Build easy MPLAB-6 ICD-2 for PIC18F2550

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icd2 fail self test

I think too, the problem will be the bootloader !!!
My boards work well with all 6.xx and 7.xx MPLAB versions, the OS can be download by mplab without problem. I use the zaphod42 bootloader with 16F877A

I don't like L. Stolz version of the schematic. Yes it's simple to make it, but you must have two diffrent power for this board. When you have a self powered target board, you must have three power supply !!!!

The version on h**p:// will be better, because VPP voltage was generated with 12C508. So just one power supply!
But what about the transistors ? BC547 has 100mA maximum collector current, so if you have a target board powered by ICD2 it will be very small. You can replace this bipolar with mosfet. I will try to modify this board as soon as possible.


icd2 firmware pic16f876

yes, i also thought that problem was with bootloader (at first i used icd661.hex, which is in fact bootloader + os for 16F) - thats why i tried another two bootloaders (downloaded from thid forum) but without success
i'm really confused that it does not work
with icd 661.hex MPLAB can connect to it, it even can download OS, i can set and release device from reset (when connected as programmer) but there is the error with settind Vdd and reading id

when i tried the other two bootloaders, firstly a could not connect at all a then i could not download os

i dont need two power supplies for, becuse i derive 5V using 7805 from 13V Vpp generated by 7812+2 Si diodes

pic16f876a ft232rl code

I have just one power supply, with 13V. The target device and the respective breadboard are supply by ICD2 Clone.

At first i used to the 661.hex, and works great to.

now i am using the bootloader16F877A.


If you can download the OS to the ICD2, but you can't program the target pic, i think the problem is the length of the cables between the ICD2 and target PIC. try cables more short.

i have three cables to conect the target PGD, PGC and MCLR. and sometimes if the cables are together, i receive the error :
ICDWarn0020: Invalid target device id (expected=0x89, read=0x83)

mplab trouble shouting


Does anyone has the files for ICD2 clone at:


Thanks !

diy icd for pic16f877a


yes it would be logical, when it cannot read id, problem will be something around thae target and connections to it.
but first thing i don't understand is why MPLAB tells me error after setting Vdd, because circuit by Stolz doesn't set Vdd at all, and Vdd is always present.
and the second is, the MPLAB doesn't give warning because of wrong id, but i get error like this:

Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
Setting Vdd source to target
ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation
...Reading ICD Product ID
ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation
Running ICD Self Test

i think it's strange

ftdi232 interface with pic16f876a

I've dowload the files fron sixca, you must be registered to download it. It's free.

If you don't want to registered, I can upload it on the forum now.

pic prototyping board + icd

and in your previous posts you wrote you can send my files to build ICD clone, so please send it to travex(at)


used mplab icd2

The rar have some useful information to people that have problems building the ICD2 Clone with 16F877A.

The bootloader, the schematic with some measures, and a txt with some information.


unable to connect with mplab icd 2 (com3)

I've already upload my board on the forum
Look here


make mplab icd 2

great job.

I put these files here, trying to help MILKDROP and OOP, they have some kind of mistery problem and the circuit doesn't work...

the schematic have some voltage measures and has a doc with some tricks to try solve the problem.


modular buildeasy start

OOP said:
I build a ICD2
from h**p://

But not work.
any one help me.


I think bootloader not work. You can use another bootloader.

icd check values

Need some ideas from people who built USB version:

I built 2 boards based on FTDI232 and one on TUSB3410.
All working fine except, I can use only if virtual port set to COM2.

I tried 2 different computers with XP Pro SP1 and SP2. Both PCs have built in port COM1 and modem on COM3

If I select COM2 for USB port in device manager and COM2 in MPLAB 7.01 or 7.10 everything is fine. If I select COM4 or higher - MPLAB cant find por giving messsage "Non existent port"

Any ideas? Anyone tried higher COM numbers? Thanks

mplab 6.60 download

I've some problem with MPLAB and COM port.
I've found a solution:
Don't configure COM port in MPLAB, but edit the file ICD2.INI in MPLAB directory and choose in this file your COM port. Save the file, and do not reconfigure your COM port with MPLAB.

icd2br pic16f877 bl101010

Tried - same result.
I really think this is MPLAB problem:
Here is what I did:
I uninstalled all USB devices, removed modem, so I have only COM1 - real COM port on the motherboard.
Connected serially to COM1 - working,
changed COM1 to COM2 in device manager, - ICD working
changed COM2 to COM 3 - nothing.
changed to COM4,5,8,9 - nothing.
Put COM pback to COM1 - working.

and this is with real COM port on the mother board.
Upgraded 7.01 to 7.11 same: only working with COM1 and 2

So question - is this a MPLAB problem or my PC or Windows XP?

Any ideas?

how to use icd2 to check an adc operation

SPATAN said:
I think bootloader not work. You can use another bootloader.


I forgot a jumper under IC1.

Now it work fine and stable.

printf("Thanks every one");

mplab versie 6

Question to Andy_123

When you use TUSB3410 do you use I2C EEPROM? If yes, what image has to be programmed in it? I cannot find anything at TI's web site.


icd2 mplab make

thaks toeverybody, who tried to help me getting ICD2 clone to work, but now it works perfectly. i found main error- resistor 22 kOhms in base of one of transistors wasn't really 22 kOhms, but just 22 Ohms (terrible!) because of unreadable numbers on it
i found it with Vmeter - logical level on RC pin linked with the transitor was too high - about 2.8 volts in logical 0!
then it worked with icd661.hex from somewhere on web, but just with 16F... targets, it failed to download new OS, required to work with 18F... family. so i used bootloader from this forum (i downloaded it from reply of martinisonline, but i think it was somewhere else too) and now it works OK

i'm a little bit surprised of very slow debugging, performing one step takes few seconds. changing from 19200 to 57600 bauds didn't bring any result, closing watch windows makes little difference, but it also seems a little bit slow

mplab icd2 interface to pic-16f876a

pqw10 said:
Question to Andy_123

When you use TUSB3410 do you use I2C EEPROM? If yes, what image has to be programmed in it? I cannot find anything at TI's web site.

No, I did not use EEPROM with TUSB, I use EEPRom with FT232 only.

I am using TUSB converter I built almost 2 years ago - as far as I remember TI has utility to program custom USB info:
PID, VID, serial number, current etc.
look at the TUSB site:
**broken link removed**


I built ICD2 with bootloader icd661.hex.It is working well,but when i single step the
debugger it takes about 6seconds.What may be the problem?.I used pic16f876A,
and max232.

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