CB0703-PCB for "PICkit 2" DIY(Do It Yourself) fans

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pic16f886 bootloader

Well I logged into Au Groups website funnynypd and probably a couple aliases like AuGroups, dsPIC24F etc... (the 24F is NOT a ds series PIC)s site. The PICkit 2 kit seems to have disappeared along with some of the other stuff there. They are selling CAN bus stuff but no description or documentation. Plus they want $2000 for the HEX file of a 18F series bootloader? Are you guys serious? You can get serial bootloader for the 18F free and I suspect USB bootloaders for free will be forthcoming. But $2000 for a hexfile... At least grannys knitting site is cool.
**broken link removed**

PS you'll look more professional if you have someone else review your grammar and spelling.

PPS Copyright is one word. (your products page)

**broken link removed**


    Points: 2
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pic18f14k50 + icd 2 header

Please upload the full schematics for PICKit.


mplab ide for pic12f508

ennio said:
see back side
Note: PCB is homemade
Job well done.

Added after 7 minutes:

Nandulal said:
Please upload the full schematics for PICKit.

Hi, Nandulal,

Please see page 51 and 52 (Microchip page, not the pdf page)on the Microchip posted user manual.
Please let us know if you have an issue to locate the file.

https://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/PICkit 2 User Guide_51553D.pdf

pic16f913 eagle

Dear Funnynypd,
I got it. I know the schematics is given in user manual. But I want to remove the memory, MOSFET and opamp from the design. So I need the very clean design like given on .


pickit2 hex

what is the memory used for anyway ?

I've got a simple design of pickit 2 not sre if it works I'll up load it
Reactions: robin123


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    Points: 2
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pickit 2 bootloader

here is another version of it


    Points: 2
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pickit2 lite

Release Notes for PICkit® 2 Development Tool
MPLAB® IDE v8.00
Firmware Version 2.10.0
Software DLL Version
October 4, 2007
Table of Contents
1 Device Support List
2 Operating System Support List
3 Reference Documents
4 Known Problems
1 Device Support List
1.1 Debugger - Full Support
PIC16F690* PIC16F884 PIC16F887
PIC16F883 PIC16F886 PIC16F917
1.2 Debugger - Beta Support
PIC10F200* PIC10F204* PIC10F220*
PIC10F202* PIC10F206* PIC10F222*

PIC12F508* PIC12F629* PIC12F683*
PIC12F509* PIC12F635*
PIC12F510* PIC12F675*

PIC16F505* PIC16F689* PIC16F873A
PIC16F506* PIC16F716* PIC16F874
PIC16F627A* PIC16F737 PIC16F874A
PIC16F628A* PIC16F747 PIC16F876
PIC16F630* PIC16F767 PIC16F876A
PIC16F631* PIC16F777 PIC16F877
PIC16F636* PIC16F785* PIC16F877A
PIC16F648A* PIC16F818 PIC16F88
PIC16F676* PIC16F819 PIC16F882
PIC16F677* PIC16F87 PIC16F913
PIC16F684* PIC16F870 PIC16F914
PIC16F685* PIC16F871 PIC16F916
PIC16F687* PIC16F872 PIC16F946
PIC16F688* PIC16F873 PIC16HV785*

PIC18F1220 PIC18F2682 PIC18F6310
PIC18F1230+ PIC18F2685 PIC18F6390
PIC18F1320 PIC18F4220 PIC18F6410
PIC18F1330+ PIC18F4221 PIC18F6490
PIC18F2220 PIC18F4320 PIC18F6520
PIC18F2221 PIC18F4321 PIC18F6525
PIC18F2320 PIC18F4331 PIC18F6527
PIC18F2321 PIC18F4410 PIC18F6585
PIC18F2331 PIC18F442 PIC18F6620
PIC18F2410 PIC18F4420 PIC18F6621
PIC18F242 PIC18F4423 PIC18F6622
PIC18F2420 PIC18F4431 PIC18F6627
PIC18F2423 PIC18F4450 PIC18F6628
PIC18F2431 PIC18F4455 PIC18F6680
PIC18F2450 PIC18F4458 PIC18F6720
PIC18F2455 PIC18F448 PIC18F6722
PIC18F2458 PIC18F4480 PIC18F6723
PIC18F248 PIC18F44K20 PIC18F8310
PIC18F2480 PIC18F4510 PIC18F8390
PIC18F24K20 PIC18F4515 PIC18F8410
PIC18F2510 PIC18F452 PIC18F8490
PIC18F2515 PIC18F4520 PIC18F8520
PIC18F252 PIC18F4523 PIC18F8525
PIC18F2520 PIC18F4525 PIC18F8527
PIC18F2523 PIC18F4550 PIC18F8585
PIC18F2525 PIC18F4553 PIC18F8620
PIC18F2550 PIC18F458 PIC18F8621
PIC18F2553 PIC18F4580 PIC18F8622
PIC18F258 PIC18F4585 PIC18F8627
PIC18F2580 PIC18F45K20 PIC18F8628
PIC18F2585 PIC18F4610 PIC18F8680
PIC18F25K20 PIC18F4620 PIC18F8720
PIC18F2610 PIC18F4680 PIC18F8722
PIC18F2620 PIC18F4682 PIC18F8723
PIC18F2680 PIC18F4685
1.3 Programmer - Full Support

PIC16F506 PIC16F88 PIC16F887
PIC16F684 PIC16F883 PIC16F917
PIC16F690 PIC16F884
PIC16F87 PIC16F886
1.4 Programmer - Beta Support
PIC10F200* PIC10F204* PIC10F220*
PIC10F202* PIC10F206* PIC10F222*

