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DIY Moving Message Display

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sohail_akram said:
In serial terminal Press ESC then type your 40 char message and Press Enter
And (as I see in file "MovMsg.c") the key backspace is used for deleting the last typed character. Tested ...
Thanks "sohail_akram" for this great project. Do you thinking also about a vertical scroll?


I try to build board message from this site
**broken link removed**

my board message 7x24, i succesful build it and it working

this my schematic and code

[/url] [/img]

		#include		""
		cacah1 		equ 0x20
		cacah2		equ	0x40
	start	org		0x00
			bsf		STATUS,RP0
			movlw	0x00
			movwf	PORTB
			movwf	PORTC
			bcf		STATUS,RP0
			goto 	run1
	table1	addwf	02h,1
			dt		00h,3fh,48h,48h,48h,3fh,00h,7fh,48h,4ch,4ah,31h
             	dt		00h,00h,00h,7fh,00h,00h,00h,32h,49h,49h,49h,26h
             	dt		00h,7fh,06h,18h,24h,43h,00h,3fh,48h,48h,48h,3fh
             	dt		00h,7fh,20h,1ch,02h,7fh,00h,7fh,41h,41h,41h,3fh
             	dt		00h,3fh,48h,48h,48h,3fh,00h,7fh,48h,4ch,4ah,31h
             	dt		00h,00h,0ffh
     run1		clrf		23h
     		clrf		24h
     		clrf		25h
     		clrf		26h
     		clrf		27h
     		clrf		28h
     		clrf		29h
     		clrf		2Ah
     		clrf		2Bh
     		clrf		2Ch
     		clrf		2Dh
     		clrf		2Eh
     		clrf		2Fh
     		clrf		30h
     		clrf		31h
     		clrf		32h
     		clrf		33h
     		clrf		34h
     		clrf		35h
     		clrf		36h
     		clrf		37h
     		clrf		38h
     		clrf		39h
     		clrf		3Ah
     		movlw	0x00
     		movwf	21h
     run2		movlw	0x40
     		movwf	22h	
     		call		shift
     		incf		21h,1
     		movf		21h,0
     		call		table1
     		movwf	3Ah
     		xorlw	0xff
     		btfsc	STATUS,2
     		goto		run1
     run3		decfsz	22h,1
     		goto		run4
     		goto		run2
     run4		call		scan
     		goto		run3
     scan		bsf		PORTC,1
     		bcf		PORTC,1
     		movf		23h,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		24h,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		25h,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		26h,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		27h,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		28h,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		29h,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		2Ah,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		2Bh,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		2Ch,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		2Dh,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		2Eh,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		2Fh,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		30h,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		31h,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		32h,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		33h,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		34h,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		35h,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		36h,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		37h,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		38h,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		39h,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     		movf		3Ah,0
     		movwf	PORTB
     		call		tunda
     shift	movf		24h,0
     		movwf	23h
     		movf		25h,0
     		movwf	24h
     		movf		26h,0
     		movwf	25h
     		movf		27h,0
     		movwf	26h
     		movf		28h,0
     		movwf	27h
     		movf		29h,0
     		movwf	28h
     		movf		2Ah,0
     		movwf	29h
     		movf		2Bh,0
     		movwf	2Ah
     		movf		2Ch,0
     		movwf	2Bh 
     		movf		2Dh,0
     		movwf	2Ch
     		movf		2Eh,0
     		movwf	2Dh
     		movf		2Fh,0
     		movwf	2Eh
     		movf		30h,0
     		movwf	2Fh
     		movf		31h,0
     		movwf	30h
     		movf		32h,0
     		movwf	31h
     		movf		33h,0
     		movwf	32h
     		movf		34h,0
     		movwf	33h
     		movf		35h,0
     		movwf	34h 
     		movf		36h,0
     		movwf	35h 
     		movf		37h,0
     		movwf	36h
     		movf		38h,0
     		movwf	37h
     		movf		39h,0
     		movwf	38h
     		movf		3Ah,0
     		movwf	39h   		
			movlw	D'100'
			movwf 	cacah1
			decfsz	cacah1,1
			goto		delay1
			movlw	0x00
			movwf	PORTB
	clock	bsf		PORTC,0
			bcf		PORTC,0
now i am try make interface gui from computer. but i am confius make desion how i make mapping charakter.
mapping charakter in software PC or mapping in pic.
if only i make mapping charakter in program memory and charakter want to display store in eeprom PIC, how i do that.
anyone can help with sample code to do that or there better way to solve my problem more easier.
please help me, with link for this purpose or some code ( in asm and pic)
i am grefully thank for help.

