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Transistor tester schematic IC

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Feb 1, 2004
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Has any body got a good reliable transistor tester schematics IC or microcontroler based
i've searched the web but not found any that seem to be good

cheers snaper :?:

determinator 4001

Just need to add a bit more info

I need it to be able to tell me which transistor type i.e npn or pnp aslo the pin config i.e b,c,e if possible



-Elektor has published a project for transistor tester based on a PIC16C71
-EPE (August 1998 ) PC Transistor Tester
-Buy Multimeter with built-in Transistor tester. It's cheap

transistor identifier

hi thanks for info i would love to buy one but that takes all the fun out of electronics then.
when was the elektor publish the pic one do u know


pic transistor tester

cheers foxy rick

i have looked at that site it dont give u the schematic looks ok though

i'm interested in the one published in elektor

thanks i will keep looking

transistor tester

It does give the schematic - in a big yellow box - you can't miss it!

It even gives a photo of the PCB. With a little work in Paintshop it should be easy to reproduce.

Check again - if you still can't see it let me know and I'll PM it to you (if you want)

The Elektor one with the PIC is on the 1995 CD - it took me a while to find that in my archives - 1995 is not included in Elektor's indices :?

EDIT: It's December 1995 - I have attached the article. It's a bit messy, all seperate pdf's, because I had to extract each bit seperately from the program. Please note, no PIC code on the CD - you can probably get it from Elektor

I can't find the EPE one - it is just before the available electronic issues.

the uses of a transistor tester?

thanks foxyrick
I looked again your right it is on there
Well it was late this morning and i was dog tired now i got 2 to go at nice one cheers

i dont suppose u or any body got the software for the elktor one


sc analyser2005 semiconductor device tester


I know what you mean about early mornings - I seem to be having a lot of them recently (2am, 3, and 4... sleep? whazzat?)

I would like the code myself. I have emailed Elektor (I am a long-term subscriber, so may get somewhere) about it, since it does not seem to be available for download.

I did find programmed chips, but you have to go to the Dutch site ( and click randomly on links until you find it (unless you speak Dutch!). I would tell you where, but I can't remember (3am again). They want 44 Euros for it though, so I think I will let them keep it myself.

I will keep hoping I come across the code - I'll let you know if I do.

If you find any other transistor testors that look good (mcu-controlled, ebc ident, gain measure, all automated etc) let me know. I could do with one myself.

transistor tester pic

hi foxyrick

thanks for that i to have been looking around for the source code and i've also e-mailed elektor about the code lets hope they sort something out or some kind person may have a copy lying around some where
The quest stills goes on my eyes are aching and drooping searched google now for a few hours trying to find ohter MCU transistor tester but no joy yet

i'l keep u informed if i find one and hope u do the same for me LOL

elektor transistor tester

Based on the number of times this thread has been viewed (216 when I looked), I'd say there is more interest in the subject than would appear based on just the postings here. I too have looked for hours via Google without a lot of success for a PIC based transistor tester. So, if we're making a list of those that are interested - add me to it as well :)


peak transistor tester

Hi all

Here is a link to a french electronic magazine witch describes in his april issue a transistor tester. Unfortunately, the text is in french. There is no schematic on the site, but prog and PCB are available. If some one can scan the article and post it here.

The title of this article is : Testeur/identificateur de transistors:determ 4001

Site : h**p://

Prog : h**p://

PCB : h**p://

* = t

build transistor tester

Hi all
so far i have hit a brick wall with hex file for the transistor tester. i got in touch with elektor but they want £30.00 english poinds for it and i think that is a rip off big time.i have asked on many sties but still no joy


avr transistor tester

I visited the french magazine website and that's the darndest thing I've ever seen. It gives no clue as to how to subscribe or obtain copies of the magazine. Or am I missing something? Clicking on the contact link just gives me a blank page - but that could be because of my browser settings. It would appear that there are opening paragraphs of the various articles for each issue except the current one (hint - to get a rough translation, use Google's translate function. Not great but you get enough of the information to make sense of it.) I'd be interested to see if anyone has this article available.


transistor tester waleczek

I visited the french magazine website and that's the darndest thing I've ever seen. It gives no clue as to how to subscribe or obtain copies of the magazine. Or am I missing something? Clicking on the contact link just gives me a blank page - but that could be because of my browser settings. It would appear that there are opening paragraphs of the various articles for each issue except the current one (hint - to get a rough translation, use Google's translate function. Not great but you get enough of the information to make sense of it.) I'd be interested to see if anyone has this article available.


transistor pin identifier


The site is in construction, so some of the pages are not available immediately.

Seams that the article on the site will be available one month after the publication. I will try to get some information.

For bying this issue, try the link here after :


Check the line "Electronique pratique au numéro". The april issue is "numéro 282". The cost is 4,5 Euros.

I dont know if they are able to send something out of france and i dont know if there is additional cost when send out of france.

elektor semiconductor analyzer

papyaki said:

The site is in construction, so some of the pages are not available immediately.

Seams that the article on the site will be available one month after the publication. I will try to get some information.

For bying this issue, try the link here after :


Check the line "Electronique pratique au numéro". The april

issue is "numéro 282". The cost is 4,5 Euros.
I dont know if they are able to send something out of france and i dont know if there is additional cost when send out of france.

hi friend

any info about the artical is it available for downlaod or not

how to identify transistor pin ebc

I bought that issue. The article describes as title says transistor identifier. It can determine type of transistor PNP, NPN, NJFET, PJFET, NMOS and PMOS. IT allso indicates transistor pins EBC SGD and measures HFE, RDSON and cutoff voltage at fets. Instrument is build arround PIC16F872 it has 2x16 LCD. As I understand instrument is suitable to indicate type of transistor which has no label more than to perform more advanced measurements.
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