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ICD2 compatible/clone for 18F4550

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Newbie level 5
Newbie level 5
Oct 14, 2007
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real ice clone

Hi all,

I am looking for an ICD 2 clone/compatible in ebay.

What do you suggest me?

Thanks in advance

icd2 clone 18f4550

The most clones on sale is a PIC design (Unexpensive desing), they are make with transistors for the logic, this work well, but do not have suport for 3.3v and MCP41010 for automatic change the Vpp.
icd2 18f4550

It is true, all use PICs IC and i have seen that most of them has an jumper to select 3.3 or 5.0 volts.

The question is: They works correctly or not with MPLAB?


pk2 lite

I was refering to the "PICS" user design. You will find him in this forum. "PICS" user makes a good, cheap desing. Generally the people in ebay take his desing and modify the board.

Why you don't build your own ICD2 o PICKit2. Is Cheap and funny and learn a lot of things.
The Ease to make is the PICKit2, you will find the schematic in the "PICkit 2 Microcontroller Programmer User's Guide" and the firmware, both in the Microchip web page.

I make the ICD2 potoyos version and work perfec in MPLAB IDE v7.60:

18f4550 icd2

Thanks for your answer,

I think "Great, made by me!" But i need to see the list of components and requirements and I look "How much" is the total cost. The current problem that i have is that i am in Canary Islands and probably, if i pick each component or a group of then the total cost will be greater than buy one clone in internet. For example, if i buy in farnell they require 30 Euros as shipping and handling (Crazy).

However, i have seen the "post" that you appoint me and i have seen that for example, the smd clone version of ebay have several problems.

I will post my decision in some days: "buy in ebay" or "made by me"

Thanks a lot,
Javier ;)

icd2 usb 18f4550

If you decide to build your own icd2, I'm here to help you.
icd2 smd clone

Folks; would you be interested in one of my Junebug PCBs for evaluation?
I'm doing the final artwork now, should be ready in about two weeks.

**broken link removed**
microchip real ice clone

Hi blueroomelectronics!
Your work looks great!, but I am currently making my PICkit2, I'm in the testing process.

Thanks for your offer.
icd2 18f4550 firmware

The PICkit2 firmware can be loaded on your ICD2 clones 18F4550, you'll need to put a 4.7K resistor between RA1 and VDD to suppress the error but you can see how the PK2 software works.

Of course your ICD2 won't actually function as a PK2 but the PK2 software will think it's a PK2.
18f4550 xp driver


please let me some basic lessons. Suppose, I want to build an ICD2 Clone, for example the Potyo2 version.

As soon as i will have the PIC 18F/LF4550 and the PIC 16F877A what is it the next step:

Mount the circuit Potyo2 circuit? or Program both circuits with a boot or a firmware?

I mean, if i buy both PICs, do i need a programmer to write the boot or the firmware? can i use a simple JDM Serial programmer to do it?

is there an step by step or tutorial to build it correctly?

Thanks again.

PD.- i have obtained the PIC18LF4550, i still looking for MC or HTC 34063A and a 16C877A....

real ice rb7

First program both pics before mount the circuit because some pins are in use like Rb7 and Rb6 for the 16f877a.

Yes, you can program both with a JDM programmer, I did with this.

The firmwares you will find it in the attached file. For the ICD2-4550.hex is a boot + program and for ICD2-16F877A.hex is only a bootloader. You don't need to move the settings or fuses


pickit2 lite .brd

Ok, thanks

Last question is ( i think "last" ;) ) :

What is it the difference between Potyo1 and Potyo2 or PICS rev b and rev c? I have seen both schematics (Potyo1 and 2) and I thinks that both do the same, but Potyo2 has an IC that do the same that severals xtors do in Potyo1.

I do this question due to, i had found an spanish webpage that can provide to me (Canary Islands) all components except the MCP41010.

Best regards,

mplab real ice clone

if you interest
**broken link removed**


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icd2 18f2550


I want to build it by my self. On the other hand, This desing is made with SMD components, and I say NO PLEASE. Suposse that i buy this pretty design and it has an mistake. If the main components are SMDs i have a big problem. If the main components are the same but DIP versions i can reuse all in a new proto-board or whatever without effort. If they are SMD i need to take care to reuse them.

Finally, i want to re-learn and remember all that i have in my old mind


icd2 compatible

jsosa said:
Ok, thanks

Last question is ( i think "last" ;) ) :

What is it the difference between Potyo1 and Potyo2 or PICS rev b and rev c? I have seen both schematics (Potyo1 and 2) and I thinks that both do the same, but Potyo2 has an IC that do the same that severals xtors do in Potyo1.

I do this question due to, i had found an spanish webpage that can provide to me (Canary Islands) all components except the MCP41010.

Best regards,

Personally I don't recomend to build de "PICSs" version, precisely because it doesn't have a Mc41010 circuit and a level translator from 5v to 3.3v and vice versa. I don't make it, but I read in this forum that "PICS" desing have a lot of noise.

The mc41010 (digital resistor) change the VPP through the mc34063, this is according to the device selected in Mplab IDE ( look out: not all the 5v pics have the same VPP).

With respect to potyos 1 and 2, the "most important change" is the 74HC4066. Is intend to place the PGD and PGC pins to high impedance during idle state.

With all this, you save enough time ;)

icd2 pic16f877a 18f4550 74hc4066

folkes, how's your PK2 clone coming? I've just sent the artwork off to the PCB house.

pickit2 clone 18f4550

blueroomelectronics said:
folkes, how's your PK2 clone coming? I've just sent the artwork off to the PCB house.

Hi blueroomelectronics
I stop it :cry:, because I have to build an other projet, but may be I finish the next week. Anyway I have my ICD2.

What is the name of the pcb house that you use?

icd2 18f4550 smd

It's local, in Brampton Ontario Canada. Can't say it would be of much use to you in Guadalajara.
Offer still stands, I'd be happy to send you a bare board free. I'd like to get your feedback.

programas compatibles con icd2

Hi blueroomelectronics.
It is a pleasure to accept your great board. Even more, because I waste my time in another project and just leave the pk2 project unfinished.
I will do a full review of your board.

Again thanks for you offer.

icd2 compatible program

folks said:
Hi blueroomelectronics.
It is a pleasure to accept your great board. Even more, because I waste my time in another project and just leave the pk2 project unfinished.
I will do a full review of your board.

Again thanks for you offer.

Terrific, I've just sent the artwork to the PCB house, should be ready next Wednesday. I look forward to your comments.
I was very surprised with the PICkit 2, its gone from a toy to a truly powerful PIC programmer, in some ways even superior to the ICD2.
**broken link removed**
The Junebug mounted in a LAB-EASY BC-04 modular case, a BC-02 is also shown.

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