sorry my english bad.

auri_z said:
I try to build board message from this site
**broken link removed**

my board message 7x24, i succesful build it and it working

Very good job. please give a littel bit description about the working of you moving message display, also tell the parts of the diagram mentioned please

sohail_akram said:
This is complete 5x7 19 matrix Moving message display with RS232 Control.
atmel 89c51 is used.column are scan by 74ls164
source code are in c keil c51
Proteus simulation file is included.

good there any way to increase stored text >40 characters?

Re: 16x16 led moving message projects

rojo said:
#include <90s8535.h>
#include <delay.h>                  

// led display
#define LED_RESET		PORTB.0
#define LED_CLOCK		PORTB.1
#define LED_DATA		PORTB.4	
#define SCROLL_DELAY	140  // multiple of 7 (use smaller numbers for faster scroll)

// keyboard 
#define KBD_CLOCK		PORTD.2  // to be used for host -> keyboard communication
#define KBD_DATA        	PIND.4                                 
#define BUFF_SIZE		64
// lcd 
#define LCD_RS			PORTD.5
#define LCD_RW 		PORTD.6
#define LCD_E  		PORTD.7 	 
#define COMMAND_MODE 	0
#define DATA_MODE    	1	     
#define WRITE_MODE   	0
#define READ_MODE    	1 		                                                              
#define LCD_DATA_PORT	PORTC     
// functions                  
void lcd_init(void);
void lcd_clear(void);
void lcd_putc(unsigned char);
void lcd_putsf(unsigned char flash *); 
void lcd_puts(unsigned char *str);
interrupt [EXT_INT0] keyboard_isr(void); 
void put_char_kbbuff(unsigned char);   
void put_scancode_kbbuff(unsigned char);
int getchar(void);                  
int kbhit(void);
void decode(unsigned char);

// global variables ***************************    
unsigned char kb_buffer[BUFF_SIZE];
unsigned char bitcount;	    
unsigned char *inpt, *outpt;
unsigned char buffcnt = 0;                                                                                                                    

