Eas 8.2mhz antenna design size

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Feb 15, 2023
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I am trying to design a unique EAS system and need some help with the antenna design

I have a rx and tx Pcb boards. On the 8.2mhz I am using soft tags that are flat

What I want to do is very specifically control how wide the antenna detection area is.

I want it to be a very narrow plain yet cover a specific size.

More specifically I have an opening that is 6 feet wide by 4 feet tall. The wall is wood wall however the opening is made of 2 inch steel square tube and I basically want the antenna signal to work inside this steel frame area

As our products pass through this I want the system to activate. But because our system uses a production line it stops frequently. Which is the problem. Only the red area in the picture below I want to be the detection area.

I want it to go off only when the device crosses this line at the 6x4 opening. I want it as exact as possible. But not wider. Because if a device stops say 2 inches before this line I don’t want it to activate.

So my question is
-how would I make this antenna design to work?
-what gauge and type of wire?
- what can I do so the detection is only inside this square area and not on the sides but directed only in the box?
-do I shield the antenna on the side I don’t want it?

I attached my eas Pcb boards as well as a basic drawing of what I am trying to do.

If you can help with specifics to my design or what to do I would appreciate it.

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EAS system isn't designed to achieve high spatial resolution and as I fear can never achieve the wanted resolution, as last without differential transmitter coils and a specifically designed reader device.

EAS system isn't designed to achieve high spatial resolution and as I fear can never achieve the wanted resolution, as last without differential transmitter coils and a specifically designed reader device.
So what can I do to get closer to what I am wanting to do ?

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