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Who is your idole in Analog Design?

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Apr 13, 2004
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razavi niknejad idole

As for me, 'Behzad Razavi' is my idole...I'm very curious to be like him :D

What about others?

allen hollenberg vs razavi

My idol is R.J. Widlar for his work on

+ current sources
+ amplifiers
+ voltage refernces (band gap reference)

williams.ram stanford

-Thomas Lee of Stanford Uni in RF CMOS design ..He has breed quite a lot of assosiate professor in other UNi such as Don Lee in Harvard Uni, Ali Hajimiri of Caltech and numerous more who published some good books about RF cmos.
-Paul Gray & Meyer from Berkeley Uni
-Asad Abidi from UCLA
-Paul Allen from Gatech Uni
and many many more ...

abidi ucla analog ic

One problem in this area is that the best designers never wrote books or journal articles and very few people know about them. Most of these people worked on secret military and espionage projects that were decades ahead of their time and would be called state of the art several decades later, but they cannot claim the credit for them.

There is also the problem of credit for reinventing. The "Gilbert mixer" existed back in the valve/tube days. 28 GHz radar was operational in 1945. In 1943 there was a radar transponder the size of a paper back book which showed the location of the infantry units on the ground on the aircraft radar. It also contained a two way voice channel by modulating the pulse parameters in both directions. The US military had operational OFDM systems in 1950. The Germans had FHSS operational systems in around 1943.
top universities analog design

Jim Williams

best analog designer

I forgot to mention that microwave synthesizers that switched in a fraction of an RF cycle period existed by 1960.

best book on analog design

"One problem in this area is that the best designers never wrote books or journal articles and very few people know about them. Most of these people worked on secret military and espionage projects that were decades ahead of their time and would be called state of the art several decades later, but they cannot claim the credit for them"

So, there are a lot of superb designer we don't know? Wow...very interesting! 8O Very courious to know one of them and on what feild they are expertize! :D [/b]

analog design gatech

Valdemar Poulsen, the father of the HiFi set. He invented radio (real voice, not that dots-and-dashes crap), and had a 100kW AM transmitter in his garden shed. Accidentally he also invented the tape recorder.

James Clerk Maxwell also comes to mind :)


Barrie Gilbert, he is working now and his works about translinear circuits were published

2 guamak_menanak:

So, there are a lot of superb designer we don't know? Wow...very interesting! Very courious to know one of them and on what feild they are expertize!

Do you know the names of analog designers working currently in National Semiconductors, Maxim, TI etc???

Do you know any of the people who created the most advanced systems for military, space etc (analog those days and without modern CAD tools) 20-40 years ago (or even before if we speak about tubes as well)?

In most cases we know only the names of people from the academics for their books and publications - and there's a lot of design that is not so well described.

There are a lot of interesting people out there who do not make any big deal of their past. One of my friends was in Merrill's Marauders in the 1939-1945 war. Another was a mercenary in South East Asia around 1955. Another invented the gas laser. Another was one of the soldiers in the famous photo of the US and Soviet soldiers meeting for the first time in Germany. Another was a Lancaster pilot who continued to fly even though he fulfilled the mission limit and could have been out of danger.

National Instruments Guru Robert Pease.

You mean National Semiconductor!

Dr.Thomas H. Lee

He has had a major role in most of the really popular works...which are really the turning points in RFIC design!!!!

get them here...ur in for a surprise

Re: Who is your idol in Analog Design?

How about Gray and Meyer at Berkeley ?

I don't know about you guys but this is I feel the best book in Analog IC design from an explanation point of view. The new book is updated with CMOS too and is amazing, can start learning from scratch which is more than I can say for Razavi or Lee, which assume you are a PhD student.

As for other designers, most of electronics is shrouded in military secrecy: most of the work by Lee, Hajimiri, Gray, Meyer, and whoever else is done for the US military and I am sure it is the same in other countries around the world -- these of course cannot be published and you can be sure work at Caltech with Hajimiri involves military work, I mean that is what Caltech is for.

Most engineering work is not known, especially in the military arena and probably never will be.

I totally agree with Puppet1 about "the" book for starting to learn analog ic..why even analog design in general....I particularly love the way the in chapter 3 the small signal model is introduced and the way in which the need for biasing has been elucidated by plotting the Vo vs Vi curve for a simple single stage CE or CS stage!!!!

really love analog ic design by gray and meyer

another major book that I read even before gray and meyer is called
Electronic Principles: Physics, Models and Circuits
by Paul E. Gray, Campbell L. Searle

this is THE BOOK I would say to really really start analog circuit design in general...the design problems and examples are even better than gray and meyers!!!!

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