Lots of confusion here, because we are kicking around different ideas, and explaining each-other's messages.
I don't like logic that relies on delays. I like the Xilinx application note that IanP suggested, however my favorite solution is a frequency multiplier based upon a DLL or PLL.
For the lazy ones I have quoted the text below
The easiest way to create an odd divider with a 50% duty cycle is to generate two clocks at half the desired output frequency with a quadrature-phase relationship (constant 90° phase difference between the two clocks). You can then generate the output frequency by exclusive-ORing the two waveforms together. Because of the constant 90° phase offset, only one transition occurs at a time on the input of the exclusive-OR gate, effectively eliminating any glitches on the output waveform.
Let’s see how it works by taking an example where the REF_CLK is divided by 3.
Create a counter which is incremented on every rising edge of the input clock (REF_CLK) and the counter is reset to ZERO when the terminal count of counter reaches to (N-1). where N is odd number (3, 5, 7 and so on)
Take two toggle flip-flops and generate their enables as follows; T-FF1 is enabled when the counter reaches '0' and T-FF2 is enabled when the counter reaches (N/2)+1.
Output of T-FF1 is triggered on rising edge of REF_CLK and output of T-FF2 is triggered on the falling edge of REF_CLK.
The divide by N clock is derived by simply Ex-ORing both the output of T-FFs.
Would this work? use a shift register that generates this pattern on the posedge: 100100100...
Delay this pattern by a half clock with a negedge flop, then OR the outputs together. You get a 50% duty cycle with no glitches.
Cannot use a FSM to generate the pattern since that can glitch.
So if I expand the sequence to show both posedge and negede of the clock:
shifter : 11000011000011...
delayNeg: 011000011000011..
OR gate : 111000111000111..
- - - Updated - - -
Maybe if FSM is gray coded then you can avoid glitches, so an FSM would be 2 flops + 1 flop = 3 flops.