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how to calculate ratio fo cmos transistors

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Re: CMOS Layout Questions

20) What are the major advantages of hierarchical IC design
Concurrent design
· Design reuse
· Predictable schedules

Re: CMOS Layout Questions

Good, but if given the answer is better!

CMOS Layout Questions

Hi gdhp,

I think, (from ur experience and knowledge) together we try to answer all the questions.

Perhaps, it would be a good homework for all of us too ;).

Dont u think so :)

Re: CMOS Layout Questions

26) In ASIC design, what are the main advantages of expressing the design
using a hardware description language, such as VHDL or Verilog?

The main reason for using high level hardware design like VHDL or Verilog is
easy generating hundred of million gate counts chip better than schematic entry

Roger liu

Re: CMOS Layout Questions

There are still my questions without answers.
Cheer up!

CMOS Layout Questions

You have a lot of free time! Do you know by any chance the answers of those questions? "cause if you do, you are a good layouter!

Re: CMOS Layout Questions

87) What is the difference between two- and three-dimensional analysis of
interconnect capacitance.

Ans: In 2d, we study the thickness and the width of the materials. Top consist of positive charge and bottom consist of negetive charge. In between is the insulator. CApacitance do affected by the amount of charge and thicness(in between top and bottom).
As in 3D we also a matters of length. Picture it like this. 2d analysis give u capacitance on area(at one point). The 3D give u the integration of the point from 0 to the L that u draw or simple word the volume capacitance.

66) What is the purpose of minimum area design rules?
Ans: LAyout will be fabricated, study shown that if the area of some subtrate is to small and/or the gap between them is less than a studied length, problem will accour in devices like overlapping or diffusion of two materials. Device will not working. Another this less area=less materials use=small device( wafer is still the same size)=many die = many devices per wafer = more money.

39) Why are 90 degree corners usually avoided in the layout of pad cells?
Ans: Current is by the movement of electrons in one direction, if there is a corner, electron pilled up will happen at the corner, resulting delay. THat corner also is easy to brake down in less time than straight line.

33) What is electromigration? How does electromigration affect the design of
a standard cell based design?
Ans: Refer to ans 39, it got some thing to do with it.

31) The layout of standard cells is constrained to simplify the job of
place & route tools. Give several examples of these constraints?
Ans: example, primitive cell=NAND, four NAND can be X-or, using X-OR, NAND and Inverter can produce ADDER. Instead or redraw, just take the primitive cell and route them.

14) Why is it that NMOS transistors can be created directly in a P-type
substrate, whereas PMOS transistors must be created in an N-type well?
ANs: This for the thechnology that uses P-subsstrate..Easily said just look at the diffrent type..n-type is easyly doped into p-Substrate but for PMOS , the substrate it self is a p-type. Well we can use a high doppant of p-type materials but it's not cost effective and quit hard to do. N-type less doppan is the n-well and it's easy to diffuse them on p-type. Well now the p-type can be diffuse to the n-well easily will susal dop concentration.

11) What is the difference between a mask layer and a drawn layer in an
IC layout? Why do layout designers usually only specify drawn layers?
Ans: like picture and the film negetive. MAsk layer is the opposite of drawn layer. Layout Eng. draw according to the circuit and trun it into the art of implementing materials. From circuit to drawn layout is straight work. THe opposite of that(area that is not drawn) is the mask layer.
LAyout Eng. draw-->Computer reverse the picture-->MAsk layer-->Fabrication

Re: CMOS Layout Questions

Ok, I'll try to answer some of those (as short as possible :))) )

