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Looking for simulator for conformal antennas designs

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Feb 4, 2002
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Conformal Antennas

Is there any em simulator for the design of conformal (not planar) antennas?

Thanks in advance.

You can always use 3D software like HFSS and CST.

You can add Feko and WIPL-D.


it is difficult to use a commercial software, especially for a big antenna array. I know somebody using NEC modified by themself

How do you modify NEC code to simulate for example a patch antenna? Replace the patch by many wires? How about the substrate?

Friend of mine used and i have to add that he succesfully used a.n.s.o.f.t hfss. I'll be happy to hear some oppinions about cst mws in this field of use.



hi loucy

facet is possible, I am also looking for a commercial software to design a conformal array for aircraft.


Conformal antennas

I've been designing conformal patch array (on cylindrical surfaces) using CST MWS and results agree with the measurements.
On the other side, I've been using a self-made Matlab code but in that case, I don't rigorusly consider elements mutual coupling.

Hope it can help you.
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    Points: 2
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Dear Lupin,

I've a self made matlab code based on the method of line. We can share our results to check their validity.

search for Antenna in the downloads section. this software is really wonderful!

maybe you could attach appropriate file, coz my serch queue returned no results of 'antenna NEC zip'....

Can you guys give the number of elements in the array simulated with MWStudio or HFSS?

large antenna

I have simulated 3 million by 3 million unknowns with nec.

What computer you are using?

I am more interested in the number of antenna elements in the array, not the size of the unknows.

Does anyone have experience about slotted patch antennas, chiral and DNG materials or Superlensing effect?
You can join me and exchange informations in the forum about Slotted Patch antennas and chiral materials.

Thanks in advance

microstrip antennas, microstrip and strip line components, phased arrays.

Dera Alto64,
we can select an array layout, planar and conformal. To check our code we can analyze a typical configuration and give informations about Directivity, nulls positions, computation time and so on...
What do you think?


Dear Lupin,

good idea.

Of course, we can open the discussion to all the people attending the forum.

Keep in touch.

Dear Alto64,
just to open the discussion and to check the validity of our codes, I just propose a configuration to be evaluated: at the beginning, we can analize
a planar array of 2 x 2 at 1.5 GHz, equally-spaced 0.7 lambda along x and y axis of a radiator whose pattern is cos(x).

let's compute:
Total Pattern on fi =0° and 90°, Directivity, nulls position.

Then we compare our results.
That's my idea, if you want to change the layout, let me know it ok?

Hope it can give us some help, ideas and interest to all the other people joining the section.


Dear Lupin,
few questions about the configuration to be evaluated at the beginning:

1) which kind of dielectric substrate,
2) wihch kind of feeding (microstrip planar or verical probe),

are you thinking of.


Reading your question, I suppose you mean a planar array of patch antennas. If you don't mind, we can use as a single radiator element
a squared patch (side length about 100 mm) with a 3.0 mm thick dielectric.
The adopted material is air;
the patch is probe-excited and is located so that the Return Loss is < -20 dB;
Array Excitation: Uniform.

Tell me what you think about it and if we have to modify something.


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