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FAT File System for Microcontroller

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fat32 system + 8051

I´m trying to use the avrlib fat and ata files, but don´t know how to configure the pins of a atmega161, does anybody know how to configure the pin out??
The function that reads from the port is

u08 ataReadByte(u08 reg)
register u08 ret;
// sbi(MCUCR, SRW); // enable RAM waitstate
ret = *((volatile unsigned char*) ATA_REG_BASE + reg);
// cbi(MCUCR, SRW); // disable RAM waitstate
return ret;
but i dont know what ret = *((volatile unsigned char*) ATA_REG_BASE + reg); mean.

file system microcontroller

grex said:
I´m trying to use the avrlib fat and ata files, but don´t know how to configure the pins of a atmega161, does anybody know how to configure the pin out??
The function that reads from the port is

u08 ataReadByte(u08 reg)
register u08 ret;
// sbi(MCUCR, SRW); // enable RAM waitstate
ret = *((volatile unsigned char*) ATA_REG_BASE + reg);
// cbi(MCUCR, SRW); // disable RAM waitstate
return ret;
but i dont know what ret = *((volatile unsigned char*) ATA_REG_BASE + reg); mean.

*((volatile unsigned char*) ATA_REG_BASE + reg)

Is a pointer to the AVR I/O space , with reg as offset,

So that is the line that reads the I/O port , nad assigns the value to the var "ret"


8051 fat

you can get ucos from emule , just search for it.
I don't know if all ucos versions got the fs or not, but
u can get ucos for all controllers from emule.

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