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  1. S

    Cap on bias nets of current mirror

    The gate-source voltage is regulating the current. If the source is connected to Vdd (as in your circuit) and you filter to ground, supply voltage changes will change the output current.
  2. S

    [SOLVED] Issue with Contactor Driver Circuit – MOSFET Burns at Higher Voltage

    Have you measured that? I have 2 different brands of diff-probes which can handle about 1000V. If I remember correctly, one has 2 MOhm and the other has 4 MOhm from each input to scope ground.
  3. S

    [SOLVED] Issue with Contactor Driver Circuit – MOSFET Burns at Higher Voltage

    You mean a differential probe? It is good to know that most differential probes are not isolated. They normally have a few MegaOhms from the inputs to ground on the oscilloscope side.
  4. S

    [SOLVED] Issue with Contactor Driver Circuit – MOSFET Burns at Higher Voltage

    Connect the clamp diode directly on the contactor terminals. If the MOSFET survives, the problem is related to the clamp diode wiring. You should not have long wires between the clamp diode and the contactor. What is the purpose of R13? If it is for speeding up the contactor release, maybe it is...
  5. S

    2 unit communication with Multi Gigabit Transceiver via SFP connector

    Make sure that you have the GTY rx equalizer in "LPM" mode, not "DFE". Use software ADIsimCLK to design/verify the AD9528 PLL loop filter, both the components and the register settings. Compare the results with the phase noise requirements specified by Xilinx. Run Xilinx IBERT test on the link.
  6. S

    Do While loop not working.

    What is the maximum value for duty? It is returned by the PWMx_Mc_Init function. How long does it take for the green LED to go to 100%? It should take 32.767 seconds before the second loop is executed If you wait 66 seconds, you should see the green LED go to 0% again. The first loop should test...
  7. S

    Crystal load capacitor

    You use the same package as the majority of your other low power components. Today that is probably 0402 or 0603.
  8. S

    LED Driver LM3409

    Vcst is at the top of the figure, next to the CSP pin, and it isn't referenced to ground. It is the offset/reference for the upper comparator. 1.24V is the reference for the lower opamp. The current through the 5R resistor also goes through the R resistor next to the CSP pin. 1.24V over the 5R...
  9. S

    measure a mosfet gate with a digital multimeter

    With a standard multimeter it should be an open circuit. Is something else connected to the gate in the circuit? Do you touch the probes with your fingers? Edit: if the gate really isn't connected to anything else, it is easy to damage it with overvoltage just by touching it, even with probes...
  10. S

    I think i have devised a new type of "super_transformer" for the Electricity grid?

    1. Your "super_transformer" can only maintain sinusoidal current up to the first branch of the connected grid. 2. I don't think forcing/regulating the current is a good idea. A predictable voltage is more important, even if it has some harmonics. The harmonics should be eliminated or...
  11. S

    [mark as solved] button

    I think it is bad if comments can't be added to a "solved" thread.
  12. S

    Aluminium heatsinks banned from electronics

    Are the LEDs in the same enclosure? If so, even if you solve the electronics cooling, what about the heat from the LEDs? Higher temperature means shorter life. Can you afford to spread the heat by using more (but lower power) LEDs -> higher component cost?
  13. S

    90degC ambient with Alu poly Caps?

    You forgot to mention how much the 40V is allowed to drop during the 200 ms. For a 100W load?
  14. S

    Buffers or line drivers

    Load voltage? High-side or low-side switching? Inductive load?
  15. S

    Sallen Key Filter Question

    The typical output impedance of the LTC1966 is 85 kOhm, so the 294k RB value is expected (85k + 38.3k + 169k).

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