DIY Moving Message Display

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moving message display ciruits

Could you tell me the best space between LEDs if We use single 3mm LED?
30 x7 message dispaly scematic.pdf

Hi all
I design Moving LED Display very quickly, just to satisfied my self, for this moment I just implement fix message, but can be very easy expend to change the message by push buttons, also any character you can design by your self and implement to the software another advantage, is the message board can be cascaded up or to the side, depend of the size you need. I used PIC16f84A but can by PIC16f628A or any similar. Using only FOUR pin from the Micro to rum LED’s, so ret can be used for anything else (push buttons, LCD …..).

I hope you did like it the idea

message displaying software

can any body help me by providing me complete moving message knowdge build in 89c2051 and pc keyboard to control it.

lpt port leds diy

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Hey Friend THis Link Will Be More Helpful To U:

Best of Luck
cpu led moving displays

Check this post
article e03b016.pdf is quite good but sadly i think no one have the hex and schema of the Microcontroller board
led matrix driver transistor

This Site Has Alot Of Information Regardong Ur Project.


moving display 8085 programs




pov display 16f84a

At last I get the part of the PCB (2x) and all the parts to run the Sign
moving message serial keyboard input

You can drive two columns by one IC (16-Port, 5.5V Constant-Current LED Driver)
Look at this!
block diagram for moving messsage display

is quite good but sadly i think no one have the hex and schema of the Microcontroller board

The display board which is describe in e03b016.pdf is using 89S8252 Flash Microcontroller Board instead of single microprocesor
led based moving message display circuit

guys I was wondering, for rojo's display, as in page one and two. Is it possible to use LED matrixes?

i am trying to use them now, but i was just wondering, if i use LED matrixes, the data from each row is connected to each block meaning, (one to each of the blocks for each row). however, if i use LEDs, and connect them as shown, i only have one connection to each row. Or maybe it doesnt matter how it is connected as long as the rows are connected to it?

download compiler 90s8535.h for pi16f877

Yes it would be easier if ROJO leads the way by showing us how to wire just one 8x8 Matrix in we could do the rest.

I am planning to make this project in two half, one is the Display part and one is the controller part. The display part is the costliest part in the project and one should really plan out the design. I believe the path is straight forward. The controler part can come in many flavours, Like PIC, ATMEL, FPGA, etc.

What do you think friends.

massage moving display building

dude~! hoho, yeah, I actually built the same thing as rojo did.(gosh, thank him). But now i'm facing a problem with the LED matrix. I dont know if it would work if i connect you know each led matrix block's last led on each column is NOT able to be connected to the next led block's 1st column. Therefore, the rows are not all in series. Would that be a problem? or does the main control done by the column shift registers? cos with LED blocks, to connect every block, you hafta connect the 1st colum leds to the next column leds for row control. and with this, lets say you have 5 led blocks, it meahns that all 5 are directly connected to the input from the row controller. so, is it that by doing this, at one point, all blocks will display the SAME thing instead of scrolling? or its is allright because the shifting is done by the column drivers?

74hc154, code

Where does all of you gone i thought we are going to keep alive this topic, Comeon guys

moving message assembly

Hi all,
does anyone have a Z80 based moving led display project ?


moving message led with memory

I am making my moving sign using 20*(8*8) matrix LEDs. With row-scanning method, (40/5)*10(mA)*(8dots*20LEDs)=12.8Apeak, so I have to use 8*IRF530N as row-drivers. The problem now is: what is the power supply I should use for my 12.8A circuit? How big is it? Do you guys have any idea?

running massage display circute diagram

I feel , start by using a Computer SMPS and then check the current on the supply.

I am sure there would be a better way to estimate the Power requirement.

Would you be posting the details of your project on this thread ?


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