Hi All
I know this thread is rather old, but it is the best match I found for my problem and then there is no match.
So I want to ask you all for help regarding my problem.
I have a XPS 1330 that could not run on battery.
I figured the battery was dead (as that happens someptiems
and bought a new one, but the problem persists.
I foudn this site and read through all replies in this thread, but nothing fits my problem.
I have now disassembled my laptop and have measured with a multimeter that 20 volts get all the way to the chargerboard, BUT NOT to the battery copper contacts.
There is no physical damage on any of the components, so I figure that some of the ICs must damaged.
I dont know much about testing ICs so im at a loss here. So I will just give you some measurements from my multimeter that I hope will help.
U1 has 20 volts on all 4 legs on one side and only a few mv on the other side.
U2 has only mv on both sides
U6 on the opposite side of the board also has 20 volt on one side of the chip and only mv on the other side
Is U2 defective?