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[SOLVED] Multi Pt100 for Pic18 with unstable power

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It is unwise to maintain unnecessary headroom. If you are sure that the max temp will not exceed 250, then use a correct resistor so that you can use the full range.You may have other sources and it pays to account for the unexpected.

The next step - formula to transform ADC numbers to temperature.
I build a line on 2 points 0C and 300C.
Formula looks like TempC=0.715*LSB-378 or something.
Real transformation is non linear and I got 11.2C mistake at 150C. It will work but I dont like this fact.
Tomorrow I create formula with 3 different lines for ranges 0-100, 100-200, 200-300 and calculate new mistakes.
I think it would be better than to add coefficients with squares or roots.
Now I can say that for 0, 100, 300 mistake will be close to 0, the biggest mistakes will be at 50 150 250. It sure will be much less than 11, I expect 2-3 degrees.
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There are quadratic and cubic approximations for R(T) as well as T(R). For you case, because the range is small, a quadratic approximation will be good enough (give 1C). Or, you can take the same table and fit a quadratic or a cubic equation (curve fitting).
I have done a project of PT100 and I am getting these values

For 0 degree C I am getting 0.004 degree C
For 100 degree C I am getting 101.65 degree C
For 200 degree C I am getting 200.63 degree C
For 250 degree C I am getting 250.29 degree C

My Company doesn't allow me to post the code but I can help you with the calculation. I am using the RTD PT100 Temperature Calculation formula.

I am attaching the Proteus 8.3 SP2 format Simulation file. You test it. It is for full range i.e., -200 to 850 degree C.

I can't post the code but I can help you with the calculations.

See the attached image. it shows PIC18F46K22 measuring 250 degree C using PT100.

The attached document (PDF) shows these PT100 resistances for 250 degree C.

250.00 194.10 194.46 194.82 195.18 195.55 195.91 196.27 196.63 196.99 197.35 250.00

I am getting 194.20

- - - Updated - - -

Check the temperature and resistances from the attached PDF.


  • PT100 Temperature Measurement.rar
    29.1 KB · Views: 109
  • PT100.png
    37.7 KB · Views: 148
  • TD_TV_PT1A.pdf
    61.7 KB · Views: 119
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I am attaching the Proteus 8.3 SP2 format Simulation file. You test it. It is for full range i.e., -200 to 850 degree C.

If you do a curve fitting with the required range, i.e., 0 to 400C, you will also get a better fit.
No, not really. You fit a curve T=a+b*R+c*R^2+d*R^3 using the data you have. Once you get the values of a,b,c and d put them in a function and get the value of T from R. You need to determine a,b,c and d only once. The curve fitting can be done once on a PC just to get the parameters.
Excel can be used for getting the a, b, c and d values ? If not, what software can be used to get the values and how ?

Open excel worksheet

put temp in one col
put resistance in another col
Select both
click insert
select scatter plot
select all points
select trend line
select polynomial order 2 or order 3
check box display equation on plot
you see the result.
formula y=ax^2+bx+c gives 0.45C mistake, which is enough.

1. Don't use MC34063 to power up the microcontroller. If you want, increase the output voltage of the switching regulator to 6V or above & connect a 5V LDO. Now connect the output of the LDO to powerup the microcontroller.
2. 10bit ADC is not enough. You have to use 12 bit ADC at the least for acheive below 1°C accuracy.
3. Use constant current source of 1mA. 20mA current source will introduce RTD self heating problem & again you will get the erratic reading.
4. If RTD wire length is more then 3 meters, you have to include wire length componsation circuit to reach the accuracy.
5. You must have to include a differential amplifier(with very low input offset voltage) to get the output span.

I'm using a RTD circuit as you can see in attachment which is 3 wire. If you are using 4 wire RTD, then you may have to make changes in circuit to get even better accuracy.



    95.2 KB · Views: 121
Excel gave this equation for Order 3 Polynomial. How to use it now ?

y = 2E - 08x^3 - 7E-05x^2 + 0.3918x + 100.04

x is RTD PT100 resistance ?

E = e ?
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Excel gave this equation for Order 3 Polynomial. How to use it now ?

y = 2E - 08x^3 - 7E-05x^2 + 0.3918x + 100.04

x is RTD PT100 resistance ?

E = e ?

The x is resistance and y is temperature (first col is x and the second col is y)- I hope.
2E-08 simply means 2*10^(-8); 7E-05 means 7*10^(-7).

If you want resistance as a function of temp, just interchange the x and y columns in the spreadsheet.

The equation is giving wrong results. It should give 0 deg C for x = 100.

Got it. now it is working but my earlier calculation was giving more precise results. Now it gives 1.2 deg C defference for 300 deg C.
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udhay_cit, your advice about power supply is very useful.
About 10/12 bit ADC.
I don't need 1°C accuracy, I only need 1°C resolution for temperature representation.
The unit just need to keep stable preset value. Noone cares about absolut value.
Operator checks the heating result and up/down preset value. That's it.
It's done.
I took 3 points 0 150 300 and corresponding LSB by Proteus for my scheme.
I found A B C in group:
(thank c_mitra)

and I got a formula TempC=A*LSB*LSB+B*LSB+C (which I complicated for 2 parameters to adjust slope and offset)
As I told it has 0.45C mistake with Proteus simulation

I've already tried the measuring unit today, it works quit plausible. (The range was 0-180 and real mistake was 2C. Mistake I mean the differense between real and calculated by PIC temperature. It doesn't matter for keeping stable heating level. It does matter power/noise/filtering.)
Though I'm going to create better software noise filter.

Your temperature unit looks good but it is overloaded by components.
I build (copied actually) very simple unit and it will carry out the task - keeping heater at preset temperature.
Although I still have to do next step - create some PID regulation algorithm - for minimazing temperature span because of heater inertia.
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your advice about power supply is very useful.
As said before...the now used combination is the worst combination regarding accuracy.
Either use a voltage divider as reference, or a stable supply for the pt100.

I tend to place power sources on another board to play with them independently.
The mainboard will have free lines to connect Vref+/- and special line to power up sets of Pt100.
The general idea Pt100+R1 will stay.
The main power supply might be changed.
The special power supply only for Pt100 might be added.

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