for following:
1. Line regulation
2. Load regulation if you intend to source current from BGR
3. Noise from BGR
4. PSRR.
5. Provide options for trimming

The architrcture choice is also critical. Hope it helps

thank you for your help!
but i don't know where i can find the datesheets
could you send some to me ?
thank you!

Added after 6 minutes:

ambreesh said:
Hi liuyonggen_1,

I am sure you must have designed BGR' before this. It would be good if you go through some standard datasheets from companies like maxim, linear, intersil, TI, National etc.
It would give you some idea on what parameters to look for a practical BGR.
Look for following:
1. Line regulation
2. Load regulation if you intend to source current from BGR
3. Noise from BGR
4. PSRR.
5. Provide options for trimming

The architrcture choice is also critical. Hope it helps

could you tell me whether all of the bandgap reference need start-up circuit?

Hi liuyonggen_1,
for maxim you could go to the following link
**broken link removed**

All bandgaps require a startup.

Chethan said:
U can find datasheets of voltage references from ON semiconductors in the foll link
Yes, BGR requires startup cktry. For more information on this, refer to BGR designing in

thank you ! i do it at once!

Added after 5 minutes:

ambreesh said:
Hi liuyonggen_1,
for maxim you could go to the following link

All bandgaps require a startup.

thank you!

Added after 10 minutes:

as we know, the basic priciple of cirvature compensated-bandgap is to find some parameters which is dependent on the temperature to embed in the circuit.
could someone tell some parameters which is dependent on the temperature?

Added after 13 minutes:

ambreesh said:
Hi liuyonggen_1,
for maxim you could go to the following link

All bandgaps require a startup.

could you show me some papers about how to get high psrr of bandgap reference without cascode structure?

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