Ok ,the plot thickens. I checked the few machines i still have and none have a parallel port. Easy, i'll grab one of Amazon !. It arrives, get fitted and setup. The Eprom software is expecting a LPT on 0x378, according to Device Manager it is using EFF8-EFFF or EFF0-EFF& but software says its on 0xEC00(??)
i have added this to an IO.ini as per
This does not seem to work, i am also still getting errors from the program on launch to do with extracting io.sys (??? ,i mention it now as i had assumed this may be linked to the lack of LPT on my machine, or the fact it is 64 bit)
The board LEDs have been lit at various stages, VPP is currently on, as the board is connected to LPT.
Sorry about the size
The board also has a daughter board inthe connectors next to SP1, i have no idea what this does or if it should be there.
When launching the software, i get the following :-
The software then launches but cannot be closed without the "Privileged Instruction" warning and returning to the program ( i have to use task manager to quit the app).
I can select devices and change tabs without issue, but certain tasks cannot be executed showing the same behaviour as trying to quit.
I have tried a couple of compatibility modes to no avail.
Does anyone have any ideas ?
@betwixt - would like to explore a little further but would be very grateful if you have the time to do so, will gladly reimburse for any parts used.
thanks all