4.) PMOS is used to drive 'high' because of the thresholdvoltage-effect
The same is true for NMOS to drive 'low'.
A NMOS device cant drive a full '1' and PMOS cant drive full '0'
Maximum Level depends on vth of the device. PMOS/NMOS aka CMOS
gives you a defined rail to rail swing
5.) The numbers you see there are usually the width and the length of the devices
(channel dimensions drawn in the layout)
If given only one number it's the width combined with a default length
6.) This is only for gates that are connected in series (NOR PMOS-Part NAND NMOS)
Rootcause is the channelresistance and the delay of the corresponding edge
7.) Static-Power is the part that is comsumed by leakage mechanisms while
the dynamicpart is caused switchingfreqency. Staticpower cant be zero
cause you cant turn of a device completely.
8.) A transmissiongate is usually used as a latch. Biggest advantage of TG's
is the small areaconsumption. It consists of one N and one PMOS, connected
in source/source drain/drain configuration. Gateconnections: NMOS CLK
PMOS inverted_CLK or the other way round.
9.) Loadcapacitance/Resistance and driverstrength (drivecurrent)
10.) Use Redrivers, reduce resistance, increase driversize change architecture
11.) Masklayers are used to produce IC's. You can have much more drawinglayers
than masklayers. Some masklayers are the results of boolean operations
applied to two or more drawinglayers. For example: you have design that
uses thick and thinoxide transistors. So you need a difference between
thin and thickoxide gates. You can achive that by drawing an extra layer
afterwards you generate your thinkoxide mask by AND'ing the Gatelayer
with the thickoxide-identification layer
12.) This depends on the tool you're using. AFAIK Path and Polys are only used
in Cadence, sorry if I'm wrong.
Polygons can have any form while Paths are more like streets.
Paths are defined by width/layer and the centerline.
13.) contact and via means basically the same. Usually VIA is used if metallayers
are connected while connections to source/drain/gate are named contacts
Stacking means that your technology allows to place vias/contacts directly
over another
14.) NMOS need to form a channel with minority charges. That only works
in a p-Substrate because electrons are minority carriers there.
The the is true for PMOS and a NWELL/n-Substrate.
Note that this is only true if you want to have normally off(depletion)
15.) MOS does not need Bulks, if you take a look on SOI-Technologies
For normal technologies the bulk is used to control the backbias
of the devices and to improve latchup behaviour.
The voltagelevels of the bulks have to be choosen in such a way
that you dont forwardbias your diodes between source/drain and the bulk
16.) Designrules specify what you are allowed to draw and what not.
Metal width/spacings contact overlaps wellspacings implatoverlaps
and stuff like that. The creation of designrules is more or less black magic
You run experiments which look quite promising, afterwards you get problems
on your products and readjust :))))))
Designrules specify what the fab is able to manufacture.
If you don't follow them you're fucked.
17.) Widthrules specify how wide a specific geometry has to be
There are max and min values sometimes. Spacingrules specifiy the
distance between two shapes. Nowadays you even have spacings that
depend on the width of the drawn shapes. Makes the job a bit more
challenging :) Overlaprules specify the overlap of interconnectinglayers
and their contactholes.
19.) Because you have to fix Power and critical signals first to make sure that
you have them in and that they are dimensioned properly.
Typically you get more and more signals the longer the project is running
and then you're running out of wirespace.
20.) Imagine you have a design in which you use 100 identical flipflops
You'll be faster is you draw one instance of the flipflop and copy
it 99 times.
21.) If you miss any signal check of your list your 100% fucked.
DRC is needed to make sure that your design fits to the designrules
you can easly get shorts by spacings being to small and so on ...
LVS is needed to verify that your drawn structures match the function
of your schematics. Without that you end up with a totally different function
(if it's working at all)
ERC looks for highohmic shorts in wells and in the substrate, finds
forewardbiased diodes and stuff like that.
If you're confident enough you might skip ERC and DRC in a small
metal redesign.
23.) Well, microprocessorguys need fast devices, while memoryguys
need devices with a very very low leakage current. I dont know what
the ASIC-guys do but I think they like taking the best of both worlds :)
26.) You can use the code for different technologies without problems.
27.) You have a lot of regular structures. Hierarchical layout is perfect for
those structures. Therefore you start with the smallest leaf and build up
hierarchy bottomup. Nevertheless TopDown design is off course used
at higher hierarchies.
28.) Total Area (Chip) divided by Cellarray Area
29.) If you design a DRAM you specify the wordlinepitch as a main-key parameter
of the array. The rowdecoder you have to draw for that array has to fit
to that wordlinepitch.
Circuits which have to meet such constrains are SenseAmps,Rowdecoder
Columndecoder and Fuses
30.) INV,TRINV,NAND,NOR,Flipflops all with different driversizes
33.) Electromigration discribes a transporteffect caused by to much current
in a wire. The wire starts to flow, getting thicker at one end and thinner
at the other. Ends up in a fail :(
wire. Happens only to Al/Cu Layers. Tungsten is unaffected.
37.) Clocks are usually distributed over the hole chip. Normally you would like
your clocksignal to arrive everywhere at the same time to have best
possible timing. You can achive that by many different clocktree-architectures
In the layout you should try to shield clocks and try to reduce paraitic loads
40.) You mean hammerheads ? Never drawn a hammerhead at an outputdriver
in 10 years. I think it has something to do with the cornerdevice
42.) Doing 10 years of DRAM-Layout and I have never heard of that ...
43.) Straped wordlines are a bit outdated nowadays. In the past they were
used to reduce wordline resistance
44.) Because they have to fit in the pitch (see 29)
45.) Hmm, as far as I know alignmentmarks are only placed in the kerf
The alignmentmarks in the Chip itself are mostly used for process control
46.) You want to make sure that your Voltagedrop is not to high.
Voltagedrop at VDD together with a rising VSS can cause serious trouble
in a Design. Busses are timingcritical, differential signals are also
critical so are shielded signals like biasvoltages and stuff.
Everything else is unimportant compared to the others
53.) Contactresitances are quite big.
55.) Litho-effects are worst for minimum geometries
5nm per edge is much for a 140nm wire but not for a 400nm
56.) Bias-nodes,supplyvoltages, compensation caps in analogcircuits
58.) Capacitive coupling in the right moment could cause a small speedup
59.) Make sure that both signals 'see' the exactly same neighbourhood
60.) 45Degrees can be used everywhere when the technology allows it.
It reduces currentdensity in the corners
61.) See 33
You usually have electromigration guidelines. Draw your layout the
fulfill those needs. You can also use Tools like Simplex to extract
Powernets and to an currentdensity-simulation
62.) Powerlines don't need slits
63.) Cause a Via cant carry as much current as the wire without Via.
If you place to much contacts you introduce a weak spot in your wiring
64.) Cause you have diffent areas on the chip. You have highly regular
structures in the Array/SenseAmp Area -> Arrayrules really tight
Then you have the logicpart -> peripheral rules quite relaxed
65.) In the production process (usually metal-layers dd-processes) big wires
might collect charges. If this charge finds a way to Gate the Gate might
break. Possible Workarounds are tiedowndiodes or the reduction
of the wirearea.
66.) Small chips, high yield, low cost, loads of work for layouters :)
67.) Line-End-Shortening.
Due to Lithoeffects all lineends print out significantly shorter than drawn
68.) Parasitic tyristors that you get automatically in CMOS ignite and
destroy your hardware. It's getting serious because of the shrinking
dimensions of modern technologies. Therefore the ignitionvoltage
is reduced and voila, you just killed your silicon :)
Can be controlled by designrules, substrate and wellcontacts, dopings
69.) see 68
70.) Metall or fuseoptions are far cheaper than Gate or ActiveArea Masks
74.) I would say whereever possible
75.) Where is the error is the most important question ?
Is there a simple workaround ? Is there enough room for the fix ?
Which layers are affected ? Is there sparelogic to use ?
87.) Accuracy, Runtime :)
94.) Nobodys using planar DRAM-Cells anymore because you need to much area
to get your cellcapacitance.
Stack builds up little trees from substratelevel while the Trench is digging
a hole in the substrate. I think that Trench will become dominant because
you have no planarisation problems between array and logic

