zener diode spice model

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Newbie level 5
Dec 3, 2011
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i need to add a zener diode in orcad software for simulation, but i could not find the one i searched for. the zener diode is BZY88C16. The voltage and current of the diode is 16v and 400mA.
i tried for the spice model for it. if any one can sent the spice model for it to add to the orcad.

i have attached the data sheet for it.

View attachment datasheet zener diode bzy88c16.pdf

Hi My friend
At the orcad library type the D , letter , and then you'll see the zener diodes . for example if you want 5.1 volts diodes , you'll see the diodes that wrote 5.1 nearby them .
Best Wishes

i tried all the ways to find the particular diode bzy88c16. or if u can suggest me some other diode with 16v and 400mA. the main use is to breakdown the supply if it exceeds 16v or 400mA. but i was not able to find such kind of zener ..

waiting for reply,


try D02Cz16


    Points: 2
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i can see a good responce during 120mA if i go to 200mA there is a break down in it.

even during 120 mA supply. i can see a small drop in zener diode around 500.3nA . what i should do to make its breaking current to 400mA.

i have attached the image of orcad .


Try to use some of them in parallel together .

---------- Post added at 15:54 ---------- Previous post was at 15:53 ----------

BTW , why you used the zener diode at that mode ? ( it will break at reverse bias to prepare your desired voltage .)

i done it in practical, by designing the ckt, it works good. but not able to do it in simulation .
my desired maximum current input is 120 mA. the breakdown voltage is 400mA. so there was no problem during testing. please suggest me how to make the break down votage of the zener diode to 400mA with 16 V.
i tried many other diode still it showns many variation.

waiting for ur reply,


What do you mean by this :"the breakdown voltage is 400mA" ????

I believe you have a misunderstanding about zeners. Zeners are specified by breakdown voltage and maximum current (as determined by the power dissipation). All zeners of the same voltage and current rating have very similar characteristics. So a zener will conduct only a small amount of leakage current until it approaches its breakdown voltage (in the reverse direction with positive to cathode). Then the current will rapidly increase, limited mainly by the external impedance of the circuit driving the zener. If you exceed the zener's current rating you will likely zap it. In the forward direction a zener looks like a regular silicon diode.

OK there is some mixup in your way of thinking.
U are using a (common base mode )transistor to to make a current source that should output 400ma max into a load and it will in turn will result voltage across your load
now your zener must be able to take care of your load from your current supply vcc and break down /short of your current source transistor , that will run your vcc direct (thru emmiter resistor if used ) design your current source first its needed to calculate your zener max current (not 400ma much much more than 400ma) and post then we can help.

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