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CST human voxel - help needed

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Newbie level 6
Newbie level 6
Feb 15, 2010
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I am using CST STUDIO SUITE 2009 and I am trying to use the human voxel (

But when I import the voxel, the program generates an error: it says that ... are missing.

I read somewhere that this files define de voxel resolution (1mm to 8mm).

Where and how can I get this files?

Thank you!

To use HUGO you need to ask CST for it. Contact them.

i don't have origional cst software
could u please send me hugo
i will thank u a lot

Sorry, but I don't have HUGO.

Hi all,
I made by myself a Human Voxel model based on the Zubal data which is available for free. The problem is that the tissues in Zubal data does not include the electrical characteristics. I used the data found at to characterize the tissues at 1000MHz (which is the frequency i'm interested in). If you work at another frequency you have to manually change each tissue, using the data from the former link. The electrical data is in "material.txt". You have to import the "Human Model.vox" in the attachment. Let me know if this is ok!
One last thing: use all the stuff "at your own risk"...
I would not rely on my data to see if my stuff is cooking my head ;)
Anyway, I think this could be a good working starting point!
what is difference between perfect electric conductor (PEC) and perfect magnetic conductor (PMC) used as boundary condition in simulation?

They differ in setting E=0 at the boundaries or H=0 at the boundaries.
Think about the first: the idea is to have a boundary similar to the free space, infinitely far from your source (where E=0). But, if the field without the boundary-conditions is not zero, this means that you're adding a PEC at the (finite distance) boundaries which forces the E-field to zero. The PMC is the same thing but it works on the magnetic field. I hope it was clear (even if your question was not related to the topic ;) ). Rgds.

can u plz tell me how can i kn that what is the exact hight . length n width of human voxal so i can put my antenna near its head position?????????????

When i import voxal data into CST then there r two warning occurs abt NID16 and NID 27 so plz tell me how can i remove that???????

How can i change voxal data in CST for different frequencies and where i get the all dieldctric properties if the human tissues specofic mue, kappa, rho and k values?????????????

i m waiting for response...........or send me mail at


    Points: 2
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Hi! Sorry but I see only now your questions. Well, about the voxel volumes, each volume should be 3mm x 3mm but if you are interested in positioning your antenna, I guess that the easiest way is to copy&paste it and use the alignment steps proposed by CST after the Paste action. About the warning, they are two materials included in "material.txt" actually not being used. So, simply, remove the two lines from the material.txt. About your last question, it is pretty unclear: you mean that you don't know how to get k, rho and so on?
If it is your question: i used Mue as 1 per each tissue (it should be a good approx of tissues since we don't have solid-state metallic volumes) (Permeability (electromagnetism) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). k (S/m) is the conductivity which is Sigma in the above FCC link; Rho is the density (I used the average ones, you can find them at the bottom of the FCC table) while K is the termal conductivity. You can get it from scientific literature; for example
Hope it was helpful!

---------- Post added at 08:27 ---------- Previous post was at 08:19 ----------

PS, I forgot to say that the measurments reported in FCC are narrow band (single freq). If you are interested in pulsed EM response (that is, if you are considering both the early-time and the late-time response) or in wideband stimuli I don't know how to specifiy several different frequencies to be considered by the human body model...
Have you ever considered using varipose (tm)?

---------- Post added at 08:29 ---------- Previous post was at 08:27 ----------

PS, I forgot to say that the measurments reported in FCC are narrow band (single freq). If you are interested in pulsed EM response (that is, if you are considering both the early-time and the late-time response) or in wideband stimuli I don't know how to specifiy several different frequencies to be considered by the human body model...
Have you ever considered using varipose (tm)?
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    Points: 2
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    Points: 2
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Thank you very much.............................

Hello Alessio,
Could you please upload this "zip" file again? I cannot extract due to a CRC error and I would really like to try it in the CST.

here it is.
again, i cannot guarantee any fidelity in the em data.
please, let me know if you find it useful.


  • Human body Model.rar
    3.9 MB · Views: 903
I have tried to open files in your "rar" folder but I'm getting a CRC error again? Also, these files are not voxel models but are from Virtuoso and XFDTD software?

Thanks Alessio.

that's strange: ravi8331 downloaded it without problems.. I will try to send you the stuff with a private message. by the way, the files are a voxel model. They don't come from virtuoso nor xfdtd but from: **broken link removed**

hi, how did you create the vox_tiss8.dat file? I am stuck of making '.dat' file, can you give me some hints?

I did not create the .dat file. since it is the one given by Zubal.
Anyway, the creation of voxel files is pretty easy. It is a nx x ny x nz matrix of double (nx,ny,nz are the number of voxels in each direction).
At each "point" (center of the voxel) the double-typed value of the matrix is the identifier of the material (0 being vaccum).
For instance, see this matlab script:

nx = 256;
ny = 151;
nz = 602;
voxel = zeros(nx,ny,nz);

for x=1:nx
for y=1:ny
for z=1:nz

voxel(x,y,z)= <material_identififer at point x,y,z>

datfile = fopen(<outputfile>,'w');

Hope this is clear enough. Let me know if everything is ok!
Thanks mate, thats what I am looking for, I will give it a try, hope it goes well


Hi all,
I made by myself a Human Voxel model based on the Zubal data which is available for free. The problem is that the tissues in Zubal data does not include the electrical characteristics. I used the data found at **broken link removed** to characterize the tissues at 1000MHz (which is the frequency i'm interested in). If you work at another frequency you have to manually change each tissue, using the data from the former link. The electrical data is in "material.txt". You have to import the "Human Model.vox" in the attachment. Let me know if this is ok!
One last thing: use all the stuff "at your own risk"...
I would not rely on my data to see if my stuff is cooking my head ;)
Anyway, I think this could be a good working starting point!

hi, where do i get the human model.vox? I see on the Zubal data site that there are only the .dat files but i am in need of a model for use in CST.

thank you for your time and help.

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