Seems this was a misunderstanding on my side about the shaft: I thought with shaft you thought of the axis of the motor. I don't think you have to recalculate the Mi value.... the Mi of the shaft was calculated including the blades right? how can i calculate the Mi of the blade again???
also i understood all those calculation parts but i was wondering what formula or how did you derive this expression angle = (α/2)*t2
can you direct me what expression or formula is it?
i sense it is a expression to know how much amount of radians/degree has the object rotated with the given angular acceleration in given time t.
Right. It's just analog to the equation for the covered distance of linear movement (s) of a mass (m) accelerated by the acceleration (a) during a time (t):
s = (a/2)*t2 , where a = F/m (F=force [N])
If you need a more exact explanation, I'd recommend to study thoroughly this Wiki explanation - which I've linked already in my first answer to you.