i guess not. because it doesnt have an internal oscillator.
and mihipihi would you plz tell what you want to do because your question is headed in no way. a system based on a 16F877 can be a full blown ethernet server and it can also be a simple LED flasher. so the components that should be connected with it depends on what you want to do
I'd recommend studying the datasheet: https://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/30292c.pdf
The 16F877 has no internal oscillator, so an RC, crystal or resonator and some caps are needed (see datasheet: 12.2 Oscillator Configurations). Don't forget the pullup @ MCLR and an 100nF @ Vdd - that's all.
i went to buy 16f877
but i found 16f877A
i have the programmer of 16F877
but some trusted body tolled me there's difference between the
two controllers
i hope some body find a sol. or a schematic for the 16F877A
the difference between 16f877 and 16f877A as follows (as far as i know) :
i) 16f877A is an improved version of 16f877 with additional built-in comparator function.
ii) programmer that supports 16f877 might not support 16f877A.
iii) different in __CONFIG register bits for 16f877A and 16f877.
the rest are exactly the same. eg. pins compatibility, voltage supply, crystal oscillator frequency and etc.
however, there are slight different in electrical characteristic of these two ICs. but this does not really matter.
It depends on how you define "obsolete". Both parts
are still in full production, and will continue to be so
in the foreseeable future. The 877A has more features
and is a bit cheaper, so I wouldn't use the 877 for a
new project, but it is still freely available.