// led character definitions 
// 5 data columns + 1 space
// for each character
flash unsigned char led_chars[94][6] = {  
0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,	// space
0x00,0x00,0xfa,0x00,0x00,0x00,	// !	
0x00,0xe0,0x00,0xe0,0x00,0x00,	// "
0x28,0xfe,0x28,0xfe,0x28,0x00,	// #
0x24,0x54,0xfe,0x54,0x48,0x00,  // $
0xc4,0xc8,0x10,0x26,0x46,0x00,  // %
0x6c,0x92,0xaa,0x44,0x0a,0x00,  // &
0x00,0xa0,0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00,  // '
0x00,0x38,0x44,0x82,0x00,0x00,	// (
0x00,0x82,0x44,0x38,0x00,0x00,  // )
0x28,0x10,0x7c,0x10,0x28,0x00,  // *
0x10,0x10,0x7c,0x10,0x10,0x00,  // +
0x00,0x0a,0x0c,0x00,0x00,0x00,  // ,
0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x00,  // -
0x00,0x06,0x06,0x00,0x00,0x00,  // .
0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x00,  // /  
0x7c,0x8a,0x92,0xa2,0x7c,0x00,  // 0
0x00,0x42,0xfe,0x02,0x00,0x00,  // 1
0x42,0x86,0x8a,0x92,0x62,0x00,  // 2
0x84,0x82,0xa2,0xd2,0x8c,0x00,	// 3
0x18,0x28,0x48,0xfe,0x08,0x00,	// 4
0xe5,0xa2,0xa2,0xa2,0x9c,0x00,	// 5
0x3c,0x52,0x92,0x92,0x0c,0x00,	// 6
0x80,0x8e,0x90,0xa0,0xc0,0x00,	// 7
0x6c,0x92,0x92,0x92,0x6c,0x00,	// 8
0x60,0x92,0x92,0x94,0x78,0x00,	// 9  
0x00,0x6c,0x6c,0x00,0x00,0x00,	// :
0x00,0x6a,0x6c,0x00,0x00,0x00,	// ;
0x10,0x28,0x44,0x82,0x00,0x00,	// <
0x28,0x28,0x28,0x28,0x28,0x00,	// =
0x00,0x82,0x44,0x28,0x10,0x00,	// >
0x40,0x80,0x8a,0x90,0x60,0x00,	// ?
0x4c,0x92,0x9e,0x82,0x7c,0x00,	// @
0x7e,0x88,0x88,0x88,0x7e,0x00,	// A
0xfe,0x92,0x92,0x92,0x6c,0x00,	// B
0x7c,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x44,0x00,	// C
0xfe,0x82,0x82,0x44,0x38,0x00,	// D
0xfe,0x92,0x92,0x92,0x82,0x00,	// E
0xfe,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x80,0x00,	// F
0x7c,0x82,0x92,0x92,0x5e,0x00,	// G
0xfe,0x10,0x10,0x10,0xfe,0x00,	// H
0x00,0x82,0xfe,0x82,0x00,0x00,	// I
0x04,0x02,0x82,0xfc,0x80,0x00,	// J
0xfe,0x10,0x28,0x44,0x82,0x00,	// K
0xfe,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x00,	// L
0xfe,0x40,0x30,0x40,0xfe,0x00,	// M
0xfe,0x20,0x10,0x08,0xfe,0x00,	// N
0x7c,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x7c,0x00,	// O
0xfe,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x60,0x00,	// P
0x7c,0x82,0x8a,0x84,0x7a,0x00,	// Q
0xfe,0x90,0x98,0x94,0x62,0x00,	// R
0x62,0x92,0x92,0x92,0x8c,0x00,	// S
0x80,0x80,0xfe,0x80,0x80,0x00,	// T
0xfc,0x02,0x02,0x02,0xfc,0x00,	// U
0xf8,0x04,0x02,0x04,0xf8,0x00,	// V
0xfc,0x02,0x1c,0x02,0xfc,0x00,	// W
0xc6,0x28,0x10,0x28,0xc6,0x00,	// X
0xe0,0x10,0x0e,0x10,0xe0,0x00,	// Y
0x86,0x8b,0x92,0xa2,0xc2,0x00,	// Z
0x00,0xfe,0x82,0x82,0x00,0x00,	// [
0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,     // *** do not remove this empty char ***
0x00,0x82,0x82,0xfe,0x00,0x00,	// ]
0x20,0x40,0x80,0x40,0x20,0x00,	// ^
0x02,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x00,	// _
0x00,0x80,0x40,0x20,0x00,0x00,	// `
0x04,0x2a,0x2a,0x2a,0x1e,0x00,	// a
0xfe,0x12,0x22,0x22,0x1c,0x00,	// b
0x1c,0x22,0x22,0x22,0x04,0x00,	// c
0x1c,0x22,0x22,0x12,0xfe,0x00,	// d
0x1c,0x2a,0x2a,0x2a,0x18,0x00,	// e
0x10,0x7e,0x90,0x80,0x40,0x00,	// f
0x30,0x4a,0x4a,0x4a,0x7c,0x00,	// g
0xfe,0x10,0x20,0x20,0x1e,0x00,	// h
0x00,0x22,0xbe,0x02,0x00,0x00,	// i
0x04,0x02,0x22,0xbc,0x00,0x00,	// j
0xfe,0x08,0x14,0x22,0x00,0x00,	// k
0x00,0x82,0xfe,0x02,0x00,0x00,	// l
0x3e,0x20,0x18,0x20,0x1e,0x00,	// m
0x3e,0x10,0x20,0x20,0x1e,0x00,	// n
0x1c,0x22,0x22,0x22,0x1c,0x00,	// o
0x3e,0x28,0x28,0x28,0x10,0x00,	// p
0x10,0x28,0x28,0x18,0x3e,0x00,	// q
0x3e,0x10,0x20,0x20,0x10,0x00,	// r
0x12,0x2a,0x2a,0x2a,0x04,0x00,	// s
0x20,0xfc,0x22,0x02,0x04,0x00,	// t
0x3c,0x02,0x02,0x04,0x3e,0x00,	// u
0x38,0x04,0x02,0x04,0x38,0x00,	// v
0x3c,0x02,0x0c,0x02,0x3c,0x00,	// w
0x22,0x14,0x08,0x14,0x22,0x00,	// x
0x30,0x0a,0x0a,0x0a,0x3c,0x00,	// y
0x22,0x26,0x2a,0x32,0x22,0x00, 	// z
0x00,0x10,0x6c,0x82,0x00,0x00,	// { 
0x00,0x00,0xfe,0x00,0x00,0x00,	// |
0x00,0x82,0x6c,0x10,0x00,0x00 };	// }

