antenna radiation pattern(too urgent)

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Junior Member level 2
Mar 13, 2009
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hii frns,
I require a code for current distribution of line source using woodward-lawson synthesis in matlab. That equation is in the 'Balanis' text book of antenna theory.


I am sending you pdf file which contains current distribution equation for woodward lawson synthesis method for line source & linear array.
please go through that .if any require i will send you.


I require it for equations

7-16,7-24 that means current disribution for array & source.

for your great response

sorry me friend, cos my response will be too late cos i must understand the material itself before any programming.

wait me please

I will send you wat program we write for that can tell me how to plot graph for source & array? I am geeting near graph for source but no graph for array

my friend, please note that i am poor in this field but i can help you in the programming only. Note, my interest is OFDM modulation. but i want to help you in the programming

Added after 3 minutes:

now i can calculate θm; M; Δ;
but i do not know the two factors bm and k

can you provide me these two factors ?

k friend . I require your help on programming . am sending you my program pls go through that.

This website is n't taking mfiles wat can i do

I attached rar file pls see that and must run all files in same directory.

r u asking in pogram. actually 'z' is element position

ok friend i get all your files. Give me some time to see it

Added after 26 minutes:

for the array plot:

your problem that make the plot not appeared is the x-axis dimensioning at line 56. If you delete the x-axis in the plot commandt to be plot(abs(AF)/N, 'r'); then you will see your plot.

try it right now.
for N=100,

please tell me is this what you want to get?

no frn . our required plot is same as fig 7.6 (a) current distribution in pdf file

Added after 1 minutes:

hey how got that plot pls give me code wat chages u made
as i see, you are taking the positive values of m. In other words you ignor the -M values in line code number 41 {for ii = 1 : col
mm = m(ii);}

because u let m=-M:M; your calculations are for the positive values of m (from 1 to M only in line code 41 to 49).


for ii = 1 : col
mm = m(ii);
yy = cos_theta_m(mm, lambda, length, samples);
sum = sum + (bm(jj)*exp(-j*k*zz*yy));
jj = jj + 1;
AF(kk) = sum;
kk = kk + 1;

correct me if i am in wrong idea

for ii = 1 : col
mm = m(ii);
yy = cos_theta_m(mm, lambda, length, samples);
sum = sum + (bm(jj)*exp(-j*k*zz*yy));
jj = jj + 1;
AF(kk) = sum;
kk = kk + 1;

in the above program

m(ii) taking array value from -M:M
bcz ii is incremented upto 'col'

if u require full see that wrd in command window.

Added after 15 minutes:

hii frn did u get my point?

Hi Friend;

now i complete my checking for the source. It is correct.

Added after 2 hours 1 minutes:

in fact,

i checked your array program. It is seem no problems in the program. Just do the following

%---------------------------- Lets plot the results -----------

figure; grid; hold on;

plot(-M:M, abs(AF), 'r');
xlabel('source psition z');
ylabel('Normalized current');
title('current distribution for linear array');

but in fact your program has no problems but why its results not like that in the book.

I suggest to do the calculations of the program by hand (take a small number of samples) and plot it.

I did my best

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