It is more complicated, it hasn't to do with the tune voltage, I took away the tune voltage and still the same problem.
The circuit attached is the same except the oscillator circuit in the red rectangle is from a newer version , the one I have is the hand drawn in my previous post.
There is a +15v swtiching signal for enabling and disabling the 29mhz to the rest of the system, this is because on higher span, the 29Mhz is not needed.
On startup, the switching signal is +15V to enable the 29 Mhz path to the system and the counter for 3 sec for diagnostic reason (and only here it fails!). where also the oscillator itself should start by power up independent of this switching signal, then it goes down to 0V, at this level, the oscillotor starts for some reason.
After the startup sequence I change the span in the instrument which means Switch signal +15v or 0V the oscillator works and does not stop as expected, did that many times.
There is something not stable here since switching from +15v to 0v it kicks the oscillation. Also. if I try to measure (by scope) on the cap between the oscillator circuit and the rest then the oscillator stops and need to restart the system.
- - - Updated - - -
Took away the two 100 Ohm parrallel resistors to disable the +15V switch, the oscillator always starts.