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DIY Moving Message Display

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74hc164 to tpıc6b595

Hello To All

i am very much interest in moving message display i tried alot but i could not do can any bedy interested to sale the Moving message disply pls kindly mail me i am a hobbiest not for sale just for learning i am computer programmer/ web developer works in .NET technologies

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moving message display mounting on building

NeoMatrix said:
Hello To All

i am very much interest in moving message display i tried alot but i could not do can any bedy interested to sale the Moving message disply pls kindly mail me i am a hobbiest not for sale just for learning i am computer programmer/ web developer works in .NET technologies


waiting for the replies

Sorry I don't understand your statement. What do you want?


The shape of the characters are saved in EPROM (for example) and the display matrix are arranged in row and columns each column can be enabled individually.

Counters are used to address the contents of the EPROM in synchrounous with the columns enabled sequence so the shape of the character can be drwan on the Matrix.

to show the moving effect, enable column n then n-1 then n-2 and display the output of the EPROM content on the appropreiat column, repeat this action for example 25 --> 50 time/second.

repeat the last setp by shifting the columns address i.e enable n+1 then n then n-1 and so on.

repeat the last step till the end of your dislay matrix, you get the moving effect.


projects display keyboard rojo

Can any body help me who make the MOVING MESSAGE DISPLAY BOARD in following type of application

The display board will be atttached to process machine say like bottling plant.

There are at least 20 type of fault normally happened in the machine. Now these fault are monitor by lamps, or computer display monitor.

we wanted these fault pre recorded message should be display on led scrolling message board.

The 20 message pre recorded in the system. There should be 20 in put available in the system. When ever any input actuate then that perticular message should start appearing and scrolling continously. Suppose two fault comes then two message should be scrolling until fault is repaired and alarm reset.

For example Message no. 1 MOTOR TEMPERATURE HIGH . It should have input no.1, if input no.1 is actuated through a contact of relay the message MOTOR TEMPERATURE HIGH should appear in LED board and continously scroll till the alarm is reset by maintenance mechanic.

May be you can use PLC or any other electronics system and soft ware.

Please propose system should have economical cost.

I hope I convay my message in correct way.


Mohammed ali khan

program led moving message

Hello to All

I am new to pic programming i am trying to build led moving message i just build the hardware 35x7 35 cols and 7 rows

for cols i attached 74hc595 with uln2003 darlington array and for row i am giving directly from pic16f682 port

pls can u give me simple code to display few charaters and to make good moving message display in any pic like pic16f877a of pic18f452

it will be so appreciate


scorlling meassge display circuit diagram


Added after 5 minutes:


Added after 2 minutes:

thankssssssssssss nhieu

16x 16 led moving display projects

How can I have an animation for 104x16 LED Matrix?
can an one help me please???

forgot to say: thanksssssssssssssssssssssssss

rgb picbasic led 16f777

Sadaf said:
Hi all
I want to have moving message display program for atmel AT89C251. May some one help me?

dear friend,
program is depand on circuit which you use so pl tell about which schamatic yuo going to use


psoc smartswitch project download

Hi, Rojo,
i considered that the code for characters in this post of yours :


are not in the same direction, some are bottom up, some are left to riht , some are mirrored and so on....

Added after 32 minutes:

Does anyone have the 8x8 Dot Matrix LED, Character definition file ?
I really need the file.
if you have, please upload.

moving message display scrolling design

Hello Acex

its very simple if u know any software u can make ur software to make the 8x8 fonts if not just draw 8x8 blocks and mark = 1 mark =0 then convert this in to hex u will get the font as i am developing this software to make fonts

you can make any type of fonts 5x3, 5x7, 8x8,
as i am trying to build 16x80 i did 24x5 its working perfectly

but here nobedy give support


moving sign display rapidshare

Hi NeoMatrix,

I know that.
what actually does your program do ??

i have written a program , which i use for serial interfacing with my 8x8 LED dot matrix, and i have added some more functionality, and as i dont have the characterset for a 8x8 LED, then i temporarily added the 5x7 charset which i found in the code which Rojo, has uploaded,it is nice, but if i have the 8x8 charset this would be very nice !

if you see some thing around, inform me.

pic16f628a assembler scroll

you can find some more functionality in the picture i uploaded.

diy dot matrix driver

Hello Acex

i don't have th characted table as i am creating in that software actually i am trying to take the character from the system so i am tying to build 16x80 and what the fonts available in the system i want to use them if u have any idea can u tell me

and if u have any idea how can i cascade 74hc164 for 16 rows can u tellme pls

mikroc pic16f682

NeoMatrix said:
Hello Acex

i don't have th characted table as i am creating in that software actually i am trying to take the character from the system so i am tying to build 16x80 and what the fonts available in the system i want to use them if u have any idea can u tell me

and if u have any idea how can i cascade 74hc164 for 16 rows can u tellme pls

Ok lets do the math.

16 columns by 80 rows.

So the scan will be 1/16 duty therefore the LEDs will require a fair amount of current to be bright enough, 50ma won't hurt most LEDs at 1/16 power. Time the number of rows 80, so 50ma x 80 LEDs is 4 Amps. That's a pretty big power supply.

You'll also need driving transistors because a 74HC164 can't source 4 Amps (assuming you're driving the columns with it) you should drive the columns 16 with a johnson counter or a 1 of 16 decoder 74154 and the rows 80 with lots of 74HC164 or similar latches. You'll need 4Amp transistors driving each column but only 100ma transistors driving the rows.

And hand wiring 1280 LEDs will be fun for sure.
**broken link removed**

microcontroller based led moving message display

hello blueroomelectronics

thanks for ur nice mathematics

i already made 16x72 led board its ready i solder it takes me 8 hours to do this only part i have to do is programm as some of the members suggest to use 2 ports for 16 rows and some suggest shiftregister cascading how i am doing for cols ex: 74hc154 and 17hc164 2 ics for 16 rows to 16 bit so i am so so confused as u said 4amps can't shrink the source ia m using bd 772 and bc547 for current drivers just for testing i given 4.5 v using drivers bc772 all led or on

the main problem i am facing is the program to conrol 16 rows

as i did using 74hc154 for 8x72 its working perfectly now i want to do using 74hc164 shift registers

any suggestion i be thank ful i am using mikroc
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software for moving message

What's wrong with keeping the 74HC154, you never want to turn on more than 1 column at a time.

The 74HC164 you'll need 10 for 80 LEDs are well documented, just keep connecting pin 13 to 1 like in the diagram above.
even at a normal current of 20ma per LED that's 1.6A
It just might not be as bright as you'd like when they're only on 1/16 of the time.
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moving message display driver

hello blueelectronics

so what u suggest whats the best to use for 16x80 hc154 or hc164

ur suggestion is most welcome if u have any hint i be appreciate

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