Just my 2 cents :)



Re: CMOS Layout Questions

1) According to Clein, what has been one of the main reasons why CAD
tools have failed to be successful among IC layout engineers?

I don't completely agree with that statement. The only thing I can say from my experience and from what the layout engineers told me is that some of the features of the cad tools are not very "user friendly". What I mean is that it will be very hard to use only predefined cells(p-cells) when you have to do a full-custom, low offset, good matching layout for an analog aplication. It's much easier a lot of times to make your one cells/blocks

CMOS Layout Questions

1) According to Clein, what has been one of the main reasons why CAD
tools have failed to be successful among IC layout engineers?

I think it is because that there are too many factors that affect the property of analog circuit. The manufacture process affect analog circuit much more significant than digital circuit. Moreover most design tools are developed for digital circuit.So it is difficult to design perfect analog circuit with EDA tools.

Good luck!

Re: CMOS Layout Questions


CMOS Layout Questions

Thank you very much on behalf of all viewers. you have done a great job. wishing you successful career.

Re: CMOS Layout Questions

my god
how beautiful it is !
thank you from my inner heart ...:D

Re: CMOS Layout Questions

dog1357 said:
4) Why are PMOS transistor networks generally used to produce high (i.e. 1)
signals, while NMOS networks are used to product low (0) signals?

