gprs modem interface proceduer

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gsm module datasheets

Thanks pisoiu. I dont have many pins for flow control. TO avoid any data loss, I am using a smaller baud rate (19200) and the amount of data sent to GPRS module is very small. The received data is large however. But I dont fear my microcontroller missing anything as I am using a larger fifo buffer.

gsm module + electronics + ahmedabad

ashish.agarwal said:
I have used Wavecom and SIMCOM modem. There is some problem of delay messaging in SIMCOM.


Hi Ashish
Did u used SIM100S32-E modem?There is a problem with sim100 datasheet i refering.PIN dicription of pin 15 & 16 in GND but in circuit dia these pins are Vana & V bat (ext) what is the funtion of these pins?What is basic interfacing requirement to get modem connected in transparent mode?

how to connect a gsm module to a server

Can u tell me which module from wavecom

simcom server software,

Any body know how to get SIMCOMM module in EU?

gsm module wavecom คือ

European Union.
I've purchased modems directly from them, it seem that there are no distributors for EU.


m22 benq datasheet

Is there any cost difference between M22 & M32 module from benq?

Yes it is around 6-7USD (M22 is cheapest than M32)


simcom sim100

how if i want build the gsm modem.
can someone help me..

in my country the modem is very expensive...

so i thing i want build the low cost modem..

the modem only for send and receive msg and support at command

thank for help.

gsm chipset schematic

Sim100 from simcom is going to absolute in mar06 & sim300 is going to be replace it.Did anybody have sim300 modem datasheet?

sim100s linux

I've got a new SIMCOM GPRS modem. Following is the sceenshot at the client PC in Minicom:
at+cipstart="tcp","remote server ip address","port no"
>I'm sending this data from the client

Here after issuing at+cipsend I get a promt '>' where I can type text and then I need to press ctrl+z which will send this data to the server. How do I write these sequence of commands in a file or a scipt in Linux? How do I capture ctrl+z also?

Please do respond ASAP. Thanks


sim300 simcom datasheet

I'm using the SIM100 module GPRS SIMCOM modem. I connected the modem to my Linux system serially and was able to communicate with it properly.
Now I have one target board(with linux on it) having wavecom modem on board. Thismodem has 15 pin female connector. and on board there was on 15 pin male connector of which only 3 pins tx,Rx and Gnd were being used. Linux on flash was connected to this modem serially .That also was working fine.
Now I want to use this SIMCOM modem and not the wavecom modem on my board. so I removed(desoldered) that male connector from the board and soldered the 3 pins of the 9 pin male connector. which was then connected to the SIMCOM modem. But modem is not able to respond to the terminal program.
Is connecting only 3 oins is sufficient?

comparison between wavecom and simcom

Connect DTR and DSR, RTS and CTS together...

gsm sniffing

But there is only 3 points on board for tx,rx and grnd.
With this 3 wires wavecom modem was working but not the simcom modem.
Please help.

ahmedabad sim300

Some SIMCOM modems have hardware flow control activated by default. Tie RTS to GND and try again.


gprs interface

Yes on modem side I short pin7(RTS) and pin5(gnd) and tried but problem still there.. But what is the point in shorting these pins when they are not connected to the board. Board has got points for only 3 pins?


simcom server application

In wavecom modem Rx(pin 32) is output & Tx(pin 39) is input whereas in simcom
it is exatly inverse convention Rxd(pin 40) is input & Tx(pin 42) is output.So u will have to interchange Rx & Tx connection for this problem.For more details
datasheet attached herewith.why r u using sim100 it being absolute now?


how to build the project with sim300d / sim340d


Can someone tell me please if we can get the voice data (13 kbits/s) from theses modules using the digital interface (SPI ?) ?

Thank you

ahmedabad simcom sim300

I connected DTS,DCS,CD together and RTS,CTS together as suggested by *gorkin* earlier and the modem is resonding to the terminal program. This means that the board is using the llopback handshaking.
for more details on this check the following link:
**broken link removed**


sim100s32-e buy

Where I buy one or two SIM Modules and How much cost each?
Thanks in advance, Gorkin.

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