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1n5408 maximum power
Recently i did a power supply. I'm using power diode 1N5408(they call it " STANDARD RECOVERY RECTIFIERS 50-1000 VOLTS 3.0 AMPERE") to design a rectifier and my transformer secondary is 12v-0-12v with 5Amp.
When i doing some testing the Load that i using is 12V/~2.9Amp is measured by multimeter. My problem is when i running the testing, the power supply rectifier is getting heat and hot. Not longer the diode 1n5408 is burn and explode. Finally the pcb is fire up
. One thing i feel oddness is the output power supply FUSE 3A was not trip. Why?
According to the 1N5408 spec it able to carry up the power 1000Vx3A=3000W. For my case the total power drove 12Vx3A=36W is lest then 3000W, why the diode can burn? And the last, why the fuse wouldn't trip?
Please anyone can help to explain?...
Thank You.
Recently i did a power supply. I'm using power diode 1N5408(they call it " STANDARD RECOVERY RECTIFIERS 50-1000 VOLTS 3.0 AMPERE") to design a rectifier and my transformer secondary is 12v-0-12v with 5Amp.
When i doing some testing the Load that i using is 12V/~2.9Amp is measured by multimeter. My problem is when i running the testing, the power supply rectifier is getting heat and hot. Not longer the diode 1n5408 is burn and explode. Finally the pcb is fire up
According to the 1N5408 spec it able to carry up the power 1000Vx3A=3000W. For my case the total power drove 12Vx3A=36W is lest then 3000W, why the diode can burn? And the last, why the fuse wouldn't trip?
Please anyone can help to explain?...
Thank You.