[SOLVED] 16f877a power on problem

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the input to 7805 must be at least higher than the input by 1.25 v, if u can maintain that the output is guaranteed to be at 5v or 4.99v. hence the normal configuration will suffice. but I had the same problem once due to bad resonator. does your code run on many interrupt routines. you should be careful with interrupt routines, when translated in to assembly or hex they create a lot of mess.
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I had the same problem once due to bad resonator.

what does bad resonator means

does your code run on many interrupt routines. you should be careful with interrupt routines, when translated in to assembly or hex they create a lot of mess.

no there are not much interrupts what could be the problem with interrupts?

The resonator that i was using has a power supply pins(Vcc and ground) and phase shifted signal(clock) outputs pins which were connected to the clock input of the PIC, for some reason the resonator was creating too much noise on the power line.
Interrupts if not properly handled, may execute nested and create erratic program flow.

Did you used too many functions or big lookup tables???

yes there are call functions included

The resonator that i was using has a power supply pins(Vcc and ground) and phase shifted signal(clock) outputs pins which were connected to the clock input of the PIC, for some reason the resonator was creating too much noise on the power line.

i am using simple crystal oscillator with two legs connected to osc pins of controller

More function calls could lead to stack over flow and that can lead to undesirable outputs and as well as not correctly sized variables could crash your program....

i have check my program in proteus and there seems no such problems

i have replaced 15pf with 33pf....initially for few days the problem occured but after that its resolved..
thanks all

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