DIY Moving Message Display

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circuit diagram of 48 x 8 led scrolling message

The 74HC154 would work well as the column driver (16)
The 74HC164 would work as the row driver (80)

You may be able to run the row without drivers at 10ma each with a 74ALS164 but you'll need PNP drivers possibly darlingtons on the columns.

moving message display system

hello blueroomelectronics

sorry u misunderstand that not 16 cols 80 rows actually that is 16 rows 80 columns

so far i am giving cols from 164 and rows directly from portb its working fine 8x32(8 rows and 32 cols) now i want to expand this with (16x80 16 rows 80 columns)

if u have any idea can u tell me plsss

thank u

moving message display with keyboard

NeoMatrix said:
so far i am giving cols from 164 and rows directly from portb its working fine 8x32(8 rows and 32 cols) now i want to expand this with (16x80 16 rows 80 columns)

if u have any idea can u tell me plsss

thank u

Are you still using anode rows and cathode columns?

moving message sign project


i putted 1 bc547 tr for cols to make cathode

how to make led moving message display

I up a file form web.

dawn simulator led diy

Hi All,
I'm new this forum's member. I have read much your posts and I'm very interesting on DIY moving message display.But I'm novice, please advise me some books guide to design led display especially giant outdoor led screen.I tried to search much times but found nothing.
Thankyou advance.

moving message sign circuit

hello tammc

i am also want to do the same to design moving message for 16x40 but not get any help from here

pic16f877 matrix 16x80

hi all....
do anyone have the moving message display schematic diagram and program that build up by PIC16F877 or any PIC µC...can post it up....pls.....

wireless moving message display circuit

thnks for the posts..

how we can move up-down then message .

sorry for my english

software download led moving message sign

actually im doing this at the moment
but im using 16x2


moving message display pcb +layout

I need something to Atmel AVR, I just find for PICs...

pcat (ps2) keyboard with moving message

Here is my 8051 basd moving message circuit, codes & proteus design

**broken link removed**

another with pc controlled

**broken link removed**

moving message sign software downloadable

Hello sohail_akram
i downloaded your sign project and the schematics of the one with 24c64 does not match your code or are you deveoping it ,and during stimulation it does not run smoothly what compiler did you use.

moving dot matrix display gif

Hello Akram

i downloaded ur project its good as i am developing the same led moving message 8x80 and 16x80 for start i am designing 8x80 using pic16f877a and 74hc595
can i use ur code in this if u have any info doing in pic16f877a pls can u tell me i am using mikroc and ccs c i am new

thank u very much

pcb layout for moving message display crcuit

hi, everyone

I am new in edaboard. I searched all of the topic. I am interested in 8051 and C and I couldn't find any running good project. I want a project using 8051 with 7x20 led matrix. anyone help me please


microcontroller based scrolling message software

Anyone knows if i can implement a led dislpay using PIC controller which i can change the text if i wanted to without having to reprogram it? is it possible to implement? the examples i saw so far in the very first few page (quick glance, not thorough) didnt mention anything about it.

What i mean is that my controller will of course be connected to my PC, from my pc, i decide what i display on the LEDs. I can change the intended message from
my computer and the display led will change instantaneously.

This is to help in making announcement....


multiplex led matrix 7x40

Hello eugenesiew

I am also trying to desing the same LED Moving message Displays so far i tried to do 8x24 Using PIC16F877A and 74HC595 ,ULN24C02 till now i am saving the data from usart to 24C02 EEProm

what i am looking is to develop the software through visual basic to sotre the fonts patterns then display on the led moving message this my idea

i seen many form in this site but none will be useful

so tried my self so far succeded hope i will get this work soon and i will post the schematics and source

i am using mikroc compiler

hope for the best

if u have any questions reply me of mail how much i know i will help u


cd4094 tutorial cours

NeoMatrix said:
I am also trying to desing the same LED Moving message Displays so far i tried to do 8x24 Using PIC16F877A and 74HC595 ,ULN24C02 till now i am saving the data from usart to 24C02 EEProm

NeoMatrix, I see you are still floundering both logically and electrically. After all that help in the other forums, and for so long now... I am surprised that you haven't paid attention in these forums because I came across an Elektor Magazine article posted (like this very thread) with a circuit and code, just for someone like yourself who doesn't get it yet.

Don't overcomplicate a simple concept. The 16F877A has plenty of ROM to store all your fonts and custom characters. Depending on your configuration you can use font tables created for LCD's (HD44780) or GLCD's (KS0108). These can be found everywhere, with the GLCD configuration being the most resourceful as far as memory is concerned. You can also create your own characters with a free font creator of some sort. Simply call them as needed through USART and display them... with some sort of algorithm that fits your layout.

cofmaker examples

I have to agree with xorcise, you need to have a grasp of driving such a large amount of LEDs. It's one thing to drive a small matrix of LEDs but quite another to drive 16x80 or 16x40
These are large power hungry displays, to get any brightness out of those LEDs you're going to have to drive them at about 50ma each. So a typical row of 80 will require 50ma x 80 LEDs = 4Amps of current. The PIC can neither sink or source this amount of current without drivers.

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