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skill language

who has the reference of cadence skill language

skill cadence

sklanguser.pdf and skdfref.pdf are the best to start with to learn skill programming. If u want to learn it quick, dont waste time reading it from start to end. Start writing scripts.

I suggest u right a script for Placement. Inputs will be spice file, Pcells library name and then the script should create cells and pcells, sub-blocks in the Top-level library.

skill programming

rimser9 said:
sklanguser.pdf and skdfref.pdf are the best to start with to learn skill programming. If u want to learn it quick, dont waste time reading it from start to end. Start writing scripts.

I suggest u right a script for Placement. Inputs will be spice file, Pcells library name and then the script should create cells and pcells, sub-blocks in the Top-level library.

I started to learn it yesterday, you have given me a very good idea.

Thank you!

cadence skill reference manual

rimser9 said:
sklanguser.pdf and skdfref.pdf are the best to start with to learn skill programming. If u want to learn it quick, dont waste time reading it from start to end. Start writing scripts.

I suggest u right a script for Placement. Inputs will be spice file, Pcells library name and then the script should create cells and pcells, sub-blocks in the Top-level library.

This sounds so complicated. Is this easy to complete ?

cadence skill script

Yes man. It is very Easy. I wrote it long back.
Read the spice open a new cell create pcells. and place it in the top cell (i.e subckt).

This is useful if u are using virtuoso layout editor rather than XL

cadence skill reference

This is a language used in Cadence tools
skill code cadence

cadence skill language is used in cadence desig enviorment
what ever things u can doing in cadence tool that things u can script it using skill code



cadence skill programming

You should also get a source link account, so you can ask a cadence rep questions of how to do or why is it not working.
**broken link removed**

skill language reference

do u have sth in detailed? i need to learn it in depth. thanks.

cadence skill development

Skill development


  • skill_development_1352.pdf
    682.1 KB · Views: 732

how to learn skill language

skill development function

fundamentals of skill language

and one more

cadence skill pdf

Does anyone have skill training manuel ??

cadence skill language

And I want to know the difference between skill and ocean.

cadence skill script help

This is the lab manual for the Skill language from cadence.
Hope it helps


  • skillpro_5_0.lab_6665.pdf
    617.5 KB · Views: 840
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