// keyboard scan codes (without & with shift key pressed)
flash unsigned char unshifted[67][2] = {
0x25,'4',0x26,'3',0x29,' ',0x2a,'v',0x2b,'f',0x2c,'t',0x2d,'r',0x2e,'5',0x31,'n',0x32,'b',0x33,'h',0x34,'g',
0x5b,']',0x5d,'/',0x61,'<',0x66,8,  0x69,'1',0x6b,'4',0x6c,'7',0x70,'0',0x71,',',0x72,'2',0x73,'5',0x74,'6',
0x75,'8',0x79,'+',0x7a,'3',0x7b,'-',0x7c,'*',0x7d,'9',0,0 };

flash unsigned char shifted[67][2] = {
0x25,'$',0x26,'#',0x29,' ',0x2a,'V',0x2b,'F',0x2c,'T',0x2d,'R',0x2e,'%',0x31,'N',0x32,'B',0x33,'H',0x34,'G',
0x5b,'}',0x5d,'|',0x61,'>',0x66,8,  0x69,'1',0x6b,'4',0x6c,'7',0x70,'0',0x71,',',0x72,'2',0x73,'5',0x74,'6',
0x75,'8',0x79,'+',0x7a,'3',0x7b,'-',0x7c,'*',0x7d,'9',0,0 };

void main() {                                               	
	int i,j;
    	unsigned char ch,row;
	flash unsigned char *dataPtr, *tmpDataPtr;
	unsigned char messageLength, currentChar, charOffset, tmpCurrentChar, tmpCharOffset, ledArray[23];	
	unsigned char message[308];  // 300 chars + 4 spaces at start and end of message                   
	#asm("cli");    // disable all interrupts 
	// initialise ports 
	DDRA = 0xff;	// port A output 	
	DDRB = 0xff;	// port B output	
	DDRC = 0xff;	// port C output	
	DDRD = 0xeb;	// pins 2 & 4 inputs    
	// initialise keyboard variables
	inpt = kb_buffer; 
	outpt = kb_buffer;
	buffcnt = 0;
	bitcount = 11;
	// initialise lcd 
	// initialise LED display (shift registers)	
   	LED_CLOCK = 0;
 	LED_RESET = 1;                  
	// initialise interrupt registers
	GIMSK = 0x40;	// enable INT0 interrupt
	MCUCR = 0x02;	// INT0 interrupt on falling edge    
   	#asm("sei");    // enable all interrupts
   	while(1) {
   		ch = 0x00;
    		i = 0;
    		// fill the array with 4 empty spaces at the start and the end of the message
		// as the screen has 4 chars
		// (it looks better if we start scrolling with empty screen and end
		// with empty screen , rather than displaying four chars immediatelly and
		// then start scrolling)
		message[i++] = ' ';   
   		message[i++] = ' ';   
   		message[i++] = ' ';   
   		message[i++] = ' ';    

