[SOLVED] Active Devices & Passive Devices

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I think you can waste a lot of time and energy worrying about something that is really an imprecise, arbitrary definition. Some definitions and ambiguities are given here: Passivity (engineering)

Thanks for the link. Interestingly, the suggested Incremental passivity definition refers to some borderline cases, that have been mentioned in the discussion before: diodes with monotonic versus non-monotonic voltage-current characteristic, and e.g. relays. Personally, I tend to emphasize the functionality of a device in a particular circuit. Devices, that act as a parametric amplifier (e.g. diodes, inductors) would be also considered active in this role. But as said by many contributors, all these defintions are arbitrary.

Generally, the diode is active device, but is ideal diode is still passive components.

Generally, the diode is active device, but is ideal diode is still passive components.

Is this a question?
If not and if this really is your understanding I think you should read some other contributions within this thread.

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