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100 points for good idea

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paralle port is the best option
hardware ==>one digital logical input for port.

and rest is programming in assembly or c++
1)port programming to read data
2)filing (making files) programming

filing will let u store tha data in .txt file along with the system time

u can program to monitot the port and when it gives signal, program will write a new line to predefined file adding time to it.

use hall effect to detect current flowing throug rele, used RTC to maintine time and some micros

i think u should use the serial port to communicate from VB(visual basic) to PIC
i mean u can use VB read data from PIC ..... cos PIC have serial communication it ....

i hope u understand.....

i did a project like that in the last several months

51 MCU wih keilc IDE ,easy program

RTC DS1687-5, ALSO easy to use,only use the 51 MCU instruction

MOVX A,@DPTR to read the time and date you need,also can use
C language.

the enclosure i upload is the project chip code write by keil c.

u can use a serial port assistant on PC to debug it.

i have done it,can use

Yes, you can use COM port via serial port. Use VB to capture data, and thats it!

Where is the parallel port on your PC? new PC's come without it! the easiest is to use a small PIC even a 10F to monitor the relay, when it's triggered it send a signal serial to a VB program running on a PC, the VB program take the system time and date and write a simple text log file to the HD, that's it
VB code snippet to write the file
Open FileName for append as #1
Print #1,Time, Date
close #1
PICBasic code to monitor the relay
IF GPIO.0 = 0 THEN GOTO Main         'monitor pin if it go high then send data
SEROUT GPIO.1,N2400,["Q", "Relay triggered"]
GOTO Main                                    'loop to label Main forever

Added after 1 hours 17 minutes:

And here is the VB code I'm using on one of my projects to read the code of a Dallas iButton that is send by a PIC16F627
Private Sub MSComm1_OnComm()
   Select Case MSComm1.CommEvent
   ' Handle each event or error by placing
   ' code below each case statement

   ' Errors
      Case comEventBreak   ' A Break was received.
      Case comEventFrame   ' Framing Error
      Case comEventOverrun   ' Data Lost.
      Case comEventRxOver   ' Receive buffer overflow.
      Case comEventRxParity   ' Parity Error.
      Case comEventTxFull   ' Transmit buffer full.
      Case comEventDCB   ' Unexpected error retrieving DCB]

   ' Events
      Case comEvCD   ' Change in the CD line.
      Case comEvCTS   ' Change in the CTS line.
      Case comEvDSR   ' Change in the DSR line.
      Case comEvRing   ' Change in the Ring Indicator.
      Case comEvReceive   ' Received RThreshold # of
                        ' chars.
    Dim Chain  As String
    Dim ChainASCII As String
    Dim Character As String
    Dim CodeCharacter As Integer
    Dim Dummy As String
    Dim Letter  As String
    Dim Counter As Integer
    'Form1.MSComm1.Output = "SSA"              'stuur Acn
    If (Form1.MSComm1.InBufferCount > 0) Then
       Chain = Form1.MSComm1.Input       ' +
       Text1.Text = Chain
       Text1.SelStart = Len(Chain)
        ChainASCII = ""
        For Counter = 1 To Len(Chain)
            Character = Mid(Chain, Counter, 1)
            CodeCharacter = Asc(Character)
            Letter = Hex(CodeCharacter)
            ChainASCII = ChainASCII + Letter
        Next Counter
        KeyCode = Right(ChainASCII, 11)
        Gate = Left(ChainASCII, 1)
        If Left(KeyCode, 1) > 0 Then KeyCode = 0 & Right(KeyCode, 10)
        End If
        Form1.MSComm1.Output = "SSA"
       If (Form1.MSComm1.InBufferCount <> 8) Then
    Form1.MSComm1.InputLen = 0
    Dummy = Form1.MSComm1.Input
    Form1.MSComm1.InputLen = 8
    End If
      Case comEvSend   ' There are SThreshold number of
                     ' characters in the transmit
                     ' buffer.
      Case comEvEOF   ' An EOF charater was found in
                     ' the input stream
   End Select
End Sub

pasicr said:
Hi for all,
Anybody has idea for this,
one relay is activated with some signal for electronic door,
I need hardware + software for counting (in real time) any click on rele, with report like date and time of activation,
with possibility to connect on PC and get report in any format, txt, excel...
That is easy!avr is enough for you!

Use a PIC microcontroller, make a clock software (time and date), and use external interrupt (INT pin ) for counting any click of relay. When a click of relay generate an interrupt you read the time and date and send to PC. You can increment a count register four counting the click of relay. Use serial port (rs232) and hyper terminal to connect with PC. In hyper terminal you can capture all data in *.txt format.

you can use RTC(real time clock) for date and time
but you can use matlab for controling all the events (recomended!)


I am finding good electronic design idea for under graduate program. plese let me know suble idea for this



You can have a low end CPLD, Real Time Clock, Relay (5V preferrable), and additional small circuits. You can have a small piece of VHDL code for serial port, counting the clocks for relay ON and OFF. Serial port can be used to monitor and change the configuration of the CPLD settings.

I implemented this technique in one of our applications successfully.

If you need more details on this kindly contact me.


N. Muralidhara

choose pic 16f877
use all protocals available in it
in other words optimize the pic 16f877

semi semester project proposal

interface "tmp 124" temperature sensor using spi master protocol many other digital spi and i2c temperature sensors are easily available u can also request free sample from

then use pwm protocol and control the pwm of a fan based on temperature

design a techometric harware to calculate rpm of the fan or use a laptop or processor fan which has an inbuilt hardware of providing techometric signal
use counter module for rpm

now interface an alphanumeric lcd for displaying rpm pwm and temperature of the area using psp module of pic

u can also interface a humidity sensor using adc module

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