Course notes and solutions for Analog CMOS IC Design

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Advanced Member level 2
May 7, 2004
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Analog CMOS IC Design


I am looking for course notes for Analog CMOS IC Design class with FULL worked out solutions, assignments and solutions, exams and solutions and design examples with solutions for opamps, diff pair and current sources and mirrors. Solutions and worked out examples with full hand analysis are very important and a full worked out opamp example or examples are important.

Please let me know if anyone has this.


Re: Analog CMOS IC Design

True, but not enough hand analysis, too much simulations.

Re: Analog CMOS IC Design

there is a great book ,,,CMOS analog ic design by razavi,,,it has comprehensive analysis,,,, razavi has great contributions in analog design,, he is in University of California Los Angeles"UCLA",CA,USA,,he has many ieee papers in this field ,,,

you may find this book in eda,,,,,

Analog CMOS IC Design

And also the book wrote by Gray and Meyer.

Re: Analog CMOS IC Design

you can find similar material at EE department of toronto university or georgia instirue of technology.

Analog CMOS IC Design

p.e.allen cmos anolog cirucit desigen very good

Re: Analog CMOS IC Design

The Sedra Smith book will guide you through the learning process

Re: Analog CMOS IC Design

mobile-it said:
The Sedra Smith book will guide you through the learning process

what is the name of this book?

Re: Analog CMOS IC Design

mobile-it wrote:
The Sedra Smith book will guide you through the learning process

what is the name of this book?

Microelectronic Circuits,4th edition

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