[SOLVED] Does anyone have read the book "Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design"

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Aug 26, 2011
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Does anyone have read the book "Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design"

I have read the book "Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design" and I a few questions about it,could you help me figure them out?
1. I could not download the Analog CMOS Design, Tradeoffs and Optimization Design Spreadsheets from this page https://coefs.uncc.edu/dmbinkle/book/downloads/.Could anyone email it to me or give me smoe available links so that I could download?
2. In the book ,the author use the EKV model parameter to determine device performence,but foundrys always give the BSIM model parameter,not EKV model parameter.So how could I extract the EKV model parameter from the BSIM3 model parameter? I have used the software BSIM2EKV ,but it did not work well

Thanks anyhelp in advance

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Sorry ,I post the wrong link ,it should be http://coefs.uncc.edu/dmbinkle/book/downloads


  • Binkley__MOS_design_Excel_sheets.zip
    186.5 KB · Views: 227
Re: Dose anyone have read the book "Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design"

Thank you very much !!
But I still have two question:1.the Circuit Analysis of the spreedsheets is blank,does it not work?
2.how could I extract the EKV model parameter from the BSIM3 model parameter?

Re: Dose anyone have read the book "Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design"

1.the Circuit Analysis of the spreedsheets is blank,does it not work?
2.how could I extract the EKV model parameter from the BSIM3 model parameter?

1. For the spreadsheets you must use an Excel software which can handle macros.
2. If BSIM2EKV doesn't work for your models, I think the only chance is to use a PDK which supports EKV models directly:
Here are several companies which support EKV models.
Re: Dose anyone have read the book "Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design"

Thanks for your quickly reponse!
But what I mean is that the Circuit Analysis sheet seems like not work and it is blank.But the MOSFETs sheet can work.So how to use the Circuit Analysis sheet?

Re: Dose anyone have read the book "Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design"

... the Circuit Analysis sheet seems like not work and it is blank ... So how to use the Circuit Analysis sheet?

Don't know, it's the same for me. If you are interested I suggest to ask directly Prof. Binkley (dmbinkle@uncc.edu), he used to be very responsive, at least 2 years before.

Re: Dose anyone have read the book "Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design"

Thank you erikl,I sent an email to him two weeks ago ,but he did not reply

Re: Does anyone have read the book "Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design"

Several samples of the Circuit analysis sheet can be found in his book, pp. 524 (degeneration), 526 (noise analysis), 544 (gain, UGB, noise).

Anyway it's "an optional, user-defined sheet that maps MOS device performance from the MOSFETs sheet into predictions of complete circuit performance. This sheet requires user-defined circuit analysis for the circuit topology of interest and “calls” device performance from the MOSFETs sheet. The Circuit Analysis sheet provides an immediate display of circuit performance as the designer explores MOS device design choices of drain current, inversion coefficient, and channel length. This leads towards rapid, optimum design." (pp. 576 & 577).

Re: Does anyone have read the book "Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design"

I have read it yet,but I still can not find out how to use the Circuit analysis sheet.It may be need to write marco,like MOSFETs sheet.

Re: Does anyone have read the book "Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design"

... may be need to write marco, like MOSFETs sheet.
Possibly; but most times you can get along with Excel's standard mathematics functions.

Re: Does anyone have read the book "Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design"

The link is not working

Re: Does anyone have read the book "Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design"

I find out how to use the the Circuit analysis sheet ,for example,if you want to calculate gm=gm/Id*Id, gm/Id is at D26 in MOSFETS sheets ,Id is at D10 in MOSFEETS sheet. So,in the the Circuit analysis sheet,you can write like this:=MOSFETs!D26*MOSFETs!D10

Re: Does anyone have read the book "Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design"

... if you want to calculate gm=gm/Id*Id, gm/Id is at D25 in MOSFETS sheets ,Id is at D10 in MOSFEETS sheet. So,in the the Circuit analysis sheet,you can write like this:=MOSFETs!D25*MOSFETs!D10

Right, that's the correct syntax for Excel.
Of course you can find gm directly in the field MOSFETs!D26 ;-)

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