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ee214 stanford lecture notes needed

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rfic course lecture notes stanford homework

Who has the EE314(winter2005) lecture notes by Thomas Lee?
For this yeas' by Dr. Hamid Rategh ,you can visit:
**broken link removed**


thomas h. lee and ee 414 handout

But Lee posted some tutorial on phase noise, impedance behavior. those are pretty good.

model file for ee214

Hi, guys,

I am looking for loadsig file from EE 214. Basically, the class uses Hspice, but use Matlab for plotting graphs. However, somehow, I cannot use the files I downloaded from MIT. I heard that there is loadsig modified by Prof. Murmann so that students can use in Window machines.


stanford ee214 lecture notes

You don't have to use Murmann's modified version. Go to MIT (do google:
h**p:// download the file, install it, and run the file as mentioned in the manual.

ee484 said:
Hi, guys,

I am looking for loadsig file from EE 214. Basically, the class uses Hspice, but use Matlab for plotting graphs. However, somehow, I cannot use the files I downloaded from MIT. I heard that there is loadsig modified by Prof. Murmann so that students can use in Window machines.


ee214 thomas h. lee

Check this post:

How to import Hspice (PC) simulation data to Matlab (PC)?
You will fix the problem.

shinnyi said:
did anyone can tell me. what wrong??

>> x = loadsig(’test.tr0’);
??? x = loadsig(’test.tr0’);
Error: Missing variable or function.

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