Erasing the Programming of Locked Atmega ...

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avr isp programming failed

simpsonss said:
hi ctownsend,

i'm facing this problem too. i have a labtool with me. But how am i gonna erase all the fuse bit? i try to execute the erase option but still not working.

thank you.

Which avr are you using?
why don't you look at the datasheet?

clsel reset atmega8

I got this programmer here to fix my attiny2313.
**broken link removed**

No matter what I do, I always seem to corrupt the fuse, and then the program cannot program it again. I am always careful but it seems not enough.

The programmer fixed the attiny easy.

spien atmega88

Yes, agree with imam, I did it and bring back two attiny2313 to live, and going to try on dead atmega8 too. This method realy works! no need for fancy oscilator and cd boot things, just set the ponyprog to default fuse, touch the xtal pin and BAM! it works like charm!

tips: click retry button if your uc didn't reset on the first time and keep touching the xtal pins.

attiny2313 restore fuse

Thanks yv4hn, you are right!!

fbprg16.exe attiny2313

Sorry, but you get the programmer to direct a parallel atmega168p locked to reprogram the fuse bits?
I have 2 atmega168p 1 which is working with the latest program and put the other not, but neither connects with avrdude via a usb connection with Arduino -> isp, same with 328p Atmega working.
And what and 'the type of high voltage parallel programmer?


avr fuse recover

they are touching the device, (i am guessing by doing this they are creating a magical clock pulse) which if applied correctly will allow the avr to understand the spi commands, thus resetting the cksel fuses.

I myself do not believe this will allow reprogramming of your avr's fuses, :?: especially if the device in question is one that has had the rstdisbl fuse programmed or the spien fuse erased.

The only REAL and reliable way is with a parallel programmer or a high voltage serial programmer (whichever method your avr supports)

I think (if I am not mistaken) some of the smaller attiny's only support high voltage serial programming, the rest of the avr family requires high voltage parallel programming.

Looks like a pretty handy programmer to have around.

ckeays: If you are always corrupting the fuses, maybe you should buy an avrispmkII right from digi-key. You really can't go wrong for $30.

fuse restore attiny13

Thanks, but which is' the kind of high voltage parallel programmer?
I did not understand it ....
Sorry for not perfect English but I am Italian and I am translating with google.

interface atmega8 to parallel port

ginorosi said:
Thanks, but which is' the kind of high voltage parallel programmer?
I did not understand it ....
Sorry for not perfect English but I am Italian and I am translating with google.

A parallel programmer is one that uses eight data lines for programming along with 6 signal lines and requires 12V applied to the reset input to invoke the parallel interface. An ISP programmer uses 3 signal/data lines and can be programmed in circuit with the same voltage the device is running on. (does not require 12V to rst pin)

You can search for
AVRDRAGON or STK500 programmers (both of which are very difficult to set up if you are new at this)

You can look at the site that ckeays mentioned above.

Beware that some sites sell programmers that work on your parallel port of your computer and are not "high Voltage Parallel Programmers".

avr attiny2313 external clk recover fuse

Thanks for the tip.
I also got an atmega fuse programmer at
**broken link removed**
it works good. It fixed my chips fast. Now I am not afraid to program my atmega anymore.

avr910 schematic

The solution for locked chips by imam.sumarsono really works. No need of spending for any unlocker. This simple trick works well for me too. I sucessfully opened 5-AT Mega 8 and 3 mega16's. Its really a worth try for all of us.

atmega48 disable reset

pranam77 said:
The solution for locked chips by imam.sumarsono really works. No need of spending for any unlocker. This simple trick works well for me too. I sucessfully opened 5-AT Mega 8 and 3 mega16's. Its really a worth try for all of us.

Yes, it is right, please click Report msg +5pts to my post...

original stk500 firmware fuse

I think there is nothing wrong in your post to report the same to the moderators and get 5 points. Any ways i have donated 5 points to you. Good luck.

reset fuse bit for atemega atmel

ctownsend said:
hook up an oscillator (not a crystal) to the clock line on the atmega.
(any freq, usually 4MHZ)
erase the device with your ISP program, then reprogram the CLSEL fuse.

The above works 99.99% of the time!

Good Luck

I have done this method and it worked out succesfully. Thanks to CTOWNSEND...
While doin this I figured out something, there's 2 condition in locked ATMega.
1. Wrong fuse bit configuration
2. or It's really locked by bit locks.

For the first problem, you may hook up an oscillator then re-configure the fuse bits. I used AVR OSP II. Here's the configuration:
(or so, if i am not forgot. you might try another confg)
The point is, you have to reset the input osc to internal clock from ATMega.

And the 2nd problem just do ctownsend's advice. Erase it with your ISP program, and reconfig the CLSEL.

I am a newbie by the way. Sorry if i am wrong..

atmega168 stk500 read signature error

Glad to see it worked for you! You could just use the boot cd I created, it programs the fuses to factory settings.

I broke down and bought one of the programmers mentioned above.
**broken link removed**

I originally built a parallel programmer of my own, but there were just too many wires. The blue board is a nice neat design. (it was only $30) It is a lot easier, less time consuming (and more reliable) than messing around with wires, especially when you only got ONLY ONE Atmega you cannot afford to lose on a weekend, in the evening or a holiday when no Atmel distributors are open for business where you cannot buy another one!

I had some attiny2313's where the RSTDISBL fuse was programmed, so the parallel programmer was necessary. The CD I created would not be able to reset the device in order to program the fuses.

Good Luck!

atmel programming failed isp locked

Hi ctownsend, thanks for your further advice...
But right now, i still prefer to use your old method cuz I have all the devices needed. I am still in college, lots of my friends are ATMega maniac. They still don't know how to unlock it though. Im sure your method could help them a lot. They used to dump it when it's locked. Though it's not really locked sometimes, just wrong fuse bit config. What a waste.. ^,^ haha...

recover fuse attiny2313

iqbalz said:
They used to dump it when it's locked. Though it's not really locked sometimes, just wrong fuse bit config. What a waste.. ^,^ haha...

That is a waste! Easy to fix, shame to throw it out! Some of these atmega's are $20 or more! (depending on where you live & your currency) This does not include shipping cost.

сброс fuses atmega

no, it's not that expensive. Here in my country (Indonesia) ATMega is popular. We usually use ATMega8, ATMega8535, and ATMega16. About US$ 2-4 each.

atmega16 isp disabled


i have atmega128 locked, i have tested with stk500 parrallel programma but failed, a window appear showing the clock div etc ..

i have tested with program show in this forum with a cable parrallel and isp connected in my dev board and fail (can't sync).

my atmega is solder cms in a devboard, touch xtal1 with finger is impossible.

How can i dow please, must be buy another devboard ?

thanks for your response

atmega8 fuses repair programer

any idea ?

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