High current power supply

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Hi Dear mister_rf
I want to share my knowledge too .however it is a bit .
But how can i help you , and what should be the name of thread that i can open at your address . and how that thread can help ? tell , me more about it , please .
( I'll be happy , to share all of the things with the others ) .
Best Regards

Simple, you may start by sharing the schematic and the list of components in use…
But, as I have suggested earlier, that’s possible a long story and better need to open a new topic for. :-D

Well my friend. let me draw the circuits and explanations . i want write a tutorial about All kind of SMPS design , and i'll put them here at this forum as soon as possible . (BTW : i forgot to say , a magic thing , that in my country the cost of many of components are cheaper than other countries and i don't know why . for example a simple SG3526N is about 0.4$ !!!!! However it is magic , but it is good for me ! :shock: :-D
Best Wishes

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