		// enter message until 300 characters entered or <enter> key pressed  	        
    		while((ch != 13) || (i < 308)) {      
			ch = getchar();
			if ((ch != 13) && (ch != 'q')) {
				message[i++] = ch;
			// if q is pressed clear the LCD 
			// (code only writes to the first LCD line so
			// if the line is longer than 16 chars i cant see the rest of the chars
			// , there will be a menu system in the future software version
			// and the line on the LCD will be scrolled 
			// to the left automatically as the cursor gets to the end of the line
			//, for now use this dirty solution:))
			if (ch == 'q') 
    		message[i++] = ' ';   
   		message[i++] = ' ';   
   		message[i++] = ' ';   
   		message[i++] = ' ';    	   	   	    
    		messageLength = i - 4;
    		charOffset = 0;
    		currentChar = 0;
    		dataPtr = &led_chars[message[0] - 0x20][0];    
		// this loop is the heart of the scroll
		// message is scrolled until a key is hit on the keyboard		

    		while (!kbhit()) {     
    			// load led array   	
    			tmpDataPtr = dataPtr;
    			tmpCharOffset = charOffset;
    			tmpCurrentChar = currentChar;
    			for (i = 0; i <= 22; i++) {  
    				ledArray[i] = *tmpDataPtr++;  		    	   		    		
    	 			if (++tmpCharOffset==0x06) {  
    	  				tmpCharOffset = 0;    	  		    	  		
    					if (++tmpCurrentChar == messageLength)
    	 					tmpCurrentChar = 0; 
    	  				tmpDataPtr = &led_chars[message[tmpCurrentChar] - 0x20][0];
    			if (++charOffset == 0x06) {     
    				charOffset = 0;         		
    				if (++currentChar == messageLength)
    					currentChar = 0;	
    			dataPtr = &led_chars[message[currentChar] - 0x20][charOffset];
    			// display led array
    			row = 0x02;        
    			for (j = 0;j <= SCROLL_DELAY; j++) {  
	   			for (i = 0; i <= 22; i++) {
    					LED_DATA = (ledArray[i] & row) ? 1 : 0;
    					LED_CLOCK = 1;
    					LED_CLOCK = 0;    	
    				PORTA = row;  
 				row <<= 1;      // next line to be switched on         
 				if (!row) 	// if last line go back to the first line	
 					row = 0x02; 	  	 	  
 	    			PORTA = 0x00; 	    

// return 1 if a key is pressed (non blocking)
// else return 0 
int kbhit(void) {
	if (buffcnt) {
		// reset buffer variables (flush the buffer)
		inpt = kb_buffer; 
		outpt = kb_buffer;
		buffcnt = 0;
		bitcount = 11;
		return 1;		
    return 0;

// puts scan code (in hex format) into keyboard buffer
// (used for debugging purposes)  
void put_scancode_kbbuff(unsigned char sc) {
	unsigned char h,l;

	// convert hi and low nibbles of the scancode
	// into ascii and store them into keyboard buffer	
	h =  ((sc & 0xf0 ) >> 0x04) & 0x0f;
	if ( h > 9)
		h = h + 7;
	h = h + 0x30;
	l = sc & 0x0f;
	if ( l > 9)
		l = l + 7;
	l = l + 0x30;
// keyboard ISR  
interrupt [EXT_INT0] keyboard_isr(void) { 
	static unsigned char data;	// holds the received scan code

