1/2 wire lcd and keyboard driver

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o yes, on the manual ,it specifies an 4x4 keypad with the last column as letters 'A' 'B' 'C' and 'D' , as 'D' as a VALID button, as you put an 3x4keypad, missing the last column, the 'D' button was outside labeled as VALID. now you must press 'D' (uppercase! don't forget!) to send the VALID button...

With a little patience it works well, I got to change password, set areas and set the alarm... (don't forget to put password and 'blank' button '1111-' or acept the data with the VALID button 'D' uppercase)

i'll got to work on an specific terminal for this projetc, I'm planning to use a PIC16f628 OR a PIC16F88 let me know Which one do you prefere or do you have at hand or can get easily... (tye ol' 16f84 is too old for an eficient work... need one with integrated usart...)

checking the datasheets... my work would be quite easier with an 16f628 than a 16f88 so if you can get both, let me choose an 16f628, anyway i'll wait for your answer...


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ya, looks everything ok now, if you preffer to work with 16f28A please do, i am sure i can get them.
thanks again, i am looking forward to see it.

so... this is my attempt of an semi-exclusive terminal serial to lcd+keypad... it differentiates from a normal character to a goto-command by the MSbit...

Sorry i did it on C (with the great CC5x) but attached the generated ASM file... i suggest to get the cc5x if you need to make further changes...

with the virtual terminal it works great...

now to combine... must change a line on the LCDOUT procedure to not send "ENTER" over TX but the exact goto command... hopefully i'll do it on the next hours...

If everything is OK, it will work with no more troubles...

the crystal value is 4MHz... anyway... with the same init procedure, both crystal should be the same value!

Also! a debug line must be taken out from this terminal program, so there is no echo on the terminal....


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cool, forget to tell you i am using 4x4 keypad

oh! just connect the 4-th column to the d4 diode.. the code was for a 4x4 keypad anyway...

Added after 5 hours 52 minutes:

ok, so far, i modified the terminal code to be more speedy, and modified the main alarm program... so this is a somekind beta release...
It has issues specially with the waitpress and waitrelease procedures... but it works somelike... test it...

to make it work on proteus i had to modify the circuit a little, mostly disable unused stuff and made all the resistor digital sim....

I hope you could build it and test it more, i'm planning to make all the serial communication by interrupts, so there will be no more troubles at the keypad readings.... by the time tell me how it works for you...

(the password is '1111' again)


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thats cool dude, i ordered 16f28A, as soon as you told me. so i should get it by 2/3 days max. mean time i have everything wired up and when i got the ic i will make the terminal. so i would say you will know by 2/3 days.

i know there is little bit issue with the waitpress and waitrelease procedures, with the second last one, i have to check the new one today, i couldn't get passive mode by pressing # button on keyboard with the last one.

if you do change in the mean time, please let me know. i will try with simulator to see how its works...

well done dude, i should get the terminal made soon, let you know then.

just wondering, when the alarm active bell/strobe suppose to be go off?

cant see them working in simulator.

edit: was a stupid question.

never mind, its works perfect. thanks

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