PIC12F508* PIC12F629* PIC12F683*
PIC12F509* PIC12F635*
PIC12F510* PIC12F675*

PIC16F505* PIC16F689* PIC16F873A
PIC16F506* PIC16F716* PIC16F874
PIC16F627A* PIC16F737 PIC16F874A
PIC16F628A* PIC16F747 PIC16F876
PIC16F630* PIC16F767 PIC16F876A
PIC16F631* PIC16F777 PIC16F877
PIC16F636* PIC16F785* PIC16F877A
PIC16F648A* PIC16F818 PIC16F88
PIC16F676* PIC16F819 PIC16F882
PIC16F677* PIC16F87 PIC16F913
PIC16F684* PIC16F870 PIC16F914
PIC16F685* PIC16F871 PIC16F916
PIC16F687* PIC16F872 PIC16F946
PIC16F688* PIC16F873 PIC16HV785*

PIC18F1220 PIC18F2682 PIC18F6310
PIC18F1230+ PIC18F2685 PIC18F6390
PIC18F1320 PIC18F4220 PIC18F6410
PIC18F1330+ PIC18F4221 PIC18F6490
PIC18F2220 PIC18F4320 PIC18F6520
PIC18F2221 PIC18F4321 PIC18F6525
PIC18F2320 PIC18F4331 PIC18F6527
PIC18F2321 PIC18F4410 PIC18F6585
PIC18F2331 PIC18F442 PIC18F6620
PIC18F2410 PIC18F4420 PIC18F6621
PIC18F242 PIC18F4423 PIC18F6622
PIC18F2420 PIC18F4431 PIC18F6627
PIC18F2423 PIC18F4450 PIC18F6628
PIC18F2431 PIC18F4455 PIC18F6680
PIC18F2450 PIC18F4458 PIC18F6720
PIC18F2455 PIC18F448 PIC18F6722
PIC18F2458 PIC18F4480 PIC18F6723
PIC18F248 PIC18F44K20 PIC18F8310
PIC18F2480 PIC18F4510 PIC18F8390
PIC18F24K20 PIC18F4515 PIC18F8410
PIC18F2510 PIC18F452 PIC18F8490
PIC18F2515 PIC18F4520 PIC18F8520
PIC18F252 PIC18F4523 PIC18F8525
PIC18F2520 PIC18F4525 PIC18F8527
PIC18F2523 PIC18F4550 PIC18F8585
PIC18F2525 PIC18F4553 PIC18F8620
PIC18F2550 PIC18F458 PIC18F8621
PIC18F2553 PIC18F4580 PIC18F8622
PIC18F258 PIC18F4585 PIC18F8627
PIC18F2580 PIC18F45K20 PIC18F8628
PIC18F2585 PIC18F4610 PIC18F8680
PIC18F25K20 PIC18F4620 PIC18F8720
PIC18F2610 PIC18F4680 PIC18F8722
PIC18F2620 PIC18F4682 PIC18F8723
PIC18F2680 PIC18F4685
* These devices require a header board to be able to debug the device. See the Header Board Specification (DS51292) for more information. This document is available in the “Downloads” section of the PICkit 2 web page.
NOTE: To connect PICkit 2 to a debug header board requires the AC164110 RJ-11 to ICSP Adapter.
+ These devices have an optional debug header which is currently NOT supported by PICkit 2.
2 Operating System Support List
This tool has been tested under the following operating systems:
Windows® 2000 SP4, Windows XP SP2, and Windows Vista™ (32-Bit)* OSs
* Only initial testing has been performed on 32-bit Vista for this release. 64-bit Vista is not supported at this time.
NOTE: Windows NT® and Windows 98/ME OSs are NOT supported.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Beginning with MPLAB IDE v7.51, MPLAB IDE and PICkit 2 will no longer be tested on Windows 98, Windows ME, or Windows NT® OSs. MPLAB IDE and PICkit 2 may continue to work under these operating systems, but their operation will no longer be verified through testing.
3 Reference Documents
The following documents may be found on our website or MPLAB IDE CD-ROM:
• PICkit 2 Microcontroller Programmer User's Guide - DS51553
• Low Pin Count Demo Board User's Guide - DS51556
• Programming Specifications for devices - various DS numbers
• Development Tool Selector
4 Known Problems
The following is a list of known problems. For more information on operation, please see the online help file for the PICkit 2 (hlpPICkit2.chm). Bolded prefix represents internal tracking numbers.
• To use the PICkit 2 as a debugger, two 4.7K pull-down resistors are needed on pins ICSPDAT and ICSPCLK for units with a black pushbutton. Units with a red pushbutton have the pull-down resistors already internal to the unit.
PK2-10: Output to Debug File - An error message is displayed when an attempt is made to use this option.

pic kit 2 review

For PK2 I have some questions hope one of u may answer!
1. Can I use 18f2553?
2. Please upload/point me the simplest pk2 that u tested.
3. Can I use variable VDD with lm317 and fixed VPP to make a simplest PK2?
4. VDD also fixed with option for other VDD like 3V will be provided on the target board its self.
5. What happed for the data and clock pins if PK2 rinning on 5V and target running on 3V?

pickit 2 vdd voltage level error

blueroomelectronics said:
funnynypd your kit is based on the red button type, you should probably make note of that to your customers as it's the newer style of PICkit 2.
Sure, will do. Thanks.

module socket for pickit3

If you need 3.3V support then you pretty much have to build the full version. You can omit the EEPROMs though.

pic kit2 clone


Even if my target bard is self powered with 3V....I need full versionof PK2?

For full version which one u recommend to build.

Any one please answer my rest above Qs?

write flash program memory pic16f727

For LM317 question,
I have build this Vdd Adjust with LM317 in my PK2.
Works fine from 2.5 to 5 V at 1A.


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