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Why use 0 Ohm Resistor

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May 23, 2004
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zero ohm resistor one layer pcb

Hello all,

I found 0 Ohm Resistor was really exsisted, but how to use it and at which circumstance?


Davy Zhu

function of 0 ohm resistor

Usually they are used in single layer boards for connections which cannot be routed on copper due to density. In other cases, 0 ohm resistors are used as factory switches, when the same pcb board can be equipped in several variants, and particular connections must exist in each variant. Sometimes they are used as fuses.


why 0 ohm resistor is used ?


If you have a system with analogue and digital GND which have different names (AGND/DGND) in the schematic you can use 0 ohm resistors for connection analogue and digital GND.


what is the use of 0 ohm resistance

OK, I see, 0 ohm resistor isolate the different net name with the same node, thank you all!

Davy Zhu

22 ohm fuse resistor

0 ohm resistors are often called jumpers.

For leaded jumpers, you just use a piece of wire.
For SMD you need to use the same housing as a normal resistor for jumpers.
That's why you will find 0 ohm SMD resistors in diferent hounsings, but will not see any leaded 0 ohm resistors, but just a wire, often mount on the same roll as the leade resistors.

use of zero ohm resistor

Another use is for a test point. You can remove the resistor and apply a signal generator.

use and application of zero-ohm resistor

Yet another use is to set make different verisons with the same PCB.
The 0 ohm resistors could be connected to different pins on for example a microcontoller, to pull pins high or low.
Diferent combinations of mounted and not mounted jumpers could tell the microcontroller wich version it is.
When it reads which pins are pulled high and low, it would set up different parameters in the software.

It could also be used to route signals to diferent points of the board based on which version it was.
Some verions could have an extra filter and on versions when the filter is not needed a 0 ohm resistor could be mounted to route the signal another way.
It's much cheaper to make diferent versions of the same board by mounting different combinatoions of components than by making different PCB's.

A simple way of making a 110v and a 230v version of the same transformer PCB could be to place a 0 ohm resistor either at one place or anoter to route the line voltage to different windings on the transformer.

0ohm resistance value

Bandalear Resistors can only be used by auto insertion machines not wire links.


razz resistor

Engineers don't like to admit that they had to put a board link on the PCB... so they use a 0 Ohm resistor instead :p Also, I'm sure I've come across leaded 0 Ohm resistors.

22 ohm resistor on connection

seven_segment said:
I'm sure I've come across leaded 0 Ohm resistors.
Maybe, but it's more common just to use a wire, which can also be mounted on the same machines as leaded resistors.

Maybe some machines can't handle wire pices, so they have to use regular resistor housing.

pcb gnd 0ohm

Auto insertion machines can not insert bare jumpers. But they can easiliy insert zero ohm resistors.

why zero ohm resistor is used?

Oh, it's not leaded resistors but SMT resistors. But any difference between these two type 0 Ohm resistors?


Davy Zhu

why use 0 ohm resistors

atmaca said:
Auto insertion machines can not insert bare jumpers. But they can easiliy insert zero ohm resistors.
Some machines can I beleive.

davyzhu said:
Oh, it's not leaded resistors but SMT resistors. But any difference between these two type 0 Ohm resistors?


Davy Zhu

I think, peak Votage and Current.

i think it will improve the routing of PCB sometimes. and sometime it is for test.

I don't recommend to use 0 ohm resistor in schematic for separation of different nodes. As a result later you will get convergence problem during simulation. Use vdc=0V instead.

Fom said:
Use vdc=0V instead.
:?: :?: :?:
Can you get this in both leaded and SMD housing?

The 0 ohm resistor is used as a fuse.

I read all your posts but there is another reason for connecting 0 Ohm resistor That is:
In high frequencies and according to the track length and the dielectric constant of your PCB and cupper thickness some times you need matching resistance; but you don't know If you will need it or not and If yes what will be its value ?
In one of my designs I had to put 0 ohm resistance because I don't know if I will need matching resistance or not on a certain track .
In the first production I didn't need it so I put 0 ohm but when I just changed the PCB manufacture I discovered that I need to change the 0 Ohm to 22 ohm to make the board work correctly!
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