This should be a question on circuit, it is because there should be a voltage difference between the source and gate of transistors to make it work, so PMOS will generate a week 0 and NMOS will generate a week 1 too.

yah, you're right...
if we have the output on the source of an NMOS for instance, we aren't sure of the value of voltage at this source, so the transistor might not function at all :)

Re: CMOS Layout Questions

baenisch said:
Ok, I'll try to answer some of those (as short as possible :))) )

4.) PMOS is used to drive 'high' because of the thresholdvoltage-effect
The same is true for NMOS to drive 'low'.
A NMOS device cant drive a full '1' and PMOS cant drive full '0'
Maximum Level depends on vth of the device. PMOS/NMOS aka CMOS
gives you a defined rail to rail swing
5.) The numbers you see there are usually the width and the length of the devices
(channel dimensions drawn in the layout)
If given only one number it's the width combined with a default length
6.) This is only for gates that are connected in series (NOR PMOS-Part NAND NMOS)
Rootcause is the channelresistance and the delay of the corresponding edge
7.) Static-Power is the part that is comsumed by leakage mechanisms while
the dynamicpart is caused switchingfreqency. Staticpower cant be zero
cause you cant turn of a device completely.
8.) A transmissiongate is usually used as a latch. Biggest advantage of TG's
is the small areaconsumption. It consists of one N and one PMOS, connected
in source/source drain/drain configuration. Gateconnections: NMOS CLK
PMOS inverted_CLK or the other way round.
9.) Loadcapacitance/Resistance and driverstrength (drivecurrent)
10.) Use Redrivers, reduce resistance, increase driversize change architecture
11.) Masklayers are used to produce IC's. You can have much more drawinglayers
than masklayers. Some masklayers are the results of boolean operations
applied to two or more drawinglayers. For example: you have design that
uses thick and thinoxide transistors. So you need a difference between
thin and thickoxide gates. You can achive that by drawing an extra layer
afterwards you generate your thinkoxide mask by AND'ing the Gatelayer
with the thickoxide-identification layer
12.) This depends on the tool you're using. AFAIK Path and Polys are only used
in Cadence, sorry if I'm wrong.
Polygons can have any form while Paths are more like streets.
Paths are defined by width/layer and the centerline.
13.) contact and via means basically the same. Usually VIA is used if metallayers
are connected while connections to source/drain/gate are named contacts
Stacking means that your technology allows to place vias/contacts directly
over another
14.) NMOS need to form a channel with minority charges. That only works
in a p-Substrate because electrons are minority carriers there.
The the is true for PMOS and a NWELL/n-Substrate.
Note that this is only true if you want to have normally off(depletion)
15.) MOS does not need Bulks, if you take a look on SOI-Technologies
For normal technologies the bulk is used to control the backbias
of the devices and to improve latchup behaviour.
The voltagelevels of the bulks have to be choosen in such a way
that you dont forwardbias your diodes between source/drain and the bulk
16.) Designrules specify what you are allowed to draw and what not.
Metal width/spacings contact overlaps wellspacings implatoverlaps
and stuff like that. The creation of designrules is more or less black magic
You run experiments which look quite promising, afterwards you get problems
on your products and readjust :))))))
Designrules specify what the fab is able to manufacture.
If you don't follow them you're fucked.
17.) Widthrules specify how wide a specific geometry has to be
There are max and min values sometimes. Spacingrules specifiy the
distance between two shapes. Nowadays you even have spacings that
depend on the width of the drawn shapes. Makes the job a bit more
challenging :) Overlaprules specify the overlap of interconnectinglayers
and their contactholes.
19.) Because you have to fix Power and critical signals first to make sure that
you have them in and that they are dimensioned properly.
Typically you get more and more signals the longer the project is running
and then you're running out of wirespace.
20.) Imagine you have a design in which you use 100 identical flipflops
You'll be faster is you draw one instance of the flipflop and copy
it 99 times.
21.) If you miss any signal check of your list your 100% fucked.
DRC is needed to make sure that your design fits to the designrules
you can easly get shorts by spacings being to small and so on ...
LVS is needed to verify that your drawn structures match the function
of your schematics. Without that you end up with a totally different function
(if it's working at all)
ERC looks for highohmic shorts in wells and in the substrate, finds
forewardbiased diodes and stuff like that.
If you're confident enough you might skip ERC and DRC in a small
metal redesign.
23.) Well, microprocessorguys need fast devices, while memoryguys
