Can't do it that way Dick_freebird, there are only two wires and the LEDs self protect by being across each other so Vf is all they will ever have across them, Resistors to limit the current are not an option either as the number of LEDs can be different in each installation.
I'm thinking of a linear regulator, something like a 7805 wired for constant current then a H bridge with complimentary NPN & PNP so top and bottom of the arms can be driven B-E directly from a micro with 4 IO pins. If the bridge can run at the same voltage as the MCU it should be possible to drive the transistors by inverting the signal to the two top transistors, I'm not sure if that's feasible given the constant current requirement though as VCC would be variable. The prototype I was shown used direct drive from two MCU pins but obviously the current available was much less than needed in a production unit.