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Bad news for US Engineers

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It is not really bad,

It is a transition time, outsourcing jobs to China/India or other countries is certainly the global trend, and not only the US does. However, it will make US job market even more challenging. US design firms nowaday focus on project definition and derive specifications, algorithm etc. then oversea contractors will do the rest with much less $$. Look at big US corps such as IBM, Intel, Mentor Graphic, their R&D's are in the US but their designs can be done oversea, in India. Thus, US engineer is doing much important job and play the leader role instead. This requires much higher education and talent. This trend will even push up the US education system to the higher degree. It is the revolution of US engineering career.

Just the idea,


This response is not meant to bash you. I think that many of the managers and the high-level system engineers at the companies doing the out-sourcing feel exactly as you describe. It's going to free our engineers from doing the "grunt" work and let us focus more on the "bigger" issues.

If all it took was more and higher education to be a good engineer, we wouldn't have engineers. Scientists and mathematicians would be all that we need. Engineers are the ones that implement. Many great innovations have come from engineers trying to overcome implementation "details" that the scientists and mathematicians thougth were trivial. Outsourcing engineering in the long term will be terrible for innovation here in the US.


artem said:
I mostly agree with .....

There are truth, my friend, too delicate to be entirely mentioned here and that otherwise (I'm sure) would have routed all discussion through the wrong way. As you may know, often we all pay for a bill which not belong to us. And what the salty bill ! :cry:

But, again once, this is policy concerning, and we don't need to be concerned with. After all we are all engineers and despite of the different cultures our objective diversity looks like nulled here; may is this the worst danger of those who would systematically transform the unavoidable comparision among cultures and needs into an insane "poor peaple's war" ??

However, I'm glad you did gather the message.

With the advent of technology like internet the world is becoming a virtual village. ten years back we would not have thought that we would be discussing in forums like what we are doing today. i never thaugt that it would be possibe to be in contact with people from across the globe so easily.
it is natural that jobs will be outsourced . whre ever the labour is cheap the work will be outsourced.
now why is it happening? take an example
HSBC bank employes around 3000 people in india with an average pay of 250$ a month compared to 3500$ it has to pay in any developed country. this is huge saving with respect to what the company saves.

in a connected world it makes little differance if i am sitting in USA or in UK or in INDIA
Friends it is not only the engineers but people from other desciplenes are also losing jobs.


Hi ,
i think what hdang is saying is not true
complete ic are been designed in india

:NEWS ITEM:Ankoor, the latest 'digital signal processor' chip from Texas Instruments was designed entirely in India!
A new chip, a digital signal processor, code-named Ankoor, and, officially, TMS320C27x, has been developed at the TI DSP Product Development Centre, Bangalore. the spokesperson admitted Cheaper manpower was not the primary factor for the work being done in India; it was the availability of high quality engineering staff. But it was more "cost-competitive than getting it done in Silicon Valley,"
**broken link removed**

Both kind of works "Hitech" as well as "low tech" are been outsourced to India and China
It is only a matter of time when the transition takes place
Already India is on the edge of becoming software superpower and is China in Hardware
Time will tell :wink: 8O 8O

I am an engineer based in UK. Good luck to all engineers everywhere.
I have worked with several chinese companies and have most respect for their work. Strangely, I have never met them face to face.
The companies which out sourced don't care about Americans or Indians. They would relocate to Mongolia if it suits their interest. It is interesting that people think it is the share holders that make these dicisions. It is the people with capital and they have no heart. They will exploit when ever get the chance. The multi-nationals are now exploiting a new resource like they did oil and minerals.

You should not call yourself an engineer if you are getting worried about this situation. An engineer always finds a way.



wake up from your sleep.A lot of these companies (except those who design solely for the government) now have part of their R&D in other countries.

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