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CST human voxel - help needed

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Hi all,
I made by myself a Human Voxel model based on the Zubal data which is available for free. The problem is that the tissues in Zubal data does not include the electrical characteristics. I used the data found at **broken link removed** to characterize the tissues at 1000MHz (which is the frequency i'm interested in). If you work at another frequency you have to manually change each tissue, using the data from the former link. The electrical data is in "material.txt". You have to import the "Human Model.vox" in the attachment. Let me know if this is ok!
One last thing: use all the stuff "at your own risk"...
I would not rely on my data to see if my stuff is cooking my head ;)
Anyway, I think this could be a good working starting point!

Hi, Alessio:
I have download your model of "hbm_2629.rar", it is useful, thank you very much. But I have a question in the file of "Human Model.vox": what's the mean of originx, originy, originz, ux, uy, uz, nx, ny, nz and RightEarCheek, RightEarTilt, LeftEarCheek, LeftEarTilt? How to determine their value? Thank you!
I'm waiting for response...........or send me mail to guilinwxb@yahoo.cn

Ok, let's go with order:
1) originx, originy, originz, ux, uy, uz are the origin and orientation of relative reference system (i.e. the reference system of the model itself)
2) nx, ny, nz are the number of voxels along three axis
3) RightEarCheek, RightEarTilt, LeftEarCheek, LeftEarTilt: to be honest, i don't know what they are.. I guess they are useful for evaluating SAR of mobile phones.
You could try to change them and .. see what happen..
Sorry for my vague reply but I gave you all the informations I have..
Best Regards!

---------- Post added at 13:27 ---------- Previous post was at 13:19 ----------

stellarlyjeska: have you tried donwloading hbm_2669.rar?
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Thank you for reply. The model from "hbm_2629.rar" is OK. I try to add some parameter like Heat capacity, blood flow, basal metabolic rate, an so on. But I haven't all parameter for all tissues, does anybody have it and can post it on, or send to me at guilinwxb@yahoo.cn? Thank!


nx, ny, and nz define the components of the normal vector (W-vector) of the working coordinate system, not the number of voxel.
has anybody tried to import more then one voxelmodel and define an position for each with a wcs?

Hi Tmf,
are you sure about nx,ny,nz?
There is a [WCS] section for the alignment of the coordinate system, I guess it is where the local coordinate system is defined...

Hi alecaccia,

i´m sure with the normal vevtor nx, ny, nz. (we talk about the defination of the wcs, not the Voxel defination. in the voxel area, nx, ny, and nz are indeed the number of voxel in each direction)
you can find the definiation in the cst-help. just search for voxel, fist entry.

to the wcs: i guess the same, but it doesn´t worked. an hour ago i´ve got a message from cst-support, that there is a bug and they will fix it ;-)

Thanks Tmf for your explanation!
In order to not generate some confusion to readers, in the above posts nx,ny,nz refer only to the voxel domain.
Hope you get your bug fixed soon!

i have loaded the zubal voxel i use cst2010 when i simulate with the antenna i have this error memory exhausted i use a computer with 2Go the number of cell 16.769.246 wath doing? please

First: Open a new thread.
your questioan has nothing to do with the original post.
2nd: What ist a Computer 2Go? Can i grab one at Starbucks ;-)
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i use the zubal phantom(voxel) proposed here by alecaccia
sorry bat if you dont new 2Go is memory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have 32bit processor i can go to 3Go in memory bat the problem cant be resolved if i change the mesh i must reduce the number of cell to 1.245.789 to calculate the power loss/SAR but i have this error "material matrice cant be loaded"
tmf please if you dont hunderstand the question dont replie in this forum we (newbie : me and you)ask the older membe with competence

sorry bat if you dont new 2Go is memory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have 32bit processor i can go to 3Go in memory bat the problem cant be resolved if i change the mesh i must reduce the number of cell to 1.245.789 to calculate the power loss/SAR but i have this error "material matrice cant be loaded"
tmf please if you dont hunderstand the question dont replie in this forum we (newbie : me and you)ask the older membe with competence

I believe tmf is confused as to your reference to 2Go and 3Go.

Are you referring to 2 Gigabytes (2GB) and 3 Gigabytes (3GB) of RAM memory in your system?

thanks BigDog yes 2Go=2GB of RAM memory (in frensh Octect=bytes in english)

Hi Parif,
mmh.. pretty strange.. have you checked "Page 1 of 2"? There you should find what you are looking for.
Let me know.

firstly, alecaccia, thanks for your model.

and secondly, guilinwxb, how did you add such parameters as blood flow, metabolic etc?

HI everyone ,
I have one question regarding voxel use.

in material file to create voxel if we do not define material 0 (background material for voxel) then background material of the CST environment is considered as the background material for voxel created. if the background in CST environment is air then background of voxel model is also air.
if this background area of the voxel model overlap with any other structure of CST then what would be the material property of the overlapping area.
i simulated like this but do not receive any structure overlapping warning but i doubt the result.

please help

Hi Ikminz,

you can define the mesh priority in the human model dialog. The material with the higher priority determines the cell material property.


HI everyone ,
I have one question regarding voxel use.

in material file to create voxel if we do not define material 0 (background material for voxel) then background material of the CST environment is considered as the background material for voxel created. if the background in CST environment is air then background of voxel model is also air.
if this background area of the voxel model overlap with any other structure of CST then what would be the material property of the overlapping area.
i simulated like this but do not receive any structure overlapping warning but i doubt the result.

please help

Hi E7K,
you pointed out a very interesting point about meshing and property of cell.

i re-read the help file and looks like just by setting mesh priority higher for human model i can forget about the overlapping issue.

thanks a lot.

Hi Ikminz,

you can define the mesh priority in the human model dialog. The material with the higher priority determines the cell material property.


Hi all,
I made by myself a Human Voxel model based on the Zubal data which is available for free. The problem is that the tissues in Zubal data does not include the electrical characteristics. I used the data found at www.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/dielec.sh to characterize the tissues at 1000MHz (which is the frequency i'm interested in). If you work at another frequency you have to manually change each tissue, using the data from the former link. The electrical data is in "material.txt". You have to import the "Human Model.vox" in the attachment. Let me know if this is ok!
One last thing: use all the stuff "at your own risk"...
I would not rely on my data to see if my stuff is cooking my head ;)
Anyway, I think this could be a good working starting point!

Hi Alessio,

I am trying to make a voxel model also and it seems like you know how to do it (from the post above), I browsed the mentioned website but unfortunately couldn't find any text file or human model.vox,
could you please assist me with this matter?


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