[SOLVED] Fixing stereo headphones - right speaker not producing sound

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Yo, this is why I asked pictures for both speakers.
Anyway, we are glad to help you. Now enjoy music.. :-D
You are always welcome.....
Please do one thing...
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You know what's funny?
Price of 2 elements + cable + 2 soldering irons (one burnt after 2 hours) + butane gas = 113 USD.
Price of ATH-M50 on Amazon: 119 USD.

But hey, importing them to Israel would increase price by 40% I assume, and it's really satisfying to hear their beautiful sound after so many hours of work put into repairing them.
Now soldering should be easier for me.

Thanks again.

Price of 2 elements + cable + 2 soldering irons (one burnt after 2 hours) + butane gas = 113 USD.
Price of ATH-M50 on Amazon: 119 USD.

That's what a real hobbyist do, spends lots of money in assembling parts rather than buying a new one. :razz:


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