	// function entered at falling edge of the kbd clock signal 
	// if data bit is the next bit to be read 
	// (bit 3 to 10 is data, start, stop & parity bis are ignored
	if((bitcount < 11) && (bitcount > 2)) {		
		data = (data >> 1);      
		if (KBD_DATA)			// if next bit is 1	 
			data = data | 0x80;	// store a '1'
			data = data & 0x7f; // else store a '0'
	if(--bitcount == 0) {		// all bits received ?		
		   	decode(data);       // decode received byte
			bitcount = 11;		// reset bit counter						
// decode scan code
void decode(unsigned char sc) {
 	static unsigned char is_up=0, shift = 0, mode = 0;
	unsigned char i;
	if (!is_up) {
		switch (sc) {
			case 0xF0 :// The up-key identifier
				is_up = 1;
			case 0x12 :// Left SHIFT
				shift = 1;
			case 0x59 :// Right SHIFT
				shift = 1;
			case 0x05 :// F1
				if(mode == 0)
					mode = 1;// Enter scan code mode
				if(mode == 2)
					mode = 3;// Leave scan code mode
				if(mode == 0 || mode == 3) {// If ASCII mode				
					if(!shift) {// If shift not pressed, do a table look-up
						for(i = 0; unshifted[i][0]!=sc && unshifted[i][0]; i++);
							if (unshifted[i][0] == sc) {
					else {// If shift pressed
						for(i = 0; shifted[i][0]!=sc && shifted[i][0]; i++);
							if (shifted[i][0] == sc) {
				else put_scancode_kbbuff(sc);	// scan code mode (debugging mode)								
	else {
		is_up = 0;// Two 0xF0 in a row not allowed
		switch (sc) {
			case 0x12 :// Left SHIFT
				shift = 0;
			case 0x59 :// Right SHIFT
				shift = 0;
			case 0x05 :// F1 --  F1 puts you in debugging mode
				   // pressing F1 again gets you out of debugging mode
				   // in debugging mode hex code of the scan codes
				   // are stored in the buffer instead of their ascii codes		
				if(mode == 1)
				mode = 2;
				if(mode == 3)
					mode = 0;
// store character in the keyboard ring buffer 
void put_char_kbbuff(unsigned char c) {
	if (buffcnt < BUFF_SIZE) { // if buffer is not full
		*(inpt++) = c;
		if (inpt >= kb_buffer + BUFF_SIZE) // pointer wrapping
			inpt = kb_buffer;
// get next available character from the keyboard ring buffer
// (waits until a character is available in the buffer)
int getchar(void) {
	int byte;
	while (buffcnt == 0); // wait for data
	byte = *outpt; // get byte
	if (outpt >= kb_buffer + BUFF_SIZE) // pointer wrapping
		outpt = kb_buffer;
	buffcnt--; // decrement buffer count
	return byte;
void lcd_init(void) {
	LCD_E = 0;
	LCD_DATA_PORT = 0x38;	// 8 bit, 2 lines, 5x8 font
	LCD_E = 1;	delay_ms(1);
	LCD_E = 0;	delay_ms(1);
	LCD_DATA_PORT = 0x0f;	// display & cursor ON, blink & underlined 
	LCD_E = 1;	delay_ms(1);
	LCD_E = 0;	delay_ms(2);
void lcd_clear(void) {  
    LCD_DATA_PORT = 0x01;	// clear display
	LCD_E = 1;	delay_ms(1);
	LCD_E = 0;	delay_ms(2);
// display char on lcd
void lcd_putc(unsigned char ch) {
	LCD_RS = DATA_MODE;             
	LCD_E = 1;	delay_us(40);	        
	LCD_E = 0;	delay_us(40);
// display string on lcd 
// input: pointer to string stored in flash ROM
void lcd_putsf(unsigned char flash *str) {             
	while (*str!= '\0') {
//  same as above except the string is in RAM
void lcd_puts(unsigned char *str) {             
	while (*str!= '\0') {

void lcd_puts(unsigned char *str) & void lcd_putsf(unsigned char flash *str)
these two functions are not included in the main function, are there some error in the code???

Re: 16x16 led moving message projects

michaelkaka said:
void lcd_puts(unsigned char *str) & void lcd_putsf(unsigned char flash *str)
these two functions are not included in the main function, are there some error in the code???

there is NO error in the code, the code works perfectly with the schematics included.

i sent u a pm, but i will repeat it here , these two functions are not used in the code i posted in the forum, they are there for future use.lcd_puts prints string from RAM to lcd and lcd_putsf does the same thing but it gets string from ROM memory of 90s8535 / atmega32 (two chips i used, but please note that if atmega32 is used then some minor changes are required to interrupt init parts), the reason for two different functions is that these chips have different ways of accessing ROM and RAM. both functions use another function lcd_putc for sending single character to lcd. i did not use them in the code so they dont affect the output in any way. u can write your own lcd functions or use the ones that might come with your compiler, depending on the chip u use etc.

and i can see noone here has done something similar to my display i.e. connecting it directly to a PC keyboard, since i posted this code in the first page of this thread in 2004 :) , here is my prototype led display picture again :)
working with above first code version perfectly, no need for serial connection, no need for PC etc. the circuit u see next to the book on the picture is just a programmer hardware used for uploading the above code into the chip, in normal use of the display, it is not connected :) the above code cannot save messages into flash rom but that is easily done, if u can manage to understand the above core code then any other function u wish to add to my project can be easily done :)



