antenna radiation pattern(too urgent)

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k frn thanks . Iwill check code wat u tell. k.

Added after 36 minutes:

frn I tried code as you but am getting error vector dimennsions must be same


I got that error at line

plot(-M:M, abs(AF), 'r');

see this complete code here

clear all;
close all;

%----------- Common Parameters for both approaches ------------

N = input('Enter the value of N --------> ');
N = round(N); % convert to integer

if(mod(N,2) == 0)
M = N/2;
M = (N-1)/2;

lambda = 50;
samples = 'odd'; % possible values can be 'odd' or 'evn'
k = 2*pi/lambda;

if(samples == 'odd')
m = -M : M;
m = -M : M;
index = find(m == 0);
m(index) = [];

[row, col] = size(m);
bm = [zeros(1,2) ones(1,col-4) zeros(1,2)];

%--------------- Line Source Parameters & Code ----------------

d = lambda/2;
length = N*d;

kk = 1;
sum = 0;
jj = 1;
[row, col] = size(m);

for ii = 1 : col
mm = m(ii);
yy = cos_theta_m(mm, lambda, length, samples);
sum = sum + (bm(jj)*exp(-j*k*zz*yy));
jj = jj + 1;
AF(kk) = sum;
kk = kk + 1;

%---------------------------- Lets plot the results -----------

figure; grid; hold on;

plot(-M:M, abs(AF), 'r');
xlabel('source psition z');
ylabel('Normalized current');
title('current distribution for linear array');


run for N=123, yeilds


hii frns we want to plot with respect to z not with -M:M .

ok but your z here is not correct, you must do some thing to z such as normalization or other thing

Added after 4 minutes:

you must see in your program that the number of points in AF is equals to -M:1:M

k but i don't know h to do normalisation.

if u know how to do normalisation please help me.


k thanks.

that means is it requir to modify our program?



Added after 3 hours 37 minutes:

hi friend,

in the following link there is a matlab codes for balanes (all chapters in matlab)


Added after 1 hours 3 minutes:

did you get the programs from the above link? tell me please

hii frn
I got output for our program . Modofication to that is normlised value.

thnks for your great help.

Added after 4 minutes:

hii frn

I am n't getting programs for above link. pls help me.


any one know code for iterative sampling method

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