100 points for good idea

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Advanced Member level 1
Aug 13, 2005
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mcb2300 i2c routines

Hi for all,
Anybody has idea for this,
one relay is activated with some signal for electronic door,
I need hardware + software for counting (in real time) any click on rele, with report like date and time of activation,
with possibility to connect on PC and get report in any format, txt, excel...

what is 100 point of idea

whit AVR or PIC or ...?
you need idea or you need all the circuit?!
you can use INT0 and Timer1 four counting and you can use Matlab to get report az text
AVR is good for you

I have experience with pic micro,
If you have all circuit for share with me OK,
I wait massage from you,

PIC16 series MCU + one RTC chip for date and time + Max232 for seirial communication + PC master sw( developped with VS or Delphi or other IDE if run on Windows )

I dont have this circuit but.....
I have a project for controlling DC motor vath AVR
1st count the motor RPS(like count your rele)
2nd send the RPS to computer(you need this)
3rd in the Matlab we can see all the results(you need this)
4th matlab will send new RPS to micro (you can control the rele or other part whit this controller in matlab)
5th micro will make new pwm

if you whant I can upload this project I think it can helps you
but its AVR not PIC !!!!

For Amiralib,
what is with date and time,

you can use RTC(real time clock) for date and time
but you can use matlab for controling all the events (recomended!)

May I recieve data and time for every click on relay in matlab with your sch?

in my sch you cant do this
I give you some Ideas ...only this.

hi . as the guys said u can use pic or avr & write ur program with external interrupt enabled.u can write a program in vb & send ur data in a data base for report.


    Points: 2
    Helpful Answer Positive Rating
You can achieve it without need of use uControler.

The PC parallel port can enable a simple circuit containning a relay, and a software running at real-time in order to get timming of events.



Hi to everyone.
I have implemented such a design with an 8051 MCU
Using one PC to monitor a switch is an overkill.Too much power
and trouble for something so small.
Use one mcu to store program code .
For RTC use philips I2C Rtc clock .Don't get into trouble designing RTC in software .Everything is ready for 1.5 euros (PCF8583 RTC) .For storage use I2C memory so you use same software pieces .
PC download can be done with two ways .One is standard RS232 .You have to write software to read and decode memory contents .Second is use a I2C eeprom reader to read contents of memory .
Such slutions also exist for PIC
Now if you want to experiment with a new controller a bit but have an almost ready solution . Use KEIL MCB 2300 development board or similar .
RTc is there plus secure digital card interface plus display +USb interface + RS232 interface +plus ethernet interface etc.
Most sofware in library form is ready so in few afternoons you have it done .
The possibilities with all those interfaces are enormous .
So it's up to you to decide

andre_teprom said:
You can achieve it without need of use uControler.

The PC parallel port can enable a simple circuit containning a relay, and a software running at real-time in order to get timming of events.

Absolutely, PC parallel port is what you need, no µC at all !!
Instead of MathLab I would suggest LabView because there's no math involved
You can find vi's at the NI website that access the parallel port.

That is of course if the PC can be used all the time for the job

It is a simple task in Labview you need : DAQ card from NI , Labview 7.1 or higher version , and a small software that will do the following :
1- recording ( logging ) any data you data you want in any format ( txt , exl ...etc )
2- control any hardware switching ....

for any help contact me

why dont we try to make a project in recovering code from a locked micro-controller

Added after 1 minutes:

we can generate microcontrooler program through matlab

Added after 5 minutes:

can anyone help in making my project.Actually i want to make an automatic car control system using 8051 and i want to know any idea or senser which can measure the speed of car.

make 89c2051 or 89c51 baased project . it will be very simple. very simple program.plz try .....

agree with leonardo0,

use your favorite uC including the development,
add RTC for date&time,
add EEPROM to log the event, big enough for a given period.
you can use LCD to display current event or browse saved-events with some button for that purpose (software is getting more complex).
small size and low-power that suits for data logger.


if you want to download the saved-event from EEPROM just put it off and analize its content.


wanna do in convenient way? add RS-232 and add a button. connect your data-logger to the PC. when you press it, your uC will read the EEPROM and send via serial comm to your PC, use visual basic or other software to save it in a file.

converting RS-232 to Ethernet (buy the module for fast prototyping), and you can download your door-event over the world

or maybe you can use RS-232 to bluetooth / WiFi so you can monitor it by your PDA or mobile phone while you have lunch...

just an idea.

How much money did you think spend?
A embedded solution is cheaper.
I think that your project should contain the following components:
- PIC microconroller (12Fxxx )
- RTC, real time counter I purpouse HT1381.
- Memory: Use serial memories in that case, If require huge amount of data you should choose an 24 series or 25 series. About prices, 93 series and 24 series have the same.

So, If you have interest in my design let me know it, and I'll post it.



In vb6 you can capture events on COM port also and can record the event time in any formate you want. You can connect RTS pin of your PC comport with the output of relay through a simple trasister resistor circuit.


Hi dani,

Paralel port also have a low-level hardware interrupt ( IRQ ) that can be used to capture the event.


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