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bandpass filter design in ADS

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Dec 13, 2005
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I have a project to fabric an amplifier by transistor in ADS and the current step is design bandpass filter as compenents and circuits.
I work at 5GHz.


    Points: 2
    Helpful Answer Positive Rating
What kind of help u need in ads.
how to design bandpass filter or
simulation of filter design in ADS
i can help u in both ways

Hi all,
Really i want to know how can i calculate L,S, W and how i can simulate the filter as circuit in ADS.
Thx for help.

in case of parallel coupled BPF u can consult microwave engineering By D M Pozar or Microstrip filters for RF Microwave applications By M J Lancaster to calculate even and odd impedences.
Follow these steps to design filter.
1. Calculate even and odd impedances
2. Go to ADS tools and Open Line Cal. software
3. Enter your design frequency and Substrate specifications
4. Calculate length width and spacing between coupled lines for each value and simulate in momentum
if u still stuck someware let me know
if u want me to design this filter provide me ur frequency,bandwidth and substrate number.

that will be very kind of you, and i wait the substrat number from the technicien.
the project is design amplifier by transistor MESFET in high frequencies in three steps:
1- DC block
2- Stability and matching
3- Measuring and layout

So i will provide you with all information as possible as.
thank you very much.

i attach all information about my project.
thax for help.

Hi umair67,

Can you help me to design a band pass filter using ADS and microstrip technology. The parameters of the band pass filter are:

1. Center frequency: 1.575GHz
2. BW=50MHz

and the following is parameters of the substrate:

1. εr=4.7
2. H=1.59 mm
3. T=0.35 mm
4. Tand=0.02

In addition, can you tell me the way to caculate the parameters of components in you design (ex: W, L of MLIN...)

Thank you very much and looking to hearing from you soon.

first, your circuit should be near from the picture that i upload.
You have MCFIL and the other stubs for matching and prevent DC short.
To calculate you parameter:
1- open Tools- LineCalc and choose your type stub, put your parameter, example :
to calculate W for MLIN, put Z0=50 ohm and f=1.575 Hz then press synthesize, you will get your W.

2- now for L and MLIN, the easiest way is to use "Tuning", you can find it in the main page ( to right to simulation), press on it then define your parameter that you want to tune.

Sure, before that it will do a previous simulation and put Smithchart with S11, S12.
You will try to get S11 too small and S12 near from Zero.
I put my results also



helo umair...i would like to ask u how to design simple bandpass filter with this specification..cnter freq=2.437GHz, upper freq= 2.448GHz and lower freq=2.426GHz..and i use FR-4 with specification H=1.6mm, loss tangent(tan d)=0.019, Er=4.7 and T=0.035mm..??i dont know how to get the order of this filter..

To calculate filter order: Download the spreadsheet program. G values and CBW Design Program. 2nd link on this page

**broken link removed**
thanks petermartin...but, if i use a butterworth response, can i use this???can i use the insertion loss method which refer to graph attenuation versus normalized frequency??but..i dont know the value of attenuation in dB that i must refer in that graph..?

Please tell me how to design a power amplifier in ADS at 433 MHz. i really need it.

sir, how to calculate the even and odd characteristic impedance (Z0e and Z0o) for parallel coupled bpf..
can we use ads software?

Hi all,
if you want ot use ADS to calculate Zoe, Zo0, go to Tools, LineCalc, for example type MCLIN for coupled line & ID MCLIN_MCLIN_DEFUALT, put your W,S,L and push Analyze.

If you don't want to use ADS, there are many ways to calculate Zoe, Zo0 depend on type of your BPF and i attach in word file one example.

Hey guys do u have any info on Design of BPF using rechards transformation and kuroda's identity??

hi umair,

I want to design 4Ghz BW BPF using Coupled line technique..please provide info on it.

Can anyone help me design a microstrip bandpass filter, with f0=5GHz and a bandwidth of 10%, R0=50 ohms, the filter order to be at least 5, the return loss is to be better than 18dB. For the microstrip line, FR4 substrate having εr=4.2, d =0.158 cm, tanδ = 0.01, copper conductors 0.5 mil thick. Using Ads.
Any help would be appreciated.

FR4 is a low cost, low precision substrate material intended for UHF frequencies. The large spread in tolerance of εr, thickness and tanδ gives an unreliable 5 GHz BP-filter design. Use a Duroid substrate or similar, intended for microwave filter design.

Hi umair67,

Can you help me to design a band pass filter using ADS and microstrip technology. The parameters of the band pass filter are:

1. Center frequency: 1.575GHz
2. BW=50MHz

and the following is parameters of the substrate:

1. εr=4.7
2. H=1.59 mm
3. T=0.35 mm
4. Tand=0.02

In addition, can you tell me the way to caculate the parameters of components in you design (ex: W, L of MLIN...)

Thank you very much and looking to hearing from you soon.

Hi. May i check with you about the parameters of the substrate, they were self found or being given? Thanks.

You can browse Rogers website for substrate parameters.
That T =0.35mm is about 10 oz.
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    Points: 2
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