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Covering the poly routing with implant layers

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Junior Member level 3
Oct 5, 2007
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I am using poly layer to connect two gates.The distance between the two gates is 2 um and i am using it in a NAND layout. I am working on 65nm process.

1.Is it necessary to cover the poly routing connecting the two gates with N-implant or P-implant layer?bocz i have routed just like metal in the psub and no other layers enclosing it.

2.will there be any adverse effects if i use poly to connect the gates?

poly routing parasitic capacitances

1.No you can treat poly as normal routings, if you put an implant under it surly that would create a transistor?

2.Poly is more resistive than metal but as its only two microns I dont think it would make much difference.


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poly layer

Yes, You have to cover the poly with either NP or PP layer.. Otherwise you will get the DRC violation..

Poly has more resistance, so people normally wont prefer to use poly routing. But Still many people( Including me) using poly routing in Digital


The Transistor gets formed when Ploy crosses the OD/Active Area.


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Re: Poly layer Route

I am not getting any DRC violation for poly enclosure by NI or PI.

In that case do u suggest me to leave poly as it is without NI or PI enclosure?

Re: Poly layer Route


WHich pdk you are uding ?

Re: Poly layer Route

Absolutely no need to cover with anything...

If room Available: try to minimize the poly routing length...if possible send me the layout pic.....


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Poly layer Route

POLY - for 2um it is fine.
What is important is to know if it is poly with silicide or not.
If yes then you sheet R is about 6-7Ohm/sqare. If not then it will be closer to 30O/sq - there you can see if to use it or not.
Also Poly will give you more parasitic capacitance then metal. So yes you can use it but alway think and try to avoid.


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Re: Poly layer Route

I had std cell layout experience in my previous company. In std cells you can't leave poly alone. Poly always should be covered by either NPlus or PPlus... While running DRC it will catch these kind of violations..


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Re: Poly layer Route

even i had the same issue when working with TSMC foundary. but currently i am doing it for renesas 65nm tech ,here i am not getting this DRC violation.

Re: Poly layer Route

it depends on tSMC u need not to cover poly with any implants.make sure that it is less resistive...that can be possible by placing more contacts rather than 2 and covering the poly with metal 1.

but again ..when u come to oter foundry...u have to coverthe poly with implants.other wise it will give u DRC violations.this is with my last project experience.the implant may p-plus or n-plus.


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Re: Poly layer Route

Covering poly with implant layers depends on PDK.
Some fabs require it, some others not.
In general, I would suggest to cover it by implant to reduce resistence and avoid implant-non implant-implant transitions which in some process may reduce performances.
Try to minimize Active to Well transition space in both transistors (NMOS and PMOS) and make poly connection shorter.
Moreover, if you have a gate contact, try to avoid to place it on well and/or implant transitions in order to improve the yield.


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Poly layer Route

you can use poly as normal routing layer.. but it is more resistive than metal layers. so you have consider teh resitance it will add to t your circuit

Poly layer Route

It depends on the PDK whether you have to cover that poly with NP or PP.
1)POly routing will give increase the parasitic cap.
2)Will increase the resistance ,bcoz it is more resitive compared to metal layers.

Poly layer Route

You have to cover the poly with either NP or PP layer.. Otherwise you will get the DRC violation..but it also depends on PDK ur using

Poly has more resistance, so people normally wont prefer to use poly routing. But Still many people( Including me) using poly routing in Digital


The Transistor gets formed when Ploy crosses the OD/Active Area. its good to route with M1 since its going till 2u huse poly resistance.

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