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design and simulation of reflectarray antenna

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Newbie level 4
Newbie level 4
Jul 14, 2011
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I am designing a reflectarray antenna using FSS. The reflectarray fed by horn antenna at 10 GHz. the structure is 10λ by 10λ. with F/D=1.
I have already designed unit cells. I want to simulate the total reflectarray now and see the total radiation pattern and directivity. As the structure is too large, I don't know which software I should use?!!
is there anybody here that solve the same problem before to help me?!! if yes, can I have the file?!


Could you please tell me more about the unit cell you've designed?
Is it single layer and what polarizations it has?

Anyway, you can use CST for the purpose if simulating your structure.

One of my friends is designing a reflectarray antenna in Ku band.He is using CST.
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Thanks for your reply. My structure is single layer with linear polarization.
I have tried to simulate the reflectarray using HFSS-IE (I use Horn as excitation source in HFSS, and reflectrray design in HFSS-IE, with Datalink excitation), But I got the following error:

[error] Failed to copy file C:/Windows/system32/0409 to local file 0409. Error: Access is denied. . (5:10:05 PM Jul 15, 2011)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (10:05:06 PM Jul 15, 2011)

I will do the simulation with CST. Could you please send me CST simulation file for reflectarray. It can help..


Hi amihomo,

can you tell the size of your friend's reflectarray? I was told that CST is better than HFSS on the array simulation. But I am afraid that there is some difficulty for my computer for large array simulation.
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you do not need to redraw the antenna in CST,you can export your HFSS design to CST (from the modeler menu choose export and save in sm2 format, if i'm not mistaken;-) )

Unfortunately, I don't have access to my friend's design. I'll ask him to help you if possible.

I don't know the exact size of the antenna, but it is larger than one A4 sheet. I can ask the exact size if you want.

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you do not need to redraw the antenna in CST,you can export your HFSS design to CST (from the modeler menu choose export and save in sm2 format, if i'm not mistaken;-) )

Unfortunately, I don't have access to my friend's design. I'll ask him to help you if possible.

I don't know the exact size of the antenna, but it is larger than one A4 sheet. I can ask the exact size if you want.

I have also simulated some published papers' unit cell structure for getting "s" shaped phase curve using cst mws 2010. I draw the unit cell on x-y plane. Then in boundary condition I use x-min and x-max as perfect magnetic wall, y-min and y-max as perfect electric wall, z-min as perfect electric wall for shorting and keep z-max open for putting there an waveguide port at a distance>lamda . I take the reference plane just above the patch for calculation of s11 phase. Then I make parametric sweep of the dimension mentioned in those papers in transient solver to get different phase graphs for different dimensions. Next I take the phase values for different dimensions at the given frequency. But my phase vs. dimension curves do not match with any of the given in those papers.*
Why this deviation has been occurred? Are there any transformation between simulated data and plotted data?

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