need devices with a very very low leakage current. I dont know what
the ASIC-guys do but I think they like taking the best of both worlds :)
26.) You can use the code for different technologies without problems.
27.) You have a lot of regular structures. Hierarchical layout is perfect for
those structures. Therefore you start with the smallest leaf and build up
hierarchy bottomup. Nevertheless TopDown design is off course used
at higher hierarchies.
28.) Total Area (Chip) divided by Cellarray Area
29.) If you design a DRAM you specify the wordlinepitch as a main-key parameter
of the array. The rowdecoder you have to draw for that array has to fit
to that wordlinepitch.
Circuits which have to meet such constrains are SenseAmps,Rowdecoder
Columndecoder and Fuses
30.) INV,TRINV,NAND,NOR,Flipflops all with different driversizes
33.) Electromigration discribes a transporteffect caused by to much current
in a wire. The wire starts to flow, getting thicker at one end and thinner
at the other. Ends up in a fail :(
wire. Happens only to Al/Cu Layers. Tungsten is unaffected.
37.) Clocks are usually distributed over the hole chip. Normally you would like
your clocksignal to arrive everywhere at the same time to have best
possible timing. You can achive that by many different clocktree-architectures
In the layout you should try to shield clocks and try to reduce paraitic loads
40.) You mean hammerheads ? Never drawn a hammerhead at an outputdriver
in 10 years. I think it has something to do with the cornerdevice
42.) Doing 10 years of DRAM-Layout and I have never heard of that ...
43.) Straped wordlines are a bit outdated nowadays. In the past they were
used to reduce wordline resistance
44.) Because they have to fit in the pitch (see 29)
45.) Hmm, as far as I know alignmentmarks are only placed in the kerf
The alignmentmarks in the Chip itself are mostly used for process control
46.) You want to make sure that your Voltagedrop is not to high.
Voltagedrop at VDD together with a rising VSS can cause serious trouble
in a Design. Busses are timingcritical, differential signals are also
critical so are shielded signals like biasvoltages and stuff.
Everything else is unimportant compared to the others
53.) Contactresitances are quite big.
55.) Litho-effects are worst for minimum geometries
5nm per edge is much for a 140nm wire but not for a 400nm
56.) Bias-nodes,supplyvoltages, compensation caps in analogcircuits
58.) Capacitive coupling in the right moment could cause a small speedup
59.) Make sure that both signals 'see' the exactly same neighbourhood
60.) 45Degrees can be used everywhere when the technology allows it.
It reduces currentdensity in the corners
61.) See 33
You usually have electromigration guidelines. Draw your layout the
fulfill those needs. You can also use Tools like Simplex to extract
Powernets and to an currentdensity-simulation
62.) Powerlines don't need slits
63.) Cause a Via cant carry as much current as the wire without Via.
If you place to much contacts you introduce a weak spot in your wiring
64.) Cause you have diffent areas on the chip. You have highly regular
structures in the Array/SenseAmp Area -> Arrayrules really tight
Then you have the logicpart -> peripheral rules quite relaxed
65.) In the production process (usually metal-layers dd-processes) big wires
might collect charges. If this charge finds a way to Gate the Gate might
break. Possible Workarounds are tiedowndiodes or the reduction
of the wirearea.
66.) Small chips, high yield, low cost, loads of work for layouters :)
67.) Line-End-Shortening.
Due to Lithoeffects all lineends print out significantly shorter than drawn
68.) Parasitic tyristors that you get automatically in CMOS ignite and
destroy your hardware. It's getting serious because of the shrinking
dimensions of modern technologies. Therefore the ignitionvoltage
is reduced and voila, you just killed your silicon :)
Can be controlled by designrules, substrate and wellcontacts, dopings
69.) see 68
70.) Metall or fuseoptions are far cheaper than Gate or ActiveArea Masks
74.) I would say whereever possible
75.) Where is the error is the most important question ?
Is there a simple workaround ? Is there enough room for the fix ?
Which layers are affected ? Is there sparelogic to use ?
87.) Accuracy, Runtime :)
94.) Nobodys using planar DRAM-Cells anymore because you need to much area
to get your cellcapacitance.
Stack builds up little trees from substratelevel while the Trench is digging
a hole in the substrate. I think that Trench will become dominant because
you have no planarisation problems between array and logic

Just my 2 cents :)



Hi Andi



Re: CMOS Layout Questions

Thanks U So much...

Re: CMOS Layout Questions

Thanks to all the people for providing questions and also many answers...

hats-off for baenisch san for sharing lots of know-how

hope mor eexperienced persons come for sharing their experience for the begineers and other experienced persons as well.

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