Altium schematic to pcb import problems

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Newbie level 2
Oct 19, 2014
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Hi all,

I am new to altium. I am using version 14. My problems when importing changes (design > import changes)

1. unknown pin.
2. failed to add class member.

I imported an eagle library. Copied two components from this library into an custom altium library - image 3. When I copied them I made sure the pins designators match the pads designator - image 1 & image 2

When I try to import changes, it's showing that pins 2, 3, 4 as unknown pins but not pin 1. It happens for both the parts - image 4

I've read most of the threads on these issues but I can't seem to solve them.

I am attaching screenshots of one of the problematic parts.

Thank you so much.


  • 1.png
    9.7 KB · Views: 192
  • 2.png
    6.5 KB · Views: 174
  • 3.png
    9.4 KB · Views: 213
  • 4.png
    5 KB · Views: 168

Hope this helps someone who is confused and frustrated.

This what I did:

1. Save schematic .SchDoc
2. Save pcb .PcbDoc.
3. Save project .PrjPcb.
4. Remove pcb doc from project (right click on .PcbDoc -> remove from project).
5. Add new pcb doc to project (right click on .PrjPcb -> add new to project -> pcb).
6. Save new pcbdoc. Name does not matter.
7. Both of these work - from .SchDoc [design -> update pcb document] OR from .PcbDoc [design -> import changes].
8. Save this PcbDoc.
9. Remove this new PcbDoc from project.
10. Add the OLD pcbDoc to project (right click on PrjPcb -> add existing to project).
11. Repeat step 7.
12. Delete the new PcbDoc using explorer.
13. Get up from your chair and dance/rejoice in silence.
14. Get back to work.

I have no idea why this worked.

Let me know if this might be one of solutions and I will mark it as solved.

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