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Re: 16x16 led moving message projects

rojo said:
michaelkaka said:
void lcd_puts(unsigned char *str) & void lcd_putsf(unsigned char flash *str)
these two functions are not included in the main function, are there some error in the code???

there is NO error in the code, the code works perfectly with the schematics included.

i sent u a pm, but i will repeat it here , these two functions are not used in the code i posted in the forum, they are there for future use.lcd_puts prints string from RAM to lcd and lcd_putsf does the same thing but it gets string from ROM memory of 90s8535 / atmega32 (two chips i used, but please note that if atmega32 is used then some minor changes are required to interrupt init parts), the reason for two different functions is that these chips have different ways of accessing ROM and RAM. both functions use another function lcd_putc for sending single character to lcd. i did not use them in the code so they dont affect the output in any way. u can write your own lcd functions or use the ones that might come with your compiler, depending on the chip u use etc.

and i can see noone here has done something similar to my display i.e. connecting it directly to a PC keyboard, since i posted this code in the first page of this thread in 2004 :) , here is my prototype led display picture again :)
working with above first code version perfectly, no need for serial connection, no need for PC etc. the circuit u see next to the book on the picture is just a programmer hardware used for uploading the above code into the chip, in normal use of the display, it is not connected :) the above code cannot save messages into flash rom but that is easily done, if u can manage to understand the above core code then any other function u wish to add to my project can be easily done :)

Thanks for your reply. It really helps a lot!!!!!!

hareeshmohankavassery said:
i need that ic max6953 for doin my project....frm where we can buy it in india...anyone plese help me
Try finding it out at S.P road market Bangalore or Lamington road Mumbai or Lajpath rai market new Delhi. Still if you dont get it, you may try ordering a sample from Maxim. On the other hand, you may consider doing with other ways possible like using the shift registers, etc...Cheers

magnoedu said:
Dear Hugo00 y tryng to make the same display do you make, to put in my church,y have an questions yours dot is four leds, he is in series or parallel?
what the advantage to mic5841 over 74hcxxx
y make an sign board in this site
but not bright my leds only is visible in the shadow kkkk please help-me
Dear magnoedu,
It is No advantage to mic5841 over 74hcxxx at all, I use them only because I have them in my drawer, actually any ser/parallel shift should do (may be small adjustment in the software) you can expanded the column for how many you like (led’s +ser/parallel chips should work even if you using 100’s, then you must look for power supply to get the power for demand).
The led are in series with resistor as well so you can feed them with different voltage (different resistor)
In my design (because is on the road) I must the brightness dropped down at night (was to bright)
The design is very simple and can be expanded (number of columns and memory as well)
Regards Hugo

hareeshmohankavassery said:
if iam ordering for a free sample...will they send it within 2 weeks?????
Frankly speaking, i have not ordered anything till date. You may confirm the delivery tine with whom you are ordering. Of course i have visted all the markets i have mentioned in my previous reply. Cheers

but that ic is not available in nay of the markets dat u mentioned know hw to nake a scrolling display using shift project is based on GSM ....idea is to develop a wireless notice board using this matrix display...i wanted to scroll the message sent frm my mobile to this display using pic 16f73 or pic 16f876a

You may download the attachement here which has a project with 16F877 with 74LS164's.


i want to make a 16x64 microcontroller based led moving message display ....
can u plz help me ..?
i want to know that which microcontroller shud be used in this much big moving message display...
waiting for your response...

hareeshmohankavassery said:
still der is a also uses a rare ic named uc5832a.....????? wat to do...relallyy am fed up by searching for max6953.......
You may use transistor to drive the segments driven by the UC5832 IC. refer the datasheet of the same for more details.

prateek000 said:
i want to make a 16x64 microcontroller based led moving message display ....can u plz help me ..? i want to know that which microcontroller shud be used in this much big moving message display... waiting for your response...
You may use any microcontroller for which you find easier to write a program. Usually the rows are driven by 16 pins of the micro boosted by transistor drivers, and columns are driven by data, strobe and clock signals which are then shifted over the total length of the display cloumns, with any shift registers.
You may have a look at the below mentioned links with